Mechanics of Materials
Credits - 03
Module 1:
Deformation and Strain covering description of finite deformation, Infinitesimal deformation; Analysis of statically determinate trusses; Stability of dams, retaining walls and chimneys; Stress analysis of thin, thick and compound cylinder
Module 2:
Generalized state of stress and strain: Stress and strain tensor, Yield criteria and theories of failure; Tresca, Von-Mises, Hill criteria, Heigh-Westerguard’s stress space.
Module 3:
Momentum Balance and Stresses covering Forces and Moments Transmitted by Slender Members, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams, Momentum Balance, Stress States / Failure Criterion
Module 4:
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies covering Force-deformation Relationships and Static Indeterminacy, Uniaxial Loading and Material Properties, Trusses and Their Deformations, Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Trusses,
Module 5:
Force-Stress-Equilibrium covering Multiaxial Stress and Strain
Module 6:
Displacement – Strain covering Multiaxial Strain and Multiaxial Stress-strain Relationships
Module 7:
Elasticity and Elasticity Bounds covering Stress-strain-temperature Relationships and Thin-walled Pressure Vessels, Stress and strain Transformations and Principal Stress, Failure of Materials,
Module 8:
Bending: Stress and Strains; Deflections and Torsion covering Pure Bending, Moment-curvature Relationship, Beam Deflection, Symmetry, Superposition, and Statically Indeterminate Beams, Shear and Torsion, Torsion and Twisting, Thermoelasticity, Energy methods, Variational Methods; Strain energy, elastic, complementary and total strain energy, Strain energy of axially loaded bar, Beam in bending, shear and torsion; General energy theorems, Castigliano’s theorem, Maxwell Bettie’s reciprocal theorem; Virtual work and unit load method for deflection, Application to problems of beams and frames.
Module 9:
Structural stability; Stability of columns, Euler’s formula, end conditions and effective length factor, Columns with eccentric and lateral load; Plasticity and Yield Design covering 1D-Plasticity – An Energy Approach, Plasticity Models, Limit Analysis and Yield Design
Text/Reference Books:
1. Norris, C.H. and Wilber, J. B. and Utku, S. “Elementary Structural Analysis” Mc Graw Hill, Tokyo, Japan.
2. Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, DVNC, New York, USA.
3. Kazmi, S. M. A., ‘Solid Mechanics” TMH, Delhi, India.
4. Hibbeler, R. C. Mechanics of Materials. 6th ed. East Rutherford, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004
5. Crandall, S. H., N. C. Dahl, and T. J. Lardner. An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1979
6. Gere, J. M., and S. P. Timoshenko. Mechanics of Materials. 5th ed. Boston: PWS Kent Publishing, 1970.
7. Ashby, M. F., and D. R. H. Jones. Engineering Materials, An Introduction to their Properties and Applications. 2nd ed. Butterworth Heinemann.
8. Collins, J. A. Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
9. Courtney, T. H. Mechanical Behavior of Materials. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
10. Hertzberg, R. W. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
11. Nash, W. A. Strength of Materials. 3d ed. Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Hydraulic Engineering
Credits - 03
Module 1: Boundary Layer Analysis-
Assumption and concept of boundary layer theory.
Boundary- layer thickness, displacement, momentum & energy thickness, laminar and Turbulent boundary layers on a flat plate; Laminar sub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries. Local and average friction coefficients. Separation and Control.
Module 2: Introduction to Open Channel Flow-
Comparison between open channel flow and pipe flow, geometrical parameters of a channel, classification of open channels, classification of open channel flow, Velocity Distribution of channel section.
Module 3: Uniform Flow-
Continuity Equation, Energy Equation and Momentum Equation, Characteristics of uniform flow, Chezy’s formula, Manning’s formula. Factors affecting Manning’s Roughness Coefficient “ n .Most economical section of channel. Computation of Uniform flow, Normal depth.
