Unit - 1
Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Q1) What are the different microwave frequency bands recommendedby IEEE?
Q2) List the various applications of microwaves.
Q3) Derive the expression for the field strength for TE waves between parallel plates propagating in the z – direction.
Q4) Derive the expression of the field components for TM waves between parallel plates.
Q5) Derive the equations to give the relationship among the fields within the rectangular waveguide.
Q5) Obtain the solution of electric and magnetic fields of TM waves guided along the rectangular waveguide.
Q6) ‘TEM wave is not possible through hollow rectangular waveguide’. Justify the statement.
Q7) Write briefly about the following waveguide parameters:
a) Cut-off wavelength b) Dominant mode c) Guide wavelength
d) Group velocity e) Phase velocity f) Wave impedance.
Q8) What are cavity resonators? Derive the expression for the resonant frequency of the rectangular cavity resonator.
Q9) Derive the expressions for the field components existing in a rectangular cavity resonator.
Q10) Obtain the expression for resonant frequency of circular cavity resonator.