Example of Entity Architecture entity Half_adder is port(x: in bit; y : in bit; S : out bit; C: out bit); end half_adder; architecture add_half of Half_adder is begin S <= x xor y; -- statement 1 C <= x and y; -- statement 2 --Blank lines are allowed end add_half;
Verilog module has declaration and body. In the declaration, the name, inputs, and outputs of the module are entered. The body shows the relationship between the inputs and the outputs. Example of a Verilog Module module Half_adder(x,y,S,C); input x,y; output S, C; // Blank lines are allowed assign S = x ^ y; // statement 1 assign C= x & y; // statement 2 endmodule The name of the module is a user-selected Half_adder. In contrast to VHDL, Verilog is case sensitive. Half_adder, half_adder, and half_addEr are all different names. The name of the module should start with an alphabetical letter and can include the special character underscore (_). The declaration of the module starts with the predefined word module followed by the user-selected name. The names of the inputs and outputs (they are called input and output ports) follow the same guidelines as the module’s name. They are written inside parentheses separated by a comma. The parenthesis is followed by a semicolon. In above example, x, y, S, and C are the names of the inputs and outputs. The order of writing the input and output ports inside the parentheses is irrelevant. We could have written the module statement as: module half_adder (S, C, x, y); The semicolon (;) plays the same rule as in VHDL module; it is a line separator. Carriage return here does not indicate a new statement, the semicolon does. Following the module statement, the input and output port modes are declared. For example, the statement input a; declares signal a as an input port. In contrast to VHDL, the type of the input and output port signals need not be declared. The order of writing the inputs and outputs and their declaration is irrelevant. For example, the inputs and outputs can be written as: module half_adder (x,y, S, C); output S; output C; input x; input y; Also, more than one input or output could be entered on the same line by using a comma (,) to separate each input or output as: module half_adder (x,y, S, C); output S, C; input x, y; Statements 1 and 2 in above example are signal assignment statements. In statement 1, the symbol ^ represents an EXCULSIVE-OR operation; this symbol is called a logical operator. So, statement 1 describes the relationship between S, x, and y as S = x xor y. In statement 2, the symbol & represents an AND logic; the symbol is called a logical operator. So, statement 2 describes the relationship between C, x, and y as C = x and y. The double slash (//) is a comment command where a comment can be entered. If the comment takes more than one line, a double slash or pair (/*……..*/) can be used. The module is concluded by the predefined word endmodule. Leaving blank lines is allowed in the module; also, spaces between two words or at the beginning of the line are allowed. |
Example- entity Half_adder is port(x: in bit; y : in bit; S : out bit; C: out bit); end half_adder; architecture add_half of Half_adder is begin S <= x xor y; -- statement 1 C <= x and y; -- statement 2 --Blank lines are allowed end add_half;
Using Verilog module Half_adder(a,b,S,C); input a,b; output S, C; // Blank lines are allowed assign S = a ^ b; // statement 1 assign C= a & b; // statement 2 endmodule 2. Behavioral Description A behavioral description models the system as to how the outputs behave with the inputs; usually, a flowchart is used to show this behavior.
In the half adder, the S output can be described as “1” if the inputs x and y are not equal, otherwise S = “0,”. The output C can be described as acquiring a value of “1” only if each input (x and y) is “1.” The HDL behavioral description is the one where the architecture or the module contains the predefined word process (VHDL) or always or initial. Behavioral description is usually used when the Boolean function or the digital logic of the system is hard to obtain.
Example of Behavioral Description VHDL1B Description entity Half_adder is port(x: in bit; y : in bit; S : out bit; C: out bit); end half_adder; architecture beh_half of Half_adder is begin process (x, y) begin if (x /= y) then S <= ‘1’; else S <= ‘0’; --Blank lines are allowed end if; end process; end beh_half;
Verilog Description module Half_adder(x,y,S,C); input x,y; output S, C; reg S,C; // Blank lines are allowed always @ (x,y) begin if (x != y) S = 1’y1; else S = 1’y0; end endmodule
3. Structural Description:
Structural description models the system as components or gates. This description is identified by the presence of the keyword component in the architecture (VHDL) or gates construct such as and, or, and not in the module (Verilog).
