Unit - 3
Microwave Network Analysis
Q1) Why are S parameters used in a microwave network analysis?
Q2) What is a scattering matrix?
Q3) Derive the scattering matrix formulation for an 3-port network.
Q4) What are the advantages of S parameters compared with Y or Z parameters?
Q5) Write down the S matrix of a two-port network.
Q6) Derive the S matrix for an ideal directional coupler.
Q7) Obtain the S matrix for the magic tee.
Q8) Derive the S matrix for a 3-port circulator.
Q9) Explain the S-matrix representation of a multiport microwave network and its significance.
Q10) For a 2-port network, define the S parameters involved, and obtain the relations for insertion loss, reflection loss, and return loss in terms of S parameters.
Q11) What are the properties of the S matrix?
Q12) What is an ABCD matrix? Give the ABCD matrix for a two-port network.
Q13) Give the S matrix of a Isolator.
Q14) Find the S parameters for a lossless 10 dB directional coupler. The directivity is 30 dB, and the VSWR at each port is 1.0 under matched condition.
Q15) Find the S matrix for a three-port port circulator with an insertion loss of 0.5 dB, an isolation of 15 dB, and a VSWR of 1.5.