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Electrical Circuit Analysis (Syllabus)

PCC-EEE01 Electrical Circuit Analysis

4 credits

Module 1: Network Theorems 
Superposition theorem, Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Compensation theorem. Analysis with dependent current and voltage sources. Node and Mesh Analysis. Concept of duality and dual networks.

Module 2: Solution of First and Second order networks 
Solution of first and second order differential equations for Series and parallel R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits, initial and final conditions in network elements, forced and free response, time constants, steady state and transient state response.

Module 3: Sinusoidal steady state analysis 
Representation of sine function as rotating phasor, phasor diagrams, impedances and admittances, AC circuit analysis, effective or RMS values, average power and complex power. Three-phase circuits. Mutual coupled circuits, Dot Convention in coupled circuits, Ideal Transformer.

Module 4: Electrical Circuit Analysis Using Laplace Transforms
Review of Laplace Transform, Analysis of electrical circuits using Laplace Transform for standard inputs, convolution integral, inverse Laplace transform, transformed network with initial conditions. Transfer function representation. Poles and Zeros. Frequency response (magnitude and phase plots), series and parallel resonances

Module 5: Two Port Network and Network Functions 
Two Port Networks, terminal pairs, relationship of two port variables, impedance parameters, admittance parameters, transmission parameters and hybrid parameters, interconnections of two port networks.

Module 6: Network Topology and Graph Theory
Introductory concepts of network graphs, cut sets, loops, cut set and loop analysis.

Text / References:
1. M. E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. D. Roy Choudhury, “Networks and Systems”, New Age International Publications, 1998.
3. W. H. Hayt and J. E. Kemmerly, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
4. C. K. Alexander and M. N. O. Sadiku, “Electric Circuits”, McGraw Hill Education, 2004.
5. K. V. V. Murthy and M. S. Kamath, “Basic Circuit Analysis”, Jaico Publishers, 1999.

Digital Electronics (Syllabus)

PCC-EEE02 Digital Electronics

3 credits

Module 1: Fundamentals of Digital Systems and logic families 
Digital signals, digital circuits, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and Exclusive-OR operations, Boolean algebra, examples of IC gates, number systems-binary, signed binary, octal hexadecimal number, binary arithmetic, one’s and two’s complements arithmetic, codes, error detecting and correcting codes, characteristics of digital lCs, digital logic families, TTL, Schottky TTL and CMOS logic, interfacing CMOS and TTL, Tri-statelogic.

Module 2: Combinational Digital Circuits
Standard representation for logic functions, K-map representation, simplification of logic functions using K-map, minimization of logical functions. Don’t care conditions, Multiplexer, De- Multiplexer/Decoders, Adders, Subtractors, BCD arithmetic, carry look ahead adder, serial ladder, ALU, elementary ALU design, popular MSI chips, digital comparator, paritychecker/generator, code converters, priority encoders, decoders/drivers for display devices, Q-M method of function realization.

Module 3: Sequential circuits and systems

A 1-bit memory, the circuit properties of Bistable latch, the clocked SR flip flop, J- K- T and D- Types flip flops, applications of flip flops, shift registers, applications of shift registers, serial to parallel converter, parallel to serial converter, ring counter, sequence generator, ripple(Asynchronous) counters, synchronous counters, counters design using flip flops, special counter IC’s, asynchronous sequential counters, applications of counters.

Module 4:A/D and D/AConverters
Digital to analog converters: weighted resistor/converter, R-2R Ladder D/A converter, specifications for D/A converters, examples of D/A converter lCs, sample and hold circuit, analog to digital converters: quantization and encoding, parallel comparator A/D converter, successive approximation A/D converter, counting A/D converter, dual slope A/D converter, A/D converter using voltage to frequency and voltage to time conversion, specifications of A/D converters, example of A/D converter ICs

Module 5: Semiconductormemories and Programmable logic devices
Memory organization and operation, expanding memory size, classification and characteristics of memories, sequential memory, read only memory (ROM), read and write memory (RAM), content addressable memory (CAM), charge de coupled device memory (CCD), commonly used memory chips, ROM as a PLD, Programmable logic array, Programmable array logic, complex Programmable logic devices (CPLDS), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).

1.R. P. Jain, "Modern Digital Electronics", McGraw Hill Education, 2009.
2.M. M. Mano, "Digital logic and Computer design", Pearson Education India, 2016.
3.A. Kumar, "Fundamentals ofDigitalCircuits", Prentice HallIndia, 2016.

Electrical Machines-I (Syllabus)

Electromagnetic Fields (Syllabus)

PCC-EEE05 Electromagnetic Fields

4 credits

Module 1: Review of Vector Calculus 
Vectoralgebra-addition, subtraction, components of vectors, scalar and vector multiplications, triple products, three orthogonal coordinate systems (rectangular, cylindrical and spherical). Vector calculus-differentiation, partial differentiation, integration, vector operator del, gradient, divergence and curl;integraltheorems of vectors. Conversion of a vector from one coordinate system to an other.