Example of Structural Description VHDL Description entity Half_adder is port(a: in bit; b : in bit; S : out bit; C: out bit); end half_adder; architecture struct_exple of Half_adder is component xor2 --The above statement is a component statement port(I1, I2 : in std_logic; O1 : out std_logic); end component; component and2 port(I1, I2 : in std_logic; O1 : out std_logic); end component; begin X1: xor2 port map (a,b, S); A1: and2 port map (a,b, C); end struct_exple; Verilog Description module Half_adder1(a,b,S,C); input a, b; output S,C; and a1(C,a,b); //The above statement is AND gate xor x1(S,a,b); //The above statement is EXCLUSIVE-OR gate Endmodule
4. Switch-Level Description: The switch-level description is the lowest level of description. The system is described using switches or transistors. Some of the Verilog predefined words used in the switch level description are nmos, pmos, cmos, tranif0, tran, and tranif1. VHDL does not have built-in switch-level primitives, but a construct package can be built to include such primitives.
An Example of A Switch-Level Description VHDL Description library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity Inverter is Port (y : out std_logic; a: in std_logic ); end Inverter; architecture Invert_switch of Inverter is component nmos --nmos is one of the key words for switch-level. port (O1: out std_logic; I1, I2 : in std_logic); end component; component pmos --pmos is one of the key words for switch-level. port (O1: out std_logic ;I1, I2 : in std_logic); end component; for all: pmos use entity work. mos (pmos_behavioral); for all: nmos use entity work. mos (nmos_behavioral); --The above two statements are referring to a package mos constant vdd: std_logic := ‘1’; constant gnd : std_logic:= ‘0’; begin p1 : pmos port map (y, vdd, a); n1: nmos port map (y, gnd, a); end Invert_switch;
Verilog Description module invert(y,a); input a; output y; supply1 vdd; supply0 gnd; pmos p1(y, vdd, a); nmos n1(y, gnd, a); /*The above two statement are using the two primitives pmos and nmos*/ endmodule
5. Mixed type description: Mixed-type or mixed-style descriptions are those that use more than one type or style of the above-mentioned descriptions. In fact, most of the descriptions of moderate to large systems are mixed. Some parts of the system may be described using one type and others using other types of description.
6. Mixed language description: The mixed-language description is a newly added tool to HDL description. The user now can write a module in one language (VHDL or Verilog) and invoke or import a construct (entity or module) written in the other language.
Example of Mixed-Language Description module Full_Adder1 ( x,y, cin, sum, carry); input x,y,cin; output sum, carry; wire c0, c1, s0; HA H1 (y, cin, s0,c0); // Description of HA is written in VHDL in the // entity HA .................. endmodule library IEEE; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity HA is --For correct binding between this VHDL code and the above --Verilog code, the entity has to be named here as HA port (a, b : in std_logic; s, c: out std_logic); end HA; architecture HA_Dtflw of HA is begin s <= a xor b; c <= a and b; end HA_Dtflw;
VHDL Logical Operator | Verilog Logical Operator | Equivalent logic | Operand type | Result type |
AND | & | AND gate | Bit | Bit |
OR | | | OR gate | Bit | Bit |
NAND | ~(&) | NAND gate | Bit | Bit |
NOR | ~(|) | NOR gate | Bit | Bit |
XOR | ^ | XOR gate | Bit | Bit |
XNOR | ~^ | XNOR gate | Bit | Bit |
NOT | ~ | NOT gate | Bit | Bit |
Relational operators are implemented to compare the values of two objects. The result returned by these operators is in Boolean: false (0) or true (1).
Example If (A = B) then ..... A is compared to B. If A is equal to B, the value of the expression (A = B) is true (1); otherwise, it is false (0).
if (A == B) .……. If the value of A or B contains one or more “don’t care” or z bits, the value of the expression is unknown. Otherwise, if A is equal to B, the value of the expression is true (1). If A is not equal to B, the value of the expression is false (0).
2. Arithmetic Operators:
Arithmetic operators can perform a wide variety of operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Note: The precedence of the arithmetic operators in VHDL or Verilog is the same as in C. The precedence of the major operators is listed below from highest to lowest: ** * / mod (%) + -
Operation | Description Before Shift | Operand A After Shift
| Operand A |
A sll 1 | Shift A one position left logical | 1110 | 1100 |
A sll 2 | Shift A two position left logical | 1110 | 10xx |
A srl 1 | Shift A one position right logical | 1110 | x111 |
A srl 2 | Shift A two position right logical | 1110 | xx11 |
A sla 1 | Shift A one position left arithmetic | 1110 | 110x |
A sra 1 | Shift A one position right arithmetic | 1110 | 1111 |
A rol 1 | Rotate A one position left | 1110 | 1101 |
A ror 1 | Rotate A one position right | 1110 | 0111 |
Operation | Description Before Shift | Operand A After Shift
| Operand A |
A<<1 | Shift A one position left logical | 1110 | 1100 |
A<<2 | Shift A two position left logical | 1110 | 1000 |
A>>1 | Shift A one position right logical | 1110 | 0111 |
A>>2 | Shift A two position right logical | 1110 | 0011 |
A.>>> 2 | Shift A two positions right arithmetic | 1110 | 1111 |
A.<<<2 | Shift A two positions left arithmetic | 1110 | 1000 |
The values that a scalar can assume are numeric. Numeric values can be integer, real, physical, Boolean, or characters when stored as ASCII.
