Unit 3
Data Movement Instruction
Q1) Explain PUSH operation?
This is a single byte instruction where the contents of the register pair specified in the operand are copied into the stack.
The stack pointer is decremented and the contents of the higher order register in pair such as B in BC pair , D in DE pair are copied on stack.
The stack pointer is decremented again and the contents of lower order register are copied on the stack. Contents of the register pair are unchanged.
Will push the contents of DE pair
Let D=15H and E =23 H
Let SP = 2300 H
Then after executing PUSH D we get following contents in SP and stack
SP = 22FE | STACK |
22FE | 23H |
22FF | 15H |
2300 |
Q2) Explain POP operation?
This is a single byte instruction. On execution copies two top bytes on stack to designated register pair in operand
(1) Contents of top most location of stack called stack top are copied into lower register of the pair. SP is incremented by 1.
(2) Contents of stack location pointed by SP are copied into higher register of the pair. The stack pointer SP is incremented by 1. No flags are affected . Contents of stack are unchanged.
Consider SP = 22FE H with the following contents on stack
On exceution of instruction POP H the contents of H , L , SP which is shown as
SP = 22FE | STACK |
22FE | 23H |
22FF | 15H |
2300 |
Before Execution
SP = 2300 | STACK |
22FE | 10H |
22FF | 24H |
2300 |
H = 24 H
L = 10H
Q3) What is Load Effective Address?
Computes the effective address of the second operand (the source operand) and stores it in the first operand (destination operand). The source operand is a memory address (offset part) specified with one of the processors addressing modes; the destination operand is a general-purpose register. The address-size and operand-size attributes affect the action performed by this instruction, as shown in the following table. The operand-size attribute of the instruction is determined by the chosen register; the address-size attribute is determined by the attribute of the code segment.
IF OperandSize 16 AND AddressSize 16
DEST EffectiveAddress(SRC); (* 16-bit address *)
ELSE IF OperandSize 16 AND AddressSize 32
temp EffectiveAddress(SRC); (* 32-bit address *)
DEST temp[0..15]; (* 16-bit address *)
ELSE IF OperandSize 32 AND AddressSize 16
temp EffectiveAddress(SRC); (* 16-bit address *)
DEST ZeroExtend(temp); (* 32-bit address *)
ELSE IF OperandSize 32 AND AddressSize 32
DEST EffectiveAddress(SRC); (* 32-bit address *)
Q4)Explain Addition instruction?
Q5) Explain Subtraction instruction?
Q6) Wite a program to add two numbers?
Rval DWORD ?
Xval DWORD 26
Yval DWORD 30
Zval DWORD 40
mov eax,Xval
neg eax ; EAX = -26, EAX = -Xval
mov ebx,Yval ; EBX = 30, EBX = Yval
sub ebx,Zval ; EBX = -10, EBX = (Yval – Zval)
add eax,ebx ; EAX = -36, EAX = -Xval + (Yval – Zval)
mov Rval,eax ; Rval = -36
Q7) What are the compare string instructions?
A7) The compare string instructions are used to compare two strings. They have one of the following forms:
When the first form, CMPS des_string, src_string, is used the assembler will replace it by CMPSB, CMPSW, or CMPSD depending on the size of the operands dest_string and src_string.
The semantics of the instructions CMPSB, CMPSW, and CMPSD are illustrated below:
The CMPSB Instruction
This instruction is used to compare arrays of bytes. It compares the byte addressed by DS:[SI] to the byte addressed by ES:[DI] by performing the subtraction operation DS:[SI] - ES:[DI], setting the arithmetic flags based on the result of the subtraction.. Then, SI and DI are either incremented or decremented by 1 depending on the Direction Flag.
The CMPSW Instruction
This instruction is used to compare arrays of words. It compares the word addressed by DS:[SI] to the word addressed by ES:[DI] by performing the subtraction operation DS:[SI+1:SI] - ES:[DI+1:DI], setting the arithmetic flags based on the result of the subtraction. Then, SI and DI are either incremented or decremented by 2 depending on the Direction Flag.
The CMPSD Instruction
This instruction is used to compare arrays of double words. It compares the double word addressed by DS:[SI] to the double word addressed by ES:[DI] by performing the subtraction operation DS:[SI+3:SI] - ES:[DI+3:DI], setting the arithmetic flags based on the result of the subtraction. Then, SI and DI are either incremented or decremented by 4 depending on the Direction Flag.
Q8) Write a program to compare two strings?
data Segment
str1 db \'GLSICT\',\'$\'
strlen1 db $-str1
str2 db \'GLSICT\',\'$\'
strlen2 db $-str2
streq db \'Strings are Equal\',\'$\'
struneq db \'Strings are Unequal\',\'$\'
Data Ends
Code Segment
Assume cs:code, ds:data
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
lea si, str1
lea di, str2
mov cx, 6
mov al, strlen1
mov bl, strlen2
cmp al, bl
jne Not_Equal
repe cmpsb
jne Not_Equal
jmp Equal
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, struneq
int 21h
jmp Exit
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, streq
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
Code Ends
End Begin
Q9) Explain Multiplication and Division Instruction?
A9) Multiplication MUL(unsigned ) IMUL(signed)
MUL INSTRUCTION (UNSIGNED MULTIPLY) Multiplies an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit operand by either AL, AX
Syntax:MUL AL R/M8
Syntax: MUL AX R/M16
The product is stored in a register (or group of registers) twice the size of the operands.