Module 4: Non-Uniform Flow-
Specific energy, Specific energy curve, critical flow, discharge curve Specific force Specific depth, and Critical depth. Channel Transitions. Measurement of
Discharge and Velocity – Venturi Flume, Standing Wave Flume, Parshall Flume, Broad Crested Weir. Measurement of Velocity- Current meter, Floats, Hot-wire anemometer. Gradually Varied
Flow- Dynamic Equation of Gradually Varied Flow, Classification of channel bottom slopes, Classification of surface profile, Characteristics of surface profile. Computation of water surface profile by graphical, numerical and analytical approaches. Direct Step method, Graphical Integration method and Direct integration method.
Module 5:Hydraulic Jump
Theory of hydraulic jump, Elements and characteristics of hydraulic jump in a rectangular Channel, length and height of jump, location of jump, Types, applications and location of hydraulic jump. Energy dissipation and other uses, surge as a moving hydraulic jump. Positive and negative surges.
Module 6: Computational Fluid Dynamics:
Basic equations of fluid dynamics, Grid generation, Introduction to inviscid incompressible flow, Boundary layer flow as applicable to C.F.D.
Hydro informatics: Concept of hydro informatics –scope of internet and web-based modeling in water resources engineering.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, P.M. Modi and S.M. Seth, Standard Book House
2. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Open channel Flow, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Open Channel Hydraulics, Ven Te Chow, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Burnside, C.D., “Electromagnetic Distance Measurement,” Beekman Publishers, 1971.
Analysis and Design of Concrete Structure
Credits- 03
Module 1:
Introduction- concepts of energy principles, safety, sustainable development in performance; what makes a structure; principles of stability, equilibrium; what is a structural engineer, role of engineer, architect, user, builder; what are the functions’ what do the engineers design, first principles of process of design
Module 2:
Introduction to reinforced concrete structures, Basic material properties: stress-strain relation of concrete and reinforcing steel
Module 3:
Planning and Design Process; Materials, Loads, and Design Safety; Behaviour and Properties of Concrete and Steel; Wind and Earthquake Loads Design philosophy: assumptions and code of practice,
Module 4:
Theory of singly reinforced members in bending, Design of simply supported and continuous beams with rectangular and flanged section,
Module 5:
Limit state of collapse in shear, Design for bond, Design of one-way and two-way slab systems
Module 6:
Design of columns under uniaxial and biaxial bending, Design of footings and staircase
Text/Reference Books:
1. Nilson, A. H. Design of Concrete Structures. 13th edition. McGraw Hill, 2004
2. McCormac, J.C., Nelson, J.K. Jr., Structural Steel Design. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall, N.J., 2003.
3. Galambos, T.V., Lin, F.J., Johnston, B.G., Basic Steel Design with LRFD, Prentice Hall, 1996
4. Segui, W. T., LRFD Steel Design, 2nd Ed., PWS Publishing, Boston.
5. Salmon, C.G. and Johnson, J.E., Steel Structures: Design and Behavior, 3rd Edition, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, 1990.
6. MacGregor, J. G., Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
7. Nawy, E. G., Reinforced Concrete: A Fundamental Approach, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
8. Wang C-K. and Salmon, C. G., Reinforced Concrete Design, 6th Edition, Addison Wesley, New York.
9. Nawy, E. G. Prestressed Concrete: A Fundamental Approach, Prentice Hall, NJ, (2003).
10. Related Codes of Practice of BIS
11. Smith, J. C., Structural Analysis, Harpor and Row, Publishers, New York.
12. W. McGuire, R. H. Gallagher and R. D. Ziemian. “Matrix Structural Analysis", 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
13. NBC, National Building Code, BIS (2017).
14. ASCE, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-02, American Society of Civil Engineers, Virginia, 2002.
15. S. U. Pillai and D. Menon, Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition, 2009.
16. P. C. Varghese, Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, Prentice Hall India, 2nd edition, 2008
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Credits- 03
Module 1:
Introduction - hydrologic cycle, water-budget equation, history of hydrology, world water balance, applications in engineering, sources of data.
Module 2:
Precipitation - forms of precipitation, characteristics of precipitation in India, measurement of precipitation, rain gauge network, mean precipitation over an area, deptharea- duration relationships, maximum intensity/depth-duration-frequency relationship, Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), rainfall data in India.