The following types constitute the scalar types.
The only values allowed here are 0 or 1. It is used to describe a signal that takes only 1 (high) or 0 (low). An example of implementing this type is when the type of a port signal is described as: port (I1, I2 : in bit; O1, O2 : out bit); Signals I1, I2, O1, and O2 can assume only 0 or 1.
b. Boolean Type This type can assume two values: false (0) or true (1). Both true and false are predefined words. One of the most frequent applications of the Boolean type is in the if statement Example- If (y = A) then S := ‘1’; else S := ‘0’; end if;
The output of the first line, If (y =A), is Boolean: it is either true or false. If true, then S = 1; if false, S = 0. Boolean can also be specified as the port type: port (I1, I2 : in bit; O1 : out bit; O2 : Boolean);
c. Integer Type As the name indicates, this type covers all integer values; the values can be negative or positive. The range is from –2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. The user can specify a shorter range by using the predefined word range. The exponent has to be of type integer, such as x**2 or x**y, where y is declared as integer. The port can also be declared as type integer: port (I1 : in natural; I2 : in bit; O1 : out integer; O2 : Boolean);
Another predefined type positive restricts the values an object can take to be positive and higher than 0.
d. Real Type This type accepts fractions, such as .4502, 12.5, and –5.2E–10 where E–10 = 10–10. An example of using real type is: port (I1 : in natural; I2 : in real; O1 : out integer; O2 : Boolean);
e. Character Type This type includes characters that can be used to print a message using, for example, the predefined command report, such as: report (“Variable x is greater than Y”); The report statement is very similar to the print statement in C language. Some format can be added to the characters printed by report: report (“Variable x is greater than Y.”) & CR & (“Variable x is > 2.34.”); where & is the concatenation operator, and CR is a predefined word for carriage return.
subtype and type, if used, assign numeric value to each character, as follows: subtype wordChr is character; type string_chr is array (N downto 0) of wordChr;
In addition, subtype, type, and array are predefined words. The two statements above declare an array of N + 1 elements, and each element is a character. The characters are associated with ASCII values. For example, character A has the ASCII value of 41 in hex.
f. Physical Type This type has values that can be measured in units, such as time (e.g., second, millisecond, microsecond) and voltage (e.g., volt, millivolt, microvolts). An example of type time is: constant Delay_inv : time := 1 ns;
The above statement states that the constant Delay_inv is of type time, and its initial value is one nanosecond (1 ns). The word time is predefined.
g. User-Defined Types The user can define a type by using the predefined word type as shown below: type op is (add, mul, divide, none); variable opcode : op := mul;
Type op is user defined. The variable opcode is of type op and can therefore be instantiated to: add, mul, divide, or none.
h. Severity Type This type is used with the assert statement. An object with type severity can take one of four values: note, warning, error, or failure. An example of this type is as follows: assert (Flag_full = false); report “The stack is full”; severity failure;
2. Composite Type:
The composite type is a collection of values. There are three composite types: bit vector, arrays, and records
The bit_vector type represents an array of bits; each element of the array is a single bit. The following example illustrates the implementation of type bit_vector:
Port (I1 : in bit; I2 : in bit_vector (5 downto 0); Sum : out bit);
In the above statement, port I2 is declared as type bit_vector; it has six bits.
b. Array Type This type is declared by using the predefined word array. For example, the following statements declare the variable memory to be a single dimensional array of eight elements, and each element is an integer:
subtype wordN is integer; type intg is array (7 downto 0) of wordN; ........... variable memory : intg; Arrays can also be multidimensional.
c. Record Type An object of record type is composed of elements of the same or different types. An example of record type is shown below:
Type forecast is record Tempr : integer range -100 to 100;
Day : real; Cond : bit; end record; ............ variable temp : forecast Variable temp is of type forecast; type forecast includes record, and record has three different types: integer, real, and bit.