The operand can be a register or a memory operand
Mov al, 5h ; AX = 0050h, CF = 0
Mov bl, 10h
Mul bl ;
It uses the same operands as the MUL instruction and preserves the sign of the product.
Suppose AX contains 1 and BX contains FFFFh
Mov AX, 1h
MUL BX ; Product =FFFFFFFFh DX = FFFFh, AX=FFFFh CF/OF=0 DX is a sign
IMUL sets the Carry and Overflow flags if the high-order product is not a sign extension of the low-order product
Mov al, 48
Mov bl, 4
Imul bl ;AX = 00C0h, OF = 1 AH is not a sign extension of AL, so the Overflow flag is set
Suppose AX contains FFFFh and BX contains FFFFh Mov AX, FFFFH Mov BX, FFFFh IMUL BX Decimal product=1 Hex Product = 00000001 h DX = 0000h, AX=0001h CF/OF=0 DX is a sign extension of AX for this CF/OF=0
DIVIDE DIV(unsinged) IDIV(singed)
DIVIDE AND IDIVIDE When division is performed we obtain two results ,The quotient and the remainder.
Similarly like Multiplication there are separate instructions for unsigned and signed division
DIV divisor IDIV divisor Byte Form:
The divisor is eight- bit register or memory byte The 16 – bit dividend is assumed to be in AX. After division 8-bit quotient is in AL and 8-bit remainder in AH.
Word Form: The divisor is a 16-bit register or memory word The 32-bit dividend is assumed to be in DX:AX After division, the 16-bit quotient is in AX and 16- bit remainder is in DX Effect on flags: All status flags are undefined
Divide Overflow: It is possible that the quotient s too big to fit in the specified destination(AL or AX). This Happens Because the divisor is much smaller than the dividend. When this Happens the program terminates and system displays message “divide overflow”
Suppose DX contains 0000h , AX contains 0005h, and BX contains 0002h.
Q10) Explain BCD and ASCII?
A10) ASCII representation
Numbers are stored as a string of ASCII characters
Example: 1234 is stored as 31 32 33 34H
ASCII for 1 is 31H, for 2 is 32H, etc.
BCD representation
∗ Unpacked BCD
Example: 1234 is stored as 01 02 03 04H – Additional byte is used for sign
Sign byte: 00H for + and 80H for –
∗ Packed BCD
Saves space by packing two digits into a byte
– Example: 1234 is stored as 12 34H
There are four instructions
aaa − ASCII adjust after addition
aas − ASCII adjust after subtraction
aam − ASCII adjust after multiplication
aad − ASCII adjust before division
ASCII addition
The aaa instruction works as follows:
∗ If the least significant four bits in AL are > 9 or if AF =1, it adds 6 to AL and 1 to AH.
– Both CF and AF are set
∗ In all cases, the most significant four bits in AL are cleared
∗ Example: sub AH,AH ; clear AH mov AL,'6' ; AL := 36H add AL,'7' ; AL := 36H+37H = 6DH aaa ;
AX := 0103H or AL,30H ; AL := 33H
ASCII subtraction
• The aas instruction works as follows:
∗ If the least significant four bits in AL are > 9 or if AF =1, it subtracts 6 from AL and 1 from AH. – Both CF and AF are set
∗ In all cases, the most significant four bits in AL are cleared
• This adjustment is needed only if the result is negative
Example 1:
Positive result sub AH,AH ; clear AH
mov AL,'9' ; AL := 39H
sub AL,'3' ; AL := 39H-33H = 6H
aas ; AX := 0006H or AL,30H ; AL := 36H
Example 2:
Negative result sub AH,AH ; clear AH
mov AL,'3' ; AL := 33H
sub AL,'9' ; AL := 33H-39H = FAH
aas ; AX := FF04H or AL,30H ; AL := 34H
ASCII multiplication
mov AL,3 ; multiplier in unpacked BCD form
mov BL,9 ; multiplicand in unpacked BCD form
mul BL ; result 001BH is in AX
aam ; AX := 0207H or AX,3030H ; AX := 3237H
• Example 2
mov AL,'3' ; multiplier in ASCII
mov BL,'9' ; multiplicand in ASCII
and AL,0FH ; multiplier in unpacked BCD form
and BL,0FH ; multiplicand in unpacked BCD form
mul BL ; result 001BH is in AX aam ; AX := 0207H or AL,30H ; AL := 37H
ASCII Division
mov AX,0207H ; dividend in unpacked BCD form
mov BL,05H ; divisor in unpacked BCD form
aad ; AX := 001BH div BL ; AX := 0205H
Packed BCD addition
The daa instruction works as follows:
If the least significant four bits in AL are > 9 or if AF =1, it adds 6 to AL and sets AF
If the most significant four bits in AL are > 9 or if CF =1, it adds 60H to AL and sets CF
mov AL,71H
add AL,43H ; AL := B4H
daa ; AL := 14H and CF := 1
The das instruction works as follows:
∗ If the least significant four bits in AL are > 9 or if AF =1, it subtracts 6 from AL and sets AF
∗ If the most significant four bits in AL are > 9 or if CF =1, it subtracts 60H from AL and sets CF
mov AL,71H
sub AL,43H ; AL := 2EH
das ; AL := 28H