Unit - 4
Microwave Tubes
Q1) What are the limitations of conventional vacuum tubes at microwave frequencies?
Q2) Explain clearly the classification of microwave sources.
Q3) Explain the principle of operation of a two-cavity klystron with a neat diagram.
Q4) Find out the expression for efficiency of a two cavity Klystron amplifier.
Q5) Derive the equation of velocity modulation for a two-cavity Klystron amplifier.
Q6) Explain in detail bunching process & obtain expression for bunching parameter in a two cavity klystron.
Q7) Explain the construction and operation of Reflex Klystron Oscillator.
Q8) Derive the relationship between accelerating voltage and repeller voltage.
Q9) Explain about electronic and mechanical tuning of reflex klystron.
Q10) What is slow wave structure? Explain how a helical TWT achieves amplification.
Q11) Explain the principle of working of Travelling Wave Tube.
Q12) Explain the working principle of 8-Cavity Cylindrical Magnetron.
Q13) Explain the π-mode operation of magnetron.