Unit III
Stack and Queue
Stack is a list of elements in which insertion and deletion of elements can be done only at one end called as top of stack.
To construct a stack we insert element from top of stack.
The operation of inserting an element to stack is called as push and the operation of deleting an element from a stack is called as pop.
Imagine stacking a set of books on top of each other, we can push a new book on top of the stack, and we can pop the book that is currently on the top of the stack.
We cannot add to or remove the book from middle of the stack.
Book can only be added to the top and the only book that can be taken out of the stack is the most recently added one; Thus stack is a "Last In First Out" (LIFO) data structure.
An ADT is a collection of data and associated operations for manipulating that data. Stack ADT contains following data members
and member functions.
Data members: 1. top: Index of top of stack.
2. A[size]: Array to hold elements of stack:
Member Functions:
Operations on stack | Significance |
| Constructor to create an empty stack |
| Destructor to destroy an existing stack
isEmpty() | Determines whether the stack is empty. It returns true if stack is empty, and false otherwise
| Determines whether the stack is full. It returns true if stack is full, and false otherwise
| Add an element to the top of the stack. PRECONDITION: stack cannot be full.
| Remove the element that is on the top of stack. PRECONDITION: stack cannot be empty.
| Function to return the element on top of stack without modifying the stack. PRECONDITION: stack cannot be empty.
stackcount() | Function to return total number of elements currently in stack. |
2. What is Basic Operations on Stack?
There are three fundamental operations on stack.
Push: Insert element to the stack
Pop: Delete element from stack
Peek: Returns element at the top of stack
We will see these operations with respect to an example.
Here we assume stack size is 3.
Initially stack is empty. If pop operation is called on empty stack then stack underflow occurs.
----- (empty stack)
Push element ‘7’ to the stack. Then stack becomes
| 7 | <-- top
Push element ‘2’ to the stack. So new top of stack is 2.
| 2 | <-- top
| 7 |
Push element ‘10’ to the stack. Now top of stack becomes 10.
|10 | <-- top
| 2 |
| 7 |
Now the stack becomes full as we are assuming stack size is 3. If we insert one more element onto stack then stack overflow occurs.
Pop element from stack. Element 10 is popped out. Hence new top is 2.
| 2 | <-- top
| 7 |
Since Stack is LIFO data structure element inserted most recently will be popped out first.
Pop element 2 from stack. Hence new top is 7.
| 7 | <-- top
Pop element 7 from stack. Now stack becomes empty.
----- (empty stack)
3. What is insertion and removal element in stack?
Insert element in Stack: push()
| Algorithm: bool push(TYPE in)
| Description |
1 | template<class TYPE> bool stack<TYPE>::push(TYPE in) {
| Design function push which inserts element ‘in’ to stack |
2 | if(count>=max) return false | Compare current total no. of elements with maximum stack size. If stack is full then return false to indicate element cannot be inserted. |
3 | P[top].value=in
| If stack is not full copy data to top of stack
4 | count++; top++; return true } | Increment count and top. Return true to indicate element is successfully inserted in stack. |
Remove element from stack: pop()
| Algorithm: bool pop(TYPE& out) | Description |
1 | template<class TYPE> bool stack<TYPE>::pop(TYPE& out) {
| Design function pop which deletes element on the top of stack. out is a reference variable to receive element to be popped out. |
2 | bool flag; if(count==0) flag=false; | If stack is empty then set flag to false |
3 | Else { out=P[top].value;
| If stack has elements, copy element at top of stack to variable out. |
4 | top--; count--; flag=true; }
