UNIT 5Managing Stress and Conflict in Contemporary Society Q1) What are the types of conflicts ? Explain in detail.A1) There are mainly 4 types of ConflictIntrapersonal Interpersonal Intragroup Intergroup Intrapersonal ConflictThe intrapersonal conflict is conflict experienced by a single individual, when his or her own goals, values or roles diverge. A lawyer may experience a conflict of values when he represents a defendant he knows to be guilty of the charges brought against him. A worker whose goal it is to earn her MBA might experience an intrapersonal conflict when she’s offered a position that requires her to transfer to a different state. Or it might be a role conflict where a worker might have to choose between dinner with clients or dinner with family.Interpersonal ConflictAs you might guess, interpersonal conflict is conflict due to differences in goals, value, and styles between two or more people who are required to interact. As this type of conflict is between individuals, the conflicts can get very personal.Intragroup ConflictIntragroup conflict is conflict within a group or team, where members conflict over goals or procedures. For instance, a board of directors may want to take a risk to launch a set of products on behalf of their organization, in spite of dissenting opinions among several members. Intragroup conflict takes place among them as they argue the pros and cons of taking such a risk.Intergroup ConflictIntergroup conflict is when conflict between groups inside and outside an organization disagree on various issues. Conflict can also arise between two groups within the same organization, and that also would be considered intergroup conflict.Within those types of conflict, one can experience horizontal conflict, which is conflict with others that are at the same peer level as you, or vertical conflict, which is conflict with a manager or a subordinate.Q2) What are the coping mechanisms for managing individual stress ?A2) There are two parts to coping. One is being able to tolerate stress: to function reasonably well in stressful situations and get through them. The second part is recovering: getting back to normal when the stressful situation is over.Good coping skills prevent stress from getting us down and help us thrive, even in challenging times. Coping mechanisms for managing individual stress Here are the most common coping techniques identified in the American Psychological Association’s 2014 Stress in America survey:listening to music physical activity reading meditation praying, going to church yoga getting a massage All of these strategies were rated as effective by more than half the people who used them.Some coping strategies are not so greatBut people have other ways of coping that aren’t quite as effective. For example, lots of people use screen time – watching TV or movies and surfing the net – to distract themselves from stress. But in the Stress in America survey, relatively few people said screen time was truly effective as a stress management strategy.Some coping strategies give people temporary relief, but can cause other problems. For example, people may feel relief from stress after eating junk food or having a few drinks. But both can cause health problems if they become habits.That doesn’t mean you should never watch TV or eat the occasional bag of chips to distract yourself from stress. Almost everybody does things like that sometimes. But it’s a good idea to learn about other coping strategies that may be more helpful.Here are some proven coping methods that are both effective and low-risk. Some of them are “first aid” – strategies that help us manage stress in the moment. Others are “stress maintenance” – strategies that build our ability to deal with stress or help us recover from it.Q3) What is Stress First Aid?A3) Take a breakThere’s an old saying, “A break is as good as a rest.” When it comes to stress, a break actually is a rest. Taking a break to do something that gets your mind off of stress – reading, having coffee with a friend, or going for a walk – gives your stress response system a much-needed rest. That refreshes you physically and mentally, which can help you break a pattern of "stressing about your stress."Relaxation breathingFor centuries, people who practiced yoga and Buddhism have used breathing to relax and think more clearly. They were right. Research shows that slow, deep breathing – exhaling slowly is particularly important – lowers the heart rate and blood pressure, and has other effects that help people to feel calmer and more focused. Relaxation breathing is easy to learn and can be can be done almost anywhere.HumourEverybody loves to laugh. But laughter is actually a stress fighter. It helps us release tension, gets our minds off of our troubles and it also causes physiological changes in the body that are similar to the changes we experience when we exercise.Reaching outGetting support from other people is one of the most important ways we have of coping with stress. In fact, humans are wired to receive and give social support. Social support sometimes has a physiological impact that makes us feel better right away. Think of how quickly a crying baby often calms down when his mom or dad picks him up and holds him close. Our need for support from others continues throughout life.Physical activityPhysical activity is one of the best things you can do for your health and it has been shown to improve people’s physiological response to stress. Physical activity causes the release of brain chemicals that make you feel good, so it can help you recover your sense of well-being after a stressful experience.Q4) Give some ways for Stress Maintenance?A4) Learning to think differently about a stressor we can’t changeWhen we're dealing with stress, the way we think can either help or hinder us. Negative thinking patterns can add to our stress by making an already stressful situation seem worse than it really is. Therefore changing the way we think about a stressor can make it easier to cope. Changing the way you think about a stressor involves learning:to accept and adapt to stress you can’t change to recognize and “turn off” negative or catastrophic thinking that can increase feelings of stress to think about stressors in less negative and flexible ways Changing your thinking patterns is by no means easy. But it’s a skill that can be learned. Changing the way you think about a stressor is one of the our action strategies. YogaYoga combines physical activity, deep breathing, relaxation and meditation. So it's sort of a one-stop-shop for stress-busting. In the Stress in America