Module 2: Static Electric Field 
Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, Electrical field due to point charges. Line, Surface and Volume charge distributions. Gauss law and its applications. Absolute Electric potential, Potential difference, Calculation of potential differences for different configurations. Electric dipole, Electrostatic Energy and Energy density.

Module 3: Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance 
Current and current density, Ohms Law in Point form, Continuity of current, Boundary conditions of perfect dielectric materials. Permittivity of dielectric materials, Capacitance, Capacitance of a two wire line, Poisson’s equation, Laplace’s equation, Solution of Laplace and Poisson’s equation, Application of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.

Module 4: Static Magnetic Fields 
Biot-Savart Law, Ampere Law, Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density, Scalar and Vector Magnetic potentials. Steady magnetic fields produced by current carrying conductors.

Module 5: Magnetic Forces, Materials and Inductance 
Force on a moving charge, Force on a differential current element, Force between differential current elements, Nature of magnetic materials, Magnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary conditions, Magnetic circuits, inductances and mutual inductances.

Module 6: Time Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations 
Faraday’s law for Electromagnetic induction, Displacement current, Point form of Maxwell’s equation, Integral form of Maxwell’s equations, Motional Electromotive forces. Boundary Conditions.

Module 7: Electromagnetic Waves 
Derivation of Wave Equation, Uniform Plane Waves, Maxwell’s equation in Phasor form, Wave equation in Phasor form, Plane waves in free space and in a homogenous material. Wave equation for a conducting medium, Plane waves in lossy dielectrics, Propagation in good conductors, Skin effect. Poynting theorem.

Module 8: Transmission line 
Introduction, Concept of distributed elements, Equations of voltage and current, Standing waves and impedance transformation, Lossless and low-loss transmission lines, Power transfer on a transmission line, Analysis of transmission line in terms of admittances, Transmission line calculations with the help of Smith chart, Applications of transmission line, Impedance matching using transmission lines.

Text / References:
1. M. N. O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Publication, 2014.
2. A. Pramanik, “Electromagnetism - Theory and applications”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, NewDelhi, 2009.
3. A. Pramanik, “Electromagnetism-Problems with solution”, Prentice Hall India, 2012.
4. G.W. Carter, “The electromagnetic field in its engineering aspects”, Longmans, 1954.
5. W.J. Duffin, “Electricity and Magnetism”, McGraw Hill Publication, 1980.
6. W.J. Duffin, “Advanced Electricity and Magnetism”, McGraw Hill, 1968.
7. E.G. Cullwick, “The Fundamentals of Electromagnetism”, Cambridge University Press, 1966.
8. B. D. Popovic, “Introductory Engineering Electromagnetics”, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, International Edition, 1971.
9. W. Hayt, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2012.

Engineering Mechanics (Syllabus)

ESC 301 Engineering Mechanics

3 credits

Module 1: Introduction to vectors and tensors and co-ordinate systems
Introduction to vectors and tensors and coordinate systems; Vector and tensor algebra; Indical notation; Symmetric and anti-symmetric tensors; Eigenvalues and Principal axes.

Module 2: Three-dimensional Rotation 
Three-dimensional rotation: Euler’s theorem, Axis-angle formulation and Euler angles; Coordinate transformation of vectors and tensors.

Module 3: Kinematics of Rigid Body
Kinematics of rigid bodies: Dentition and motion of a rigid body; Rigid bodies as coordinate systems; Angular velocity of a rigid body, and its rate of change; Distinction between two-and three- dimensional rotational motion; Integration of angular velocity to find orientation; Motion relative to a rotating rigid body: Five term acceleration formula.

Module 4: Kinetics of Rigid Bodies 
Kinetics of rigid bodies: Angular momentum about a point; Inertia tensor: Dentition and computation, Principal moments and axes of inertia, Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems; Mass moment of inertia of symmetrical bodies, cylinder, sphere, cone etc., Area moment of inertia and Polar moment of inertia, Forces and moments; Newton-Euler’s laws of rigid body motion.

Module 5: Free Body Diagram 
Free body diagrams; Examples on modelling of typical supports and joints and discussion on the kinematic and kinetic constraints that they impose.

Module 6: General Motion 
Examples and problems. General planar motions. General 3-D motions. Free precession, Gyroscopes, Rolling coin.

Module 7: Bending Moment
Transverse loading on beams, shear force and bending moment in beams, analysis of cantilevers, simply supported beams and overhanging beams, relationships between loading, shear force and bending moment, shear force and bending moment diagrams.

Module 8: Torsional Motion 
Torsion of circular shafts, derivation of torsion equation, stress and deformation in circular and hollow shafts.

Module 9: Friction 
Concept of Friction; Laws of Coulomb friction; Angle of Repose; Coefficient of friction.

Text / References:
1. J. L. Meriam and L. G. Kraige, “Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics”, Wiley, 2011.
2. M. F. Beatty, “Principles of Engineering Mechanics”, Springer Science & Business Media, 1986.