| Decrement count and top. Set flag to true to indicate pop is successful. |
5 | return flag; } | Return flag |
4. Check if the stack is empty and Check if the stack is full
Check if the stack is empty: isEmpty()
| Algorithm: bool isEmpty() | Description |
1 | template<class TYPE> bool stack<TYPE>::isEmpty() {
| Design function isEmpty() which returns true if stack is empty and false otherwise. |
2 | bool flag; if(count==0) flag=true; | If stack is empty then set flag to true |
3 | else flag=false;
| If stack has elements set flag to false. |
4 | return flag; } | Return flag |
Check if the stack is full: isFull()
| Algorithm: bool isFull() | Description |
1 | template<class TYPE> bool stack<TYPE>::isFull() {
| Design function isFull() which returns true if stack is full and false otherwise. |
2 | bool flag; if(count==max) flag=true; | Compare count with maximum number of elements allocated for a stack. If they are equal set flag to true. |
3 | else flag=false;
| If count is not equal to max set flag to false. |
4 | return flag; } | Return flag |
5. Write a Program in C++ to perform various operations on stack
# define int MAX 100
template< class TYPE > //class template
class Stack {
int count; //number of elements present in stack
TYPE A[Max]; // Array of size MAX
TYPE out;
int top; // index of top of stack
Stack(int MAX);
bool push(TYPE);
TYPE pop();
bool isEmpty();
bool isFull();
int stackcount();
void display();
template< class TYPE > //constructor to create stack
Stack< TYPE >::Stack(int MAX)
top = -1;
template< class TYPE > //destructor to remove stack
Stack< TYPE >::~Stack()
{ delete[] A;
template< class TYPE>// function to push elements in stack
void Stack< TYPE >::push(TYPE in)
cout<<”stack overflow”
A[ top ] = in; //copy data to top of stack
template< class TYPE > // Function to pop elements from stack
TYPE Stack< TYPE >::pop()
{ return A[ top-- ];
template< class TYPE> //Function to check if stack is full
int Stack< TYPE>::isFull()
return (count == Max);
template< class TYPE> //Function to check if stack is empty
int Stack< TYPE>::isEmpty()
return (count == 0);
template< class TYPE>
int Stack< TYPE>::stackcount()
return count;
template< class TYPE> //Function to display stack elements
void Stack<TYPE>::display()
cout<<”stack empty”;
for(int i=top;i>=0;i--)
cout<<A[i]<<” ”;
void main()
int choice,data;
Stack<int> S; //create stack of integers
cout<<”Enter choice for operation”;
cout<<”\t 1.PUSH”<<endl;
cout<<”\t 2.POP”<<endl;
cout<<”\t 3.ISFULL”<<endl;
cout<<”\t 4.ISEMPTY”<<endl;
cout<<”\t 5.Stackcount”<<endl;
cout<<”\t 6.Display”<<endl;
case 1:
cout<<”Enter element to be pushed”;
case 2:
cout<<”Popped element is”<<out;
case 3:
int flag=S.isFull();
cout<<”stack is full”;
cout<<”stack is not full”;
case 4:
int flag=S.isEmpty();
cout<<”stack is empty”;
cout<<”stack is not empty”;
case 5:int c=S.stackcount();
cout<<”Stack count is”<<c;
case 6: S.display();
} //end of switch
} //end of while
} //end of program
6. What is reversing data?
Data reversing is a technique of reordering data elements so that first element becomes last, second element becomes last but one and so on. Consider array A
10 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 9 |
Fig. Original Array
After reversing array becomes
9 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 10 |
Algorithm to reverse list of integers is as follows.
| Algorithm(Reverse) | Description |
1 | Create Stack | Create an empty stack |
2 | Read number | Accept integer from user |
3.1 3.2 | Loop(!fullstack(stack)) { push(stack.number) Read number } | Accept integers from user to fill the stack till it is not full. |
4.1 4.2 | Loop(!emptystack(stack)) { pop(stack.out) print(out) } | Pop elements from stack till stack is not empty. Print popped element to user. |
Another application of reversing data is conversion of decimal number to binary number. Algorithm for conversion of decimal to binary number is as follows.