Survey, people who practiced yoga said it was very helpful for dealing with stress. Most communities have yoga classes at various levels, including beginner.A stress-friendly lifestyleEveryone knows that if you don’t take care of yourself ,you can get run down and become more vulnerable to illness. It’s similar with stress. Taking care of yourself – getting enough sleep, eating well, being physically active, making time for activities that you enjoy, and avoiding the overuse of alcohol and or “recreational” drugs – will improve your ability to tolerate stress better and recover from stress.MeditationMeditation has been used throughout history to help people clear their minds of worries, cares and negative thoughts so they can focus on what is happening right now. Modern research has confirmed that meditation can help people manage stress.Doing something you love to doLeisure activities are more than just fun. They have also been shown to increase peoples’ sense of well-being and help them recover from stress. Leisure gets your mind off stress and also causes your brain to release stress-reducing chemicals. Singing, for example, is a great destressor because it releases the same feel-good chemicals as physical activity and sex.Get more “green time”Some research has shown that simply being outdoors in a natural environment such as a forest can relieve people’s stress and increase their sense of well-being. For some urban dwellers it isn’t always easy to get out into the true wilderness. But a weekly walk in a wooded park or other natural space can provide similar benefits.Q5) Explain Maslow’s theory of self‐actualisation ?A5) Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging needs (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization.
Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and so on.1. Physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.If these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function optimally. Maslow considered physiological needs the most important as all the other needs become secondary until these needs are met. 2. Safety needs - Once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for security and safety become salient. People want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society (e.g. police, schools, business and medical care).For example, emotional security, financial security (e.g. employment, social welfare), law and order, freedom from fear, social stability, property, health and wellbeing (e.g. safety against accidents and injury). 3. Love and belongingness needs - after physiological and safety needs have been fulfilled, the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of belongingness. The need for interpersonal relationships motivates behaviour. 4. Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy - which Maslow classified into two categories: (i) esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery, independence) and (ii) the desire for reputation or respect from others (e.g., status, prestige).Maslow indicated that the need for respect or reputation is most important for children and adolescents and precedes real self-esteem or dignity. 5. Self-actualization needs are the highest level in Maslow's hierarchy, and refer to the realization of a person's potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up.One must satisfy lower-level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs. However, he later clarified that satisfaction of a needs is not an “all-or-none” phenomenon, admitting that his earlier statements may have given “the false impression that a need must be satisfied 100 percent before the next need emerges” When a deficit need has been 'more or less' satisfied it will go away, and our activities become habitually directed towards meeting the next set of needs that we have yet to satisfy. These then become our salient needs. However, growth needs continue to be felt and may even become stronger once they have been engaged.Growth needs do not stem from a lack of something, but rather from a desire to grow as a person. Once these growth needs have been reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach the highest level called self-actualization.Every person is capable and has the desire to move up the hierarchy toward a level of self-actualization. Unfortunately, progress is often disrupted by a failure to meet lower level needs. Life experiences, including divorce and loss of a job, may cause an individual to fluctuate between levels of the hierarchy.Therefore, not everyone will move through the hierarchy in a uni-directional manner but may move back and forth between the different types of needs."It is quite true that man lives by bread alone — when there is no bread. But what happens to man’s desires when there is plenty of bread and when his belly is chronically filled?At once other (and “higher”) needs emerge and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism. And when these in turn are satisfied, again new (and still “higher”) needs emerge and so on. This is what we mean by saying that the basic human needs are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency" Q6) What are the different methods of responding to conflicts in society ?A6) Conflicts can arise at any time. How you utilize conflict resolution strategies depends on both your conflict style and your conflict resolution skills. There are many different ways to respond to conflict situations; some conflict styles involve a considerate or cooperative approach while others involve either a competitive or passive approach.Conflict StylesThose who have proper conflict resolution training understand how to diffuse the situation and reach an agreement that satisfies all parties. The first step in conflict resolution is understanding the various styles of conflict. The five styles of conflict resolution strategies developed by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph that people use to handle conflict are:Avoiding the Conflict
Avoiding or withdrawing from a conflict requires no courage or consideration for the other party. By avoiding the conflict, you essentially pretend that it never happened or doesn’t exist. Some examples of avoidance or withdrawal include pretending there is nothing wrong, stonewalling or completely shutting down. Giving In
Giving in or accommodating the other party requires a lot of cooperation and little courage. Basically, you agree to accommodate the other party by acknowledging and accepting his point of view or suggestion. This style might be viewed as letting the other party have his way. While this style can lead to making peace and moving forward, it can also lead to the accommodator feeling resentment toward the other party Standing your Ground
