Unit - 3
Wireless LANS & Virtual Circuit Networks
Q1) What is Ethernet?
Q2) To which OSI layer does Ethernet belong?
Q3) How is "collision" handled in Ethernet networks?
Q4) What is CSMA/cd?
Q5) How "late Collision" is avoided in Ethernet?
Q6) What are the different Ethernet frame formats?
Q7) What is the minimum and maximum size of an Ethernet frame?
Q8) How is a frame received at the destination?
Q9) What is Promiscuous Mode?
Q10) What is MTU?
Q11) Explain detail about IEEE 802.3 MAC sub-layer.
Q12) What is stat frame delimiter (SFD) in Ethernet frame?
Q13) What is auto negotiation?
Q14) Ethernet in metropolitan area network (MAN) can be used as?
Q15) A point-to-point protocol over Ethernet is a network protocol for?
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