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Unit 2

John Dryden - Mac Flecknoe

  1. What is the most humorous passage from John Dryden's poems "Mac Flecknoe”?

2.                  Mac Flecknoe as a mock heroic poem - What does mock heroic mean?

3.                  In his poem titled Mac Flecknoe, John Dryden attacks Thomas Shadwell. Does Dryden effectively attack Shadwell or does he create sympathy for Shadwell?

4.                  Discuss briefly, Mac Flecknoe as a satire?

5.                  What is Dryden's intention in writing Mac Flecknoe?

6.                  Was the real Shadwell actually deserving of Dryden's scorn?

7.                  What is a "poetaster," and what is Dryden's opinion of them as evidenced in the poem?

8.                  How does Dryden translate personal satire into poetry?

9.                  Explain the quote: But Shadwell's genuine night admits no ray, His rising fogs prevail upon the day.

10.              Explain the following quote from Mac Flecknoe: "All human things are subject to decay/and, when fate summons, monarchs must obey."