While standing your ground requires courage, it can also be inconsiderate. By standing your ground, you are essentially competing with the other party; you’ll do anything to ensure that you win the battle. The fact is, a competitive approach offers short term rewards, but in the long term effects can be detrimental to your business. Compromising
Compromising is a big step toward conflict resolution. Both courage and consideration are used when both parties look for common ground. You agree to negotiate larger points and let go of the smaller points; this style expedites the resolution process. Occasionally, the person compromising might use passive-aggressive tactics to mislead the other party, so beware. Collaborating
Collaboration plays a major role within conflict resolution and requires great courage and much consideration. Collaborating with the other party involves listening to their side, discussing areas of agreement and goals, and ensuring that all parties understand each other. Collaboration requires thinking creatively to resolve the problem without concessions. Collaborators are usually admired and well-respected. Q7) How does the UN maintain international peace and security? A7) Preventive Diplomacy and MediationThe most effective way to diminish human suffering and the massive economic costs of conflicts and their aftermath is to prevent conflicts in the first place. The United Nations plays an important role in conflict prevention, using diplomacy, good offices and mediation. Among the tools the Organization uses to bring peace are special envoys and political missions in the field.PeacekeepingPeacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the UN to assist host countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. Today's multidimensional peacekeeping operations are called upon not only to maintain peace and security, but also to facilitate political processes, protect civilians, assist in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; support constitutional processes and the organization of elections, protect and promote human rights and assist in restoring the rule of law and extending legitimate state authority. Peacekeeping operations get their mandates from the UN Security Council; their troops and police are contributed by Members States; and they are managed by the Department of Peace Operations and supported by the Department of Operational Support at the UN Headquarters in New York. There are 14 UN peacekeeping operations currently deployed and there have been a total of 71 deployed since 1948. In 2019, the Secretary-General launched the Action for Peacekeeping Initiative (A4P) to renew mutual political commitment to peacekeeping operations.PeacebuildingUnited Nations peacebuilding activities are aimed at assisting countries emerging from conflict, reducing the risk of relapsing into conflict and at laying the foundation for sustainable peace and development. The UN peacebuilding architecture comprises the Peacebuilding Commission, the Peacebuilding Fund and the Peacebuilding Support office. The Peacebuilding Support Office assists and supports the Peacebuilding Commission with strategic advice and policy guidance, administers the Peacebuilding Fund and serves the Secretary-General in coordinating United Nations agencies in their peacebuilding efforts.Countering TerrorismThe United Nations is being increasingly called upon coordinate the global fight against terrorism. Eighteen universal instruments against international terrorism have been elaborated within the framework of the United Nations system relating to specific terrorist activities. In September 2006, UN Member States adopted the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism strategy. This was the first time that Member States agreed to a common strategic and operational framework against terrorism.DisarmamentThe General Assembly and other bodies of the United Nations, supported by the Office for Disarmament Affairs, work to advance international peace and security through the pursuit of the elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and the regulation of conventional arms.Q8) What are the efforts towards building peace and harmony in society?A8) Peace and harmony of the mankind society should be integral and compressive. They consist of the following six areas:
I. An international political order that embodies equality and mutual trust, maintaining security and justice jointly by political cooperation;
II. A world economy system that fully embodies balance and mutual benefit, eliminating discrepancy between rich and poor as well as regional imbalance;
III. A global cultural atmosphere that fully embodies diversity and integration, conducting dialogues and exchanges to consolidate and enhance friendship and dissolve historical prejudice;
IV. A natural and ecological ethics that fully embodies coexistence and common prosperity, actively fulfilling the responsibility of improvement and resolving environmental crisis by ecological protection;
V. Scientific and technological improvement that fully embodies human nature and humanity, prompting scientific and technological fruits to ultimately benefit the long-term welfare of mankind;
VI. Spiritual and mental state that fully embodies health and morality, helping each individual obtain physical and mental serenity, harmony and happiness through traditional wisdom.
Avoiding or withdrawing from a conflict requires no courage or consideration for the other party. By avoiding the conflict, you essentially pretend that it never happened or doesn’t exist. Some examples of avoidance or withdrawal include pretending there is nothing wrong, stonewalling or completely shutting down.
Giving in or accommodating the other party requires a lot of cooperation and little courage. Basically, you agree to accommodate the other party by acknowledging and accepting his point of view or suggestion. This style might be viewed as letting the other party have his way. While this style can lead to making peace and moving forward, it can also lead to the accommodator feeling resentment toward the other party
While standing your ground requires courage, it can also be inconsiderate. By standing your ground, you are essentially competing with the other party; you’ll do anything to ensure that you win the battle. The fact is, a competitive approach offers short term rewards, but in the long term effects can be detrimental to your business.
