Theory of Computation
Unit 2
- Let ∑ = {a,b}. Write regular expression to define language consisting of strings w.
- Write some characteristics of regular expression.
- Explain the methods to construct DFA.
- Explain various strategies to build a finite automaton from a regular expression.
- Construct ꞓ NFA for regular expression R,
R =(a+b)* abb
6. Construct NFA for regular expression (1(00)* 1 + 01* 0)*.
7. Construct DFA equivalent to regular expression
R=(ab+ba)* aa (ab+ba)*
8. State and prove if L is a language accepted by DFA, then L is denoted by a regular expression.
9. Consider FA shown in fig.
Find equivalent regular expression for the same.
10. State and explain Arden’s theorem.
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