| Algorithm(DecimaltoBinary) | Description |
1 | Create Stack | Create an empty stack |
2 | Read decimal number | Accept decimal number from user |
3.1 3.2 3.3
3.3.1 | Loop(number>0) { d=number%2 flag=push(stack.d) if(flag==false) { Print stack overflow } number=number/2 } | Convert the number to binary and push to stack. When stack becomes full print “stack overflow.” |
4.1 4.2 | Loop(!emptystack(stack)) { pop(stack.d) print(d) } | Pop elements from stack till stack is not empty. Print popped element to user |
7. Write a Program to convert decimal number to binary number
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
struct Node
int value;
Node *next;
}*top = NULL, *P = NULL, *temp = NULL;
int x;
void push(int P)
temp = new Node;
temp->value = P;
temp->next = NULL;
if (top == NULL)
top = temp;
temp->next = top;
top = temp;
int pop()
if (top == NULL)
P = top;
top = top->next;
x = P->value;
void main()
int num, a;
cout<<"enter the decimal number\n";
while (num > 0)
a = num % 2;
num = num / 2;
P = top;
cout<<"resultant binary no:";
if (top != NULL)
8. Give an example of Expression Evaluation
Evaluate the following prefix expression using stack for A= 16, B= 2, C=3, D=10, and E=4.Prefix Expression is
Prefix Input |
Stack |
Op 1 |
Op 2 |
Output |
Description |
-+/A^BC*DE*AC |
| - | - | - | Initially stack is empty. Evaluate expression from right to left. |
| - | - | - | First token is an operand C hence push operand 3 in stack
-+/A^BC*DE* |
| - | - | - | Next token is an operand A hence push operand 16 in stack |
-+/A^BC*DE |
16 |
3 |
48 |
Next token is operator *, hence pop 3 and 16 and perform multipliaction. Result is 48 .Push it in to stack
-+/A^BC*D |
| - | - | - | Next token is E. Push it into stack.
-+/A^BC* |
| - | - | - | Next token is D. Push it into stack.
-+/A^BC |
| 10 | 4 | 40 | Next token is operator *, hence pop 4 and 10 and perform multiplication. Result is 40 .Push it in to stack
-+/A^B |
| - | - | - |
Next token is C. Push it into stack
-+/A^ |
| - | - | - |
Next token is B. Push it into stack
| 2 | 3 | 8 | Next token is operator ^, hence pop 2 and 3 and perform ^. Result is 8 .Push it into stack.
| - | - | - | Next token is A. Push it into stack
-+ |
| 16 | 8 | 2 | Next token is operator /, hence pop 16 and 8 and perform /. Result of 16/8 is 2 .Push it into stack.
- |
| 2 | 40 | 42 | Next token is operator +, hence pop 40 and 2 and perform +. Result of 40+2 is 42 .Push it into stack. |
42 |
48 |
-6 |
Next token is operator -, hence pop 42 and 48 and perform - . Result of 42-48 is -6 .Push it into stack. |
Hence final result is -6.