3. Access Types Values belonging to an access type are pointers to objects of other types. For example: type ptr_weathr is access forecast; The type ptr_weathr is a pointer to the type forecast shown in last example
4. File Types Objects of type file can be read from and written to using built-in functions and procedures that are provided in the standard library. Some of these procedures and functions are file_open to open files, readline to read a line from the file, writeline to write a line into the file, and file_close to close the file.
5. Other Types There are several other types provided by external libraries. For example, the IEEE library contains a package by the name of std_logic_1164. This package contains an extremely important type: std_logic.
Std_Logic has nine values, including 1 and 0. Package std_logic_1164 should be attached to the VHDL module.
b. Std_logi c_vector Type The type std_logic_vector represents an array. Each element of the array is a single bit of type std_logic. Example: Port (I1 : in bit; I2 : in std_logic_vector (5 downto 0); Sum : out bit); In the above statement, port I2 is declared as type std_logic_vector; it has six bits.
c. Signed Signed is a numeric type. It is declared in the external package numeric_std and represents signed integer data in the form of an array. The leftmost bit is the sign; objects of type signed are represented in 2’s complement form. Consider the statement: Variable prod : signed (3 downto 0) := 1010;
The above statement declares the variable prod. It is of type signed, has four bits, and its initial value is 1010, or –6 (in decimal).
d. Unsigned The type unsigned represents unsigned integer data in the form of an array of std_logic and is a part of the package numeric_std.
Variable Qout : unsigned (3 downto 0) := 1010; The above statement declares variable Qout as of type unsigned, it has four bits, and its initial value is 1010, or 10 (in decimal).
Nets are declared by the predefined word wire. Nets have values that change continuously by the circuits that are driving them. Verilog supports four values for nets.
Example: wire sum; wire S1 = 1’b0; The first statement declares a net by the name sum. The second statement declares a net by the name of S1; its initial value is 1’b0, which represents 1 bit with value 0.
2. Register Register, in contrast to nets, stores values until they are updated. Register, as its name suggests, represents data-storage elements. Register is declared by the predefined word reg. Verilog supports four values for register.
3. Vectors Vectors are multiple bits. A register or a net can be declared as a vector. Vectors are declared by brackets [ ]. Examples of vectors are: wire [3:0] a = 4’b1010; reg [7:0] total = 8’d12; The first statement declares a net a. It has four bits, and its initial value is 1010 (b stands for bit). The second statement declares a register total.Its size is eight bits, and its value is decimal 12 (d stands for decimal).
4. Integers Integers are declared by the predefined word integer. An example of integer declaration is: integer no_bits; 5. Real Real (floating-point) numbers are declared with the predefined word real. Examples of real values are 2.4, 56.3, and 5e12. The value 5e12 is equal to 5 × 1012. The following statement declares the register weight as real: real weight;
6. Parameter Parameter represents a global constant. It is declared by the predefined word parameter. The following is an example of implementing parameters: module compr_genr (X, Y, xgty, xlty, xeqy); parameter N = 3; input [N:0] X, Y; output xgty, xlty, xeqy; wire [N:0] sum, Yb;
To change the size of the inputs x and y, the size of the nets sum, and the size of net Yb to eight bits, the value of N is changed to seven as: parameter N = 7
7. Arrays Verilog, in contrast to VHDL, does not have a predefined word for array. Registers and integers can be written as arrays. Consider the following statements: parameter N = 4; parameter M = 3; reg signed [M:0] carry [0:N]; The above statements declare an array by the name carry. The array carry has five elements, and each element is four bits. The four bits are in two’s complement form. For example, if the value of a certain element is 1001, then it is equivalent to decimal –7.
Parameter | VHDL | Verilog |
Data types | VHDL types are built in or users can create and define them. User-defined types give the user a tool to write the code effectively; | Compared to VHDL, Verilog data types are very simple and easy to use. All types are defined by the language. |
Ease of learning | For beginners, VHDL may seem hard to learn because of its rigid type requirements. | Easy to learn, Verilog users just write the module without worrying about what library or package should be attached. |
Libraries and Packages | Libraries and packages can be easily attached to the standard VHDL package. Packages can include procedures and functions, and the package can be made available to any module that needs to use it. | Libraries are not as easily implemented as in VHDL, however the basic Verilog package includes several libraries as integral part of the package. |
Base Language | VHDL is based on Ada and Pascal languages. | Verilog is based on C language |
Case Sensitivity | Case Insensitive | Case Sensitive |