Unit - 2
Microwave Components
Q1) What is the Magic associated with a Magic Tee? Draw a neat sketch of a Magic Tee and list out its applications and properties.
Q2) Explain the operations of a directional coupler with the help of a sketch.
Q3) Explain the working of a two-hole directional coupler with a neat diagram and derive the expression for the coupling and directivity of a two-hole directional coupler.
Q4) Explain the characteristics of ferrites materials.
Q5) Explain Faraday rotation with a neat diagram.
Q6) Explain the working of a ferrite isolator.
Q7) Write short notes on the following:
a) Bethe-hole directional coupler b) E – plane Magic Tee
Q8) Explain with a neat sketch the construction and operation of a gyrator and circulator.
Q9) What are striplines? Explain their construction and application with diagram.
Q10) Describe the structural details and applications of Micro stripline.
Q11) Write short notes on the following:
a) Parallel Strip line b) Coplanar Strip line c) Shielded Strip line