Question Bank
Unit 1
Q1. “An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.” Discuss the essenal elements of a
Valid contract.
Q1. “An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.” Discuss the essenal elements of a
Valid contract.
- Explain the essentials of a valid contract
- “All Contracts Are Agreements But All Agreements Are Not Contract” discuss this statement and explain it from the view point of Indian contract act
- Explain types of contracts with suitable examples
- Define offer? What are provisions related to valid offer and valid acceptance?
- Define the term acceptance. Discuss the legal provisions relating to acceptance
- Elaborate the steps or process of a valid contract
- Explain different types of contract
- What is a void contract and void agreement?
- Define bailment? Explain essentials of a bailment contract.
- What are rights and duties of Bailor and Bailee? Explain
- Define Pledge. What are the difference between Pledge and Bailment
- Explain the methods of Creation of Agency. Discuss the scope and extent of agent’s authority.
- What do you mean by agency by ratification? Explain conditions of a valid ratification
- State the rights and duties of agents towards principle?
- What are types of agents? How an agency is terminated?
- Difference between contract of indemnity and guarantee
- What is guarantee? Discuss the features and types of guarantee
- Define guarantee? Discuss the rights available to a surety. When can a surety discharge from his liability?
- Define a contract of sale of goods. Distinguish between sale and agreement to sell
- What do you understand by the term “goods” as per sale of goods act? What are types of goods?
- What do you mean by “Document of Title of Goods”? Briefly explain some regularly used document of title of goods
- What do you mean by Doctrine of Caveat Emptor? Discuss its exceptions.
- What are implied conditions in a contract of sale of goods?
Q32. Di&erenate between Bailment & pledge.
Q33. What is bailment? Discuss the essenal charcteriscs of bailmet.
Q34. What are the rights and dues of a bailor?
Q35. What are the rights and dues of a bailee?
Q36. Discuss the rights & dues of pawner & pawnee.
Q37. De0ne Agency. What are the di&erent modes of creaon of agency?
Q38. Discuss agency by ra0caon along with the necessary condions for creaon.
Q39. Di&erenate betwus
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