Control System
Module I: Industrial Control examples. Mathematical models of physical systems. Control hardware and their models. Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems. Feedback Control: Open-Loop and Closed-loop systems. Benefits of Negative Feedback. Block diagram algebra. Signal Flow Graph and Mason’s Gain formula.
Module II: Standard test signals. Time response of first and second order systems for standard test inputs. Application of initial and final value theorem. Design specifications for second- order systems based on the time-response. Concept of Stability. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria. Relative Stability analysis. Root-Locus technique. Construction of Root-loci.
Module III: Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode plots. Nyquist stability criterion. Relative stability using Nyquist stability criterion – gain and phase margins. Closed-loop frequency response: Constant M Circle, Constant N Circle, Nichols Chart.
Module IV: Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness of control systems. Root-loci method of feedback controller design. Design specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods of design. Application of Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, Tuning of PID controllers, Lead and Lag and Lag-Lead compensator design.
Module V: Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of State Matrix. Solution of state equations. Eigenvalues and Stability Analysis. Concept of controllability and observability. Pole-placement by state feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference Equations. State-space models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-time systems.
[1] I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 2009.
[2] K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991
[3] M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.
[4] B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Electrical Machines - II
Module I:
Physical arrangement of windings in stator and cylindrical rotor; slots for windings; single turn coil - active portion and overhang; full-pitch coils, concentrated winding, distributed winding, winding axis, Air-gap MMF distribution with fixed current through winding - concentrated and distributed, Sinusoidally distributed winding, winding distribution factor
Module II:
Constant magnetic field, pulsating magnetic field - alternating current in windings with spatial displacement, Magnetic field produced by a single winding - fixed current and alternating current Pulsating fields produced by spatially displaced windings, Windings spatially shifted by 90 degrees, Addition of pulsating magnetic fields, Three windings spatially shifted by 120 degrees (carrying three-phase balanced currents), revolving magnetic field.
Module III:
Three Phase Induction Motor Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring), Torque Slip Characteristics, Starting and Maximum Torque. Equivalent circuit. Phasor Diagram, Losses and Efficiency. Effect of parameter variation on torque speed characteristics (variation of rotor and stator resistances, stator voltage, frequency). Methods of starting, braking and speed control for induction motors. Generator operation. Self-excitation. Doubly-Fed Induction Machines.
Module IV:
Single Phase Induction Motor Constructional features, double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, determination of parameters. Split-phase starting methods and applications
Module V:
Constructional features, cylindrical rotor synchronous machine - generated EMF, equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage regulation. Operating characteristics of synchronous machines, V-curves. Salient pole machine – two reaction theory, analysis of phasor diagram, power angle characteristics. Parallel operation of alternators - synchronization and load division.
Text Books:
[1] Stephen J. Chapman-‘Electric Machinery and Fundamentals’- Mc Graw Hill International Edition, (Fourth Edition), 2015.
[2] M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.
Reference Books:
[1] A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
[2] P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
[3] I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
[4] A. S. Langsdorf, “Alternating current machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 1984.
[5] P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Industrial Process Control and Dynamics
Module-I: Analog Signal Conditioning
Introduction, control systems, process control block diagram, control system evaluation, analog and digital processing. Analog Signal Conditioning: Introduction, principles of analog signal conditioning, passive circuits, operation, amplifiers, op-amp circuits in instrumentation.
Module-II: Digital Signal Conditioning
Introduction, Review of digital fundamentals, converters, Data Acquisition system.
Thermal Sensors: Introduction, Definition of temperature, Metal resistance versus Temperature devices, Thermistors, Thermocouples.
Mechanical Sensors: Introduction, Displacement, Location or Position sensors, Strain sensors, Motion sensors Pressure sensors, Flow sensors.
Module-III: Optical Sensors
Introduction, Photo detectors, Pyrometry, Optical Sources application. Final Control: Introduction, Final control operation, signal conversions, Industrial Electronics,
Actuators, Control Elements. Discrete State Process Control: Introduction, Definition of Discrete State Process control, Characteristics of the system, Relay controllers and ladder diagram, PLCs. Control Loop.
Module IV: Controller Principles
Introduction, Process characteristics, Control system parameters, Discontinuous controller modes, continuous controller modes, composite control modes. Analog Controllers: Electronics Controller, Pneumatic controller. 3. Digital Controllers: Digital electronics methods, Computers in process control, Characteristics of digital data.
Electric Drives
Requirements, AC and DC drives, Advantages of Electrical Drives, Fundamentals of Torque Equations, Speed Torque