Unit - 2
Theodolite Surveying
Q1) Explain what do you mean by vernier transit 20’’ theodolite?
Components of Transit Theodolite (20") and their Function: A transit theodolite essentially consists of following:
1) The levelling head
2) The two spindles
3) The lower circular metal plate
4) Vernier plate or upper plate
5) The telescope
6) The level tube
7) The standards
8) The vertical circle
9) The vernier frame
10) The compass
11) Clip screw
12) Optical plumet
13) Eyepiece
14) Shifting head
15) Bubble tube
16) Lower tangent screw
Q2) Explain the use of theodolite for the measurement of horizontal angle by repetition and reiteration method in detail.
A2) Definition: The method in which the angle is measured in clockwise direction for any number of times is known as repetition method.
Elimination or minimization of errors by method of repetition:
Following errors can be eliminated or minimized by this method:
1) The errors due to eccentricity of verniers and centers are eliminated bytaking vernier readings and averaging the readings.
2) The errors due to the imperfect adjustment of the line of collimation and the horizontal axis of the telescope are eliminated by face left and face right observation.
3) The errors due to in accurate graduations are minimized by taking the reading on different parts of the circle.
Q3) What do you mean by vertical angle?
Fig: Measurement of vertical angle
Q4) Explain measurement of deflection angle using transit theodolite.
A4) Definition: A deflection angle is the angle which a survey line makes with the prolongation of the proceeding line.
Fig: Deflection angle
Deflection angle = 180°-included angle
Errors Eliminated:
Following errors are eliminated by this process as the telescope is transited twice.
Q5) How to measure magnetic bearing?
Fig: Measurement of magnetic bearing
Q6) Explain the concept of prolonging of line.
A6) There are three methods of prolonging a straight line by using theodolite.
First method:
Fig: First method
Second method:
Fig: Second method
It is required to prolong a line PQ up to the point T.
Third method:
Fig.: Third method
1) Set up the instrument over Q and level it accurately.
2) Bisect P exactly by using the lower clamp and tangent screw.
3) Transit the telescope and establish point R, on the line PQ produced.
4) Loosen the lower plate, revolve the telescope about its vertical axis and take back sighton P, using lower clamp and its tangent screw. Telescope position is now inverted.
5) Transit the telescope and establish a point R, in line PQ beside the point R, as shown inthe Figure.
6) Measure R2R1 and establish R exactly midway which will be on the true prolongationof PQ.
7) Shift the theodolite to R double-sight on Q and establish the point S1S2.
8) Set the true point S exactly midway.
9) Repeat the process until the point T is established.
Q7) Explain lining in and setting out an angle with a theodolite.
A7) Lining in and setting out an angle with a theodolite:
Q8) How to adjust plate level in theodolite?
Q9) How to adjust line collimation?
A9) Condition:
(a) Horizontal hair:
(b) Vertical hair:
Testing and adjustment:
(a) Horizontal hair:
(b) Vertical hair:
Q10) How to adjust horizontal axis?
A10) Condition:
Q11) Explain adjustment of the bubble line of the altitude level.
A11) Condition:
Q12) Explain adjustment of the vertical index frame.
A12) Condition:
Q13) Explain the concept of theodolite traversing.
Q14) Explain computation of consecutive and independent coordinate in detail.
Fig: Traverse computation
= the reduced bearing of the line,
l= the length of line.
Consecutive Co-ordinates:
Independent Co-ordinates: (Total Latitude and Total Departure)
Q15) Explain transit rule and Bowditch’s rule in detail.
Bowditch’s Rule:
Total error in latitude or departure×
Q16) Explain gales traverse table and omitted measurement.
A16) The calculations for a closed traverse may be made in the following steps and entered in a tabular form which is known as Gale's Traverse Table:
Q17) How to calculate area by independent co-ordinate?
Fig: Area calculation
= (y1x2+y2x3+y3x4+y4x5+y5x1)
Double area=-
∴Required area= -)