9. Write a program for prefix expression evaluation.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
template <class TYPE> //class template
class stack
TYPE *a;
int top,max;
max = 50;
a = new TYPE[max];
top = 0;
stack(int n)
max = n + 1;
a = new TYPE[max];
top= 0;
delete a;
friend void push(stack &,TYPE); // member functions for stack
friend TYPE pop(stack &);
friend int isEmpty(stack);
template <class TYPE>
void push(stack <TYPE> &s, TYPE x)
if(s.top != s.max)
s.a[s.top] = x;
cout << "\nStack Overflow.";
template <class TYPE>
TYPE pop(stack <TYPE> &s)
TYPE temp;
if(s.top != 0)
temp = s.a[s.top];
return temp;
temp = -999;
return temp;
template <class TYPE>
int isEmpty(stack <TYPE> s)
if(s.top == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
int main()
char prefix[30],b[2];
int i = 0;
float e;
cout << "Enter a Prefix Expression,\n";
prefix[i - 1] ='\0';
while(prefix[i-1] != '\n')
prefix[i++] = getchar(); // prefix expression
stack <float> O(50); //call constructor to create stack
float value,operand1,operand2;
int j = i - 2,pos,k;
while(j >= 0)
pos = 0;
if(prefix[j] >= '0' && prefix[j] <= '9')
b[0] = prefix[j]; // Save Prefix[j] to b
i = j - 1;
k = 1;
if(prefix[j-1] != ' ') //Check for next character, If not Space
while(prefix[i] != ' ') //While space is not found
b[k++] = prefix[i--]; //Save Prefix[i] to b
pos++; //Increase Position
pos += 2;//At Last Increase Position by 2 to Skip Space
else //If a Single Character
pos = 2; //Skip Space
b[k] = '\0'; //End String temp
x = atof(b); //Convert string b to float and store to x
push(O,x); //Push to stack
else if(prefix[j] == '+' || prefix[j] == '-' || prefix[j] == '*' || prefix[j] == '/' || prefix[j] == '^' ) // check for operators
operand1 = pop(O);
if(operand1 == -999)
if(prefix[j] == '+' || prefix[j] == '-' || prefix[j] == '*' || prefix[j] == '/' || prefix[j] == '^')
operand2 = pop(O);
if(operand2 == -999)
if(prefix[j] == '+')
value = operand1 + operand2;
if(prefix[j] == '-')
value = operand1 - operand2;
if(prefix[j] == '*')
value = operand1 * operand2;
if(prefix[j] == '/')
if(operand2 != 0)
value = operand1 / float(operand2); //Cast one operand to float
cout << "\nError ! Cannot Divide by Zero";
return 0;
if(prefix[j] == '^')
value = pow(operand1,operand2);
pos = 2;
cout << "\nError : Illegal Character";
return 0;
j -= pos;
float output = pop(O);
if(output == -999 || !isEmpty(O)) //If Underflow Condition or stack is not empty,
cout << "\nError : The Given Prefix Expression is Not Valid.";
return 0;
cout << "\nOutput = " << Output;
return 0;
10. What is ADT of Queue?
A Queue is a linear list in which data is inserted at one end called as rear and deleted from other end called as front. Queue removes elements in the same order in which they were inserted i.e. element inserted first is removed first. Hence they are called as First-in-First out( FIFO) data structure.
Imagine a queue of people waiting for a bus. The person in the front of queue will get a first chance to board a bus. The person at the rear will be last one to board a bus. Same case is of check out line in a grocery store or a cafeteria, list of jobs to be processed by computer or a list of calls on mobile phone.Fig.1 shows queue of alphabets. Alphabets are added at rear and removed from front end.
A front | B | C | D | E | F rear |
Fig 1. Queue of alphabets
We will see queue with respect to an example. Imagine queue of alphabets with size of three. Initially queue is empty.
front |
rear |
Now let us add an element in a queue. So queue becomes
Front |
| A rear |
Add one more element ’B’ in a queue. Since element can only be inserted at rear, A progresses through queue and B is inserted at rear. Now queue becomes
Front | A | B Rear |
Adding one more element ‘C’ in queue
A Front | B | C Rear |
Now queue is full. If we try to insert one more element in queue then queue overflow occurs.
Now remove elements from queue. Element in queue is always removed from front end. Currently ‘A’ is at front end and hence will be removed first.
B front | C |
Rear |
Removing ‘B’ and ‘C’ we get
front |
Rear |
Now queue is empty. If we try to remove elements from queue, queue underflow occurs.
Operations on Queue:
bool enqueue(TYPE in): Insert elements at rear of queue.
bool dequeue(TYPE & out): Remove elements from front of queue.
bool Front(TYPE& out): Determines element at the front of queue.
bool Rear(TYPE& in): Determines element at the rear of queue.
int Count():Determines total number of elements present in queue.
bool isEmpty():Determines if queue is empty.
bool isFull():Determines if queue is full.