Module 3:
Abstractions from precipitation - evaporation process, evaporimeters, analytical methods of evaporation estimation, reservoir evaporation and methods for its reduction, evapotranspiration, measurement of evapotranspiration, evapotranspiration equations, potential evapotranspiration over India, actual evapotranspiration, interception, depression storage, infiltration, infiltration capacity, measurement of infiltration, modelling infiltration capacity,
classification of infiltration capacities, infiltration indices.
Module 4:
Runoff - runoff volume, SCS-CN method of estimating runoff volume, flowduration curve, flow-mass curve, hydrograph, factors affecting runoff hydrograph, components of hydrograph, base flow separation, effective rainfall, unit hydrograph surface water resources of India, environmental flows.
Module 5:
Ground water and well hydrology - forms of subsurface water, saturated formation, aquifer properties, geologic formations of aquifers, well hydraulics: steady state flow in wells, equilibrium equations for confined and unconfined aquifers, aquifer tests.
Module 6:
Water withdrawals and uses – water for energy production, water for agriculture, water for hydroelectric generation; flood control. Analysis of surface water supply, Water requirement of crops-Crops and crop seasons in India, cropping pattern, duty and delta; Quality of irrigation water;
Soil-water relationships, root zone soil water, infiltration, consumptive use, irrigation requirement, frequency of irrigation; Methods of applying water to the fields: surface, sub-surface, sprinkler and trickle / drip irrigation.
Module 7:
Distribution systems - canal systems, alignment of canals, canal losses, estimation of design discharge.
Design of channels- rigid boundary channels, alluvial channels, Kennedy’s and Lacey’s theory of regime channels. Canal outlets: non-modular, semi-modular and modular outlets.
Water logging: causes, effects and remedial measures. Lining of canals, types of lining. Drainage of irrigated lands: necessity, methods.
Module 8:
Dams and spillways - embankment dams: Classification, design considerations, estimation and control of seepage, slope protection.
Gravity dams: forces on gravity dams, causes of failure, stress analysis, elementary and practical profile. Arch and buttress dams.
Spillways: components of spillways, types of gates for spillway crests; Reservoirs- Types, capacity of reservoirs, yield of reservoir, reservoir regulation, sedimentation, economic height of dam, selection of suitable site.
Text/Reference Books:
1. K Subramanya, Engineering Hydrology, Mc-Graw Hill.
2. K N Muthreja, Applied Hydrology, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
3. K Subramanya, Water Resources Engineering through Objective Questions, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. G L Asawa, Irrigation Engineering, Wiley Eastern
5. L W Mays, Water Resources Engineering, Wiley.
6. J D Zimmerman, Irrigation, John Wiley & Sons
7. C S P Ojha, R Berndtsson and P Bhunya, Engineering Hydrology, Oxford.
Transportation Engineering
Credits - 04
Module 1:
Highway development and planning-Classification of roads, road development in India, Current road projects in India; highway alignment and project preparation.
Module 2:
Geometric design of highways-: Introduction; highway cross-section elements; sight distance, design of horizontal alignment; design of vertical alignment; design of intersections, problems
Module 3:
Traffic engineering & control- Traffic Characteristics, traffic engineering studies, traffic flow and capacity, traffic regulation and control; design of road intersections; design of parking facilities; highway lighting; problems
Module 4:
Pavement materials- Materials used in Highway Construction- Soils, Stone aggregates, bituminous binders, bituminous paving mixes; Portland cement and cement concrete: desirable properties, tests, requirements for different types of pavements. Problems
Module 5:
Design of pavements- Introduction; flexible pavements, factors affecting design and performance; stresses in flexible pavements; design of flexible pavements as per IRC;
rigid pavements- components and functions; factors affecting design and performance of CC pavements; stresses in rigid pavements; design of concrete pavements as per IRC; problems
Text/Reference Books:
1. Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E.G and Veeraragavan, A, 'Highway Engineering', Revised 10th Edition, Nem Chand & Bros, 2017
2. Kadiyalai, L.R., ' Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning', Khanna Publishers.
3. Partha Chakraborty, ' Principles Of Transportation Engineering, PHI Learning,
4. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn, Walter P. Kilareski,'Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis', 4th Edition, John Wiley
5. Srinivasa Kumar, R, Textbook of Highway Engineering, Universities Press, 2011.
6. Paul H. Wright and Karen K. Dixon, Highway Engineering, 7th Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2009.