UNIT-5SENSORS Classify sensors. What are motion sensors? Give examples. Draw and explain the working of LVDT. Draw and explain the working of accelerometer. What are temperature sensors? Why they are used? What is a thermocouple? Explain its construction and working. What is a RTD? Explain its construction and working. Explain the different types of thermistors. What are optical sensors? Why they are used? Name some of them. What is a LDR? Explain its construction and working. What are mechanical sensors? Why they are used? Name some of them. Explain the principle of strain guage. RTD inserted in an oven has resistance 160 Ω. Its resistance at 0oC is 100 Ω and its resistance temperature coefficient is 0.00392 Ω/ Ω/oC. Thermistor with material constant 100 is placed in an oven, has resistance 5 KΩ. Its resistance at 25 oC is 10000 Ω. Determine temperature of oven. A strain gauge with gauge factor of 4 has resistance of 120 Ω when unstrained. If strain gauge undergoes change in length from 0.25 mm to 0.255 mm. Determine new resistance.
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