- All transactions are duly authorized, properly recorded and recorded promptly.
- The accounting policies adopted by the management in respect of stock valuation, depreciation etc. are implemented.
- The assets of the concern are safeguarded; the assets are not used or sold without proper authorization and are verified regularly.
- Errors and frauds are prevented and detected.
- The books of accounts are complete and accurate.
- The final accounts are reliable and ready in time.
Voluntary / Compulsory | IA is Voluntary | SA is compulsory under law e.g. under Companies Act. |
Appointment | Internal Auditor is appointed by the management itself. | Statutory Auditor is appointed by the shareholders of a Company. |
Status | Internal Auditor is an employee of the concern. | Statutory Auditor is an independent outside expert. |
Responsible & reports to | Internal Auditor is responsible and reports to management. | Statutory Auditor is responsible and reports to shareholders. |
Scope of duties | Management decides the scope of duties of internal Auditor. It includes non accounting matters. | Duties of statutory auditor are laid down by law (e.g. Companies Act) its scope limited to accounting matters. |
Removal | Internal auditor can be removed by the management on its own. | Statutory Auditor can be removed by shareholders only if approved by central Government. |
Objectives | IA aims to review the internal control system of concern. | SA aims to report to shareholders whether the accounts are true and fair. |
Period | IA is continuous. | SA is normally periodical or annual. |
Qualifications | No qualifications are prescribed by law for an Internal Auditor. | Qualifications are prescribed by law for Statutory Auditor. |
Liability for Negligence | Internal Auditor is liable only to management and not to shareholders or third parties. | Statutory Auditor is liable to shareholders and in some cases to third parties also. |