UNIT 2DECISION CONTROL STATEMENTDifferentiate between following – A method and a functions Find() and index() Find () and rfind() 2. Explain string function – swapcase(), isalpha(), join(),min(),replace()3. Write a program to reverse a string 4. Write a program to remove n the index character from a non empty string.5. Explain the feature of oop.6. Explain class variable and instance with example.7. Write following program using class-Make class triangle which calculate area of triangle. Fill in the blacks to create with a method display(). Class ABC__ Def__ init__(self,name): Self.name = name __ display (__): Print(“hello”+__.name)A=ABC(“python”)A.display() 8. Differentiate between public and private variables 9. Explain with example the significance of instance method, class method and static method. 10. write a program using class-Write a program to create class rectangle. Also find area and perimeter of the rectangle when length and breadth values are initiated. Write a program to accept display student information. 11. Define file. Explain different type of file. 12. Explain dictionary. How to access and remove elements of dictionary. 13. Write a program in python to count number of vowels and consonants present in the text file. 14. Write a program to open text file with keyword in read mode. 15. Explain the significance of open() function. 16. Explain different methods to write data in a file. 17. Write a python program to write a list content to a file. 18. Explain with the example significance of tell() and seek() methods.
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