Unit 5
Non-Conventional Power Plants
- Explain flat plate collector solar power plant.
- What are solar ponds? Why they are used?
- Write short note on:
- Heliostat
- SPV Cell
4. Explain different types of PV systems in detail.
5. Compare Geothermal and solar power plants.
6. Explain flash type geothermal power plant.
7. What are single and double basin systems? Describe briefly.
8. Draw and explain claude cycle.
9. Draw and explain anderson cycle.
10. State Lorentz Law.
11. How wind power is generated?
12. Explain availability factor of a power plant.
13. Write and explain possible wind-energy crucial parts.
14. Classify wind turbines.
15. What is Betz limit? Explain.
16. Draw the operating characteristics of wind turbine.
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