Compromising is a big step toward conflict resolution. Both courage and consideration are used when both parties look for common ground. You agree to negotiate larger points and let go of the smaller points; this style expedites the resolution process. Occasionally, the person compromising might use passive-aggressive tactics to mislead the other party, so beware.
Collaboration plays a major role within conflict resolution and requires great courage and much consideration. Collaborating with the other party involves listening to their side, discussing areas of agreement and goals, and ensuring that all parties understand each other. Collaboration requires thinking creatively to resolve the problem without concessions. Collaborators are usually admired and well-respected.
I. An international political order that embodies equality and mutual trust, maintaining security and justice jointly by political cooperation;
II. A world economy system that fully embodies balance and mutual benefit, eliminating discrepancy between rich and poor as well as regional imbalance;
III. A global cultural atmosphere that fully embodies diversity and integration, conducting dialogues and exchanges to consolidate and enhance friendship and dissolve historical prejudice;
IV. A natural and ecological ethics that fully embodies coexistence and common prosperity, actively fulfilling the responsibility of improvement and resolving environmental crisis by ecological protection;
V. Scientific and technological improvement that fully embodies human nature and humanity, prompting scientific and technological fruits to ultimately benefit the long-term welfare of mankind;
VI. Spiritual and mental state that fully embodies health and morality, helping each individual obtain physical and mental serenity, harmony and happiness through traditional wisdom.
Q9) What is Conflict‐resolution towards building peace and harmony in society ?A9) The wave of globalization has been connecting all the countries of the world into a community to an unprecedented extent, which implies that a mankind society in its true sense is taking shape. In the meantime, the significance of peace and harmony is being recognized by more and more far-sighted people for the following reasons:
Peace and harmony is a basic prerequisite. Peace and harmony can bring a peaceful and stable order to society, and they are a necessary condition for the survival and development of mankind. A world deprived of peace and harmony certainly will fall apart and return to the jungle era in which the strong prey on the weak.
Peace and harmony is an essential benefit. Peace and harmony are enjoyed and possessed jointly by mankind, which is a base for the full realization of the creativity potential of individuals, the sustainable development of the economy and culture of nations, and a true security for the long lasting prosperity of mankind society.
Peace and harmony is an ideal path. Peace and harmony mean dealing with disputes and resolving conflicts fairly and properly with neutralization and Middle Way principles to further the welfare of each individual as well as the wellbeing of mankind as a whole.
Peace and harmony is long lasting value. Ever since the emergence of mankind, numerous cultures have been produced, among which most vanished as soon as they appeared and were forgotten in history for being partial to certain aspect or limited to certain period. Peace and harmony is high wisdom.Q10) How can you improve your ability to resolve conflict?A10) Being able to choose and apply the best conflict resolution strategy effectively is made possible by developing better conflict resolution skills. Examples of conflict resolution skills that can help you include the ability to:Listen effectively. Identify specific points of disagreement. Express your own needs clearly. View conflict as an opportunity for growth. Focus on specific issues without generalizing or escalating the situation. Although you may have a proclivity towards a specific type of conflict resolution, you are not required to use this strategy in every situation. With time and effort, you can learn new conflict resolution skills that improve your ability to negotiate and resolve issues with others. Eventually, you will be able to select and use the conflict resolution strategy that is best for the situation, as opposed to the one that is most comfortable or familiar.
Peace and harmony is a basic prerequisite. Peace and harmony can bring a peaceful and stable order to society, and they are a necessary condition for the survival and development of mankind. A world deprived of peace and harmony certainly will fall apart and return to the jungle era in which the strong prey on the weak.
Peace and harmony is an essential benefit. Peace and harmony are enjoyed and possessed jointly by mankind, which is a base for the full realization of the creativity potential of individuals, the sustainable development of the economy and culture of nations, and a true security for the long lasting prosperity of mankind society.
Peace and harmony is an ideal path. Peace and harmony mean dealing with disputes and resolving conflicts fairly and properly with neutralization and Middle Way principles to further the welfare of each individual as well as the wellbeing of mankind as a whole.
Peace and harmony is long lasting value. Ever since the emergence of mankind, numerous cultures have been produced, among which most vanished as soon as they appeared and were forgotten in history for being partial to certain aspect or limited to certain period. Peace and harmony is high wisdom.Q10) How can you improve your ability to resolve conflict?A10) Being able to choose and apply the best conflict resolution strategy effectively is made possible by developing better conflict resolution skills. Examples of conflict resolution skills that can help you include the ability to:
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