Unit - 4
Network Layer
Q1) What are the network support layers and the user support layers?
Q2) What are the functions of LLC?
Q3) What are the functions of MAC?
Q4) What is protocol data unit?
Q5) What are the responsibilities of network layer?
Q6) What are the two types of implementation formats in virtual
Q7) Write the keys for understanding the distance vector & link state routing.
Q8) Write the keys for understanding the distance vector & link state routing.
Q9) Write short notes about repeaters, routers and gateways.
Q10) Explain the two approaches of packet switching techniques.
Q11) The network layer concerns with?
Q12) The 4 byte IP address consists of?
Q13) In virtual circuit network each packet contains?
Q14) What is Multi destination routing?
Q15) The network layer protocol of internet is?