Theory of Computation
Unit 1
1.What is power of alphabet? Give examples.
2. Draw and explain lexical analyzer.
3. State Kleen’s theorem.
4. Draw and explain transition matrix for full adder.
5. How do a DFA process strings?
6. Design a FA which accepts a decimal odd number.
7. Design a FA which accepts an odd binary number.
8. Design a FA to test divisibility by 3 for a unary number.
9. Construct DFA for language defined by set S.
10. Construct on NFA accepting {0} {1}* {0} *{1}.
11. Define the following terms:
- Symbol
- Alphabet
- Word
- Formal language
12. M =({q0, q1, q2},{a,b}, δ, q0, q2}) be an NFA with δ as shown below. Q0 is start state is q2 is a final state. Find DFA.
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