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UNIT 2ACCOUNTING OF INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION Q1) WHAT IS THE MEANING OF RECONSTRUCTION AND ITS TYPES? A1) The term ‘reconstruction’ implies the process followed for reorganization of a company with respect to its capital structure including the reduction of claims of both the shareholders and the creditors of the company. Reconstruction of a company is required when it faces acute financial problems due to over capitalization or accumulation of operating losses.  There are two ways of effecting reconstruction of a company.  1. Internal reconstruction 2. External reconstruction In the following the reconstruction of a company becomes desirable
  • The capital structure of a company is complex and it is required to be made simple
  • When accumulated losses of a company are large that they are required to be written off so that the company can depict a better position.
  • When a part of the capital is not represented by available tangible assets.
  • when change is required in the face value of shares of the company so that they can become attractive for future investors
  •  MEANING OF INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION: External reconstruction: The term external reconstruction as applied to a limited company meA to ending up of an existing company and registering itself into a new one after a rearrangement of his financial position as approved by its shareholders and creditors and sanctioned by the NCLT. Such a step usually involve the writing off a Debit balance of statement of profit and loss, elimination of all fictitious assets if any  from the balance sheet and consequent readjustment of share capital.Internal reconstruction meA a recourse  undertaken to make necessary changes in the capital structure of a company without affecting the existence of the company. It is a plane in which a efforts are made to bring out the company from losses and put it in profitable position. In internal reconstruction of the existing company is liquidated Nor a  new company is incorporated. Internal reconstruction of a company is done through the reorganization of its Share Capital in to Infuse new life into the company. It is a scheme of reorganization in which all interested parties volunteer to sacrifice in the form of reduction of paid up value of shares, amount of claim of the creditors, debenture holders and change in the rights attached to them. Q2) DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION.A2)  DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION

    Points of difference

    Internal reconstruction

    External reconstruction

    1.               Meaning

    It is the scheme that would be carried out by meA of capital reduction

    It is the scheme will be carried out by liquidating the existing company and immediately incorporating another company to take over the business of outgoing company.

    2.                  Continuation of parties

    In Internal reconstruction, debentureholders, creditors and bank overdraft may continue.

    In external reconstruction, debenture holders, creditors and bank overdraft parties will have to be settled.



    3.                  Reduction of tax liability

    In internal reconstruction, the company will be able to set-off the past losses against future profits for income tax purposes, considerably reducing the tax liability.

    Here, losses cannot be carried forward for income tax purposes since the business technically comes to an end with liquation.

    4.                  Time for processing

    It is slow and tedious process

    It is speedy process.

      Q3) WHAT ARE THE FORMS OF INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION?A3) Following are different types of forms of internal reconstruction
  • Alteration of share capital
  • Reduction of share capital involving sacrifice of shareholders only
  • Reduction of share capital involving sacrifice of shareholders and other stakeholders
  •  These forms of internal reconstruction are explained as under: 
  • Alteration of share capital: A company limited by shares, can alter the capital clause of its memorandum of association under section 61(1) of the companies Act 2013, if
  • (I) The Articles of Association of the company permits.(II)                       A resolution to this effect has been passed by the company in the general meeting. Following are the different ways by which company can alter their share capitala) Increase in share capital by issue of new shares: when a company is in need of additional capital, it can increase its paid up share capital by issuing shares if the company has not issued all the shares of its authorized. Accounting entries relating to the issue of shares will have to be passed for the fresh issue of shares. If the company has issued all of its authorized capital, then for the purpose of raising fund by the issue of fresh shares, it will have to increase its authorized capital first by altering the capital clause of Memorandum of Association of the company and permission of SEBI is also required to be obtained. b) Consolidation of shares: Where the share capital of the  company comprises shares of small denominations, the company may decide to change the smaller denomination into larger denomination. This is called Consolidation of shares.  Following Journal entry for  consolidation of shares is required to be passed: Share capital A/c.          Dr.(old denomination)      To share capital A/c (new denomination)c) Subdivision of shares: sub-division of shares is the reverse of consolidation in sub-division of shares, if value of a share is converted into smaller denomination from larger denomination. when the shares of a company are sub-divided in shares of small value it is known as sub-division of share.  Following journal entries is required to pass for sub-division of shares.Share capital account          Dr (old denomination)     To share capital account (new denomination) d) Cancellation of capital cancellation: Cancellation of capital may take the following form
  • Cancellation of unissued capital: cancellation of unissued capital meA cancellation of unissued shares by company.  It meA that the part of the authorized capital which is the has not yet been issued to the public may be cancelled by the company
  • Cancellation of uncalled capital: Cancellation of  uncalled capital meA cancellation of that part of the face value of the share which has not yet been called by the company.
  •  e) Surrender of shares: sometimes reduction of share capital is effected through surrender of shares. For this purpose shares are subdivided into shares of smaller in nomination and the shareholders are made to surrender some of these subdivided shares. These shares so surrender facilitate reconstruction of company through reorganization. Debenture holders and the creditors' claim are settled through issue of surrendered shares. The amount foregone by these claimants is referred to reconstruction account. Following are the journal Entries which are required to be passed under surrender of shares. I)   For surrender of shares by shareholdersShare capital A/c   Dr. (Smaller denomination)   To share surrender A/cII)                         For issue of surrendered shares to the creditors Shares surrender A/c       Dr.To Equity share capital a/cIII)                     For cancellation of unissued surrendered sharesUnissued surrendered shares a/c   Dr.To Reconstruction a/c Reduction of share capital:A reduction of share capital is unlawful except when sanctioned by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). “Conversion of share capital is one of the main principles of company law”. The share capital of a company is only security on which the creditors rely. Any reduction of share capital diminishes the fund out of which they are to be paid. But sometimes there may be genuine necessity for the reduction of share capital. This power is, given by the section 66 ( 1) of the Companies Act 2013 subject to the compliance of conditions. According to this section a company may(I) Extinguish or reduce the liability on any of its shares in respect of share capital not paid up.(II)   Cancel any paid up share capital which is lost or is   unrepresented by any available assets(III)  Pay of any paid up share capital which is in excess of what is required by the company.  Following are the conditions for affecting reduction of share capital. A company can reduce its share capital as per the provisions contained in the sections 64 to 66 the Companies Act 2013 which are as under 1)  The articles of association of the company must permit it to reduce its capital;2)  The company in general meeting has passed a special resolution; 3)  The National Company Law Tribunal has approved the scheme of reduction in share capital. Q4) Explain in the Procedure of Reducing of share capital as per Companies Act. A4) Following are the in detail procedure under which a company can reduce their share capital: 1)when a company is authorized by its articles of association to effect reduction of his share capital passes the special resolution to reduce its share capital then it is required to apply to the National Company Law Tribunal for its  approval. If under the scheme of capital reduction the liability of shareholders does not decrease or they are not paid off excessively then the Tribunal without taking consent of the creditors may approve the scheme. 2)But if by the reduction, the liabilities of shareholders decrease or the capital is returned to them, then the Tribunal will give its creditors a chance to put their views. If any creditors disagrees with the scheme then a list of such creditors is prepared.  The Tribunal after issuing a notice may also include other creditors  within a specified time. The Tribunal may order the company either to take the consent of disagreed creditors for the scheme or to make the payment of whole amount due to them. If the Tribunal is satisfied that the consent of creditors for the scheme has been taken or their claims have been paid off or their rights are secured then it approves the scheme of reduction of share capital. 3)The Tribunal if it thinks fit may provide condition and may order the company to add 'And reduced' words with its name for a certain period. It may order the company to publish information regarding reduction in share capital or information in the interest of general public. 4)After receiving the approval of the NCLT  the company will present a statement to the registrar showing amount of share capital , number of shares, face value of each share and paid up amount with the true copy of tribunal’s order.5)The order of reduction in share capital will be effective from the date when the order of the Tribunal together with statement gets registered by the registrar. Q5) What are the Accounting entries required to pass at the time of capital reduction scheme ?A5)ACCOUNTING ENTRIES FOR GIVING EFFECT TO THE CAPITAL REDUCTION SCHEME.I)When the nomination of share is not reduced, only paid up value is reduced Share capital account.      Dr. (With amount of reduction)     To Capital reduction account II) When denomination of shares is reduced Share capital account Dr. (Old denomination)    To Share capital account (new denomination)     To Capital reduction account ( with amount of reduction) III)If balance of any reserve referred to capital reduction accountReserve account Dr.(with name)To capital reduction account IV)For sacrifice made by debenture holders, if any Debentures account Dr. To Capital reduction account V)For sacrifice made by Creditors, if anyCreditors account Dr. To Capital reduction account VI)For recording any increase in the value of assets on revaluationAsset account Dr. To capital reduction accountVII)For recording any decrease in the value of liabilityLiability account Dr.To Capital reduction account VIII)For making any provision for contingent liabilityCapital reduction account. Dr.To provision for contingencies account.IX)For writing off various accumulated losses, fictitious assets, loss on assets and liabilities Capital reduction account.        Dr. To Statement of profit and loss To preliminary expenses A/c To Discount on issue of shares/Debentures A/cTo Goodwill/ patents/ trademark A/c To Asset A/cTo provision for doubtful debts A/cTo Capital Reserve A/c (if any balance is left in capital reduction account after writing off) Q6) On 18-03-2020 X LTD passed a resolution to consolidate 500,000 fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each into 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each. Show entry for consolidation of shares.A6)In the books of X LTDJournal Entries





    Credit (Rs.)


    Equity Share capital A/c.              Dr.(Rs. 10)

          To Equity share capital A/c(Rs.100 each)

    (Being the consolidation of 500,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each fully paid into 10,000 equity shares of  Rs. 100 each fully paid as per general meeting’s resolution No….dated 18-03-2020.





      Q7) JIO Limited decides on 15.08. 2020 to sub-divide its 15000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid into equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid.A7)In the books of JIO ltdJournal Entries 





    Credit (Rs.)


    Equity Share capital A/c.              Dr.(Rs. 100)

          To Equity share capital A/c(Rs.10 each)

    (Being the sub division of 15,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each fully paid into 50,000 equity shares of  Rs. 10 each fully paid as per general meeting’s resolution No….dated 15-08-2020.



