Unit 3
Question bank
Q.1 Define the term spillway also explain the location of spillway in the dam. What are the various components of spillway?
Q.2 Explain the classification of spillway. Also write various heads in the spillway.
Q.3 Explain the crest profile of ogee spillway at the upstream face. Also write the equation of discharge for ogee spillway and the effective length
Q.4 What do you mean by energy dissipation device? What are their main function? Explain the process of energy dissipation below the spillway.
Q. 5 Write the various steps to determine the depth of hydraulic jump in spillway. Also plot the correlation curve between tail water depth and hydraulic depth.
Q.6 What is stilling basin? What are the requirement of spillway gates?
Explain various types of spillway gates.
Q.7 What is hydropower structure? Explain the types of various hydropower plant and scheme.
Q.8 Write the limitation and advantage of hydro power engineering. Also write the assessment of hydropower potential
Q.9 Write various heads in hydro power structures. Explain various components of hydropower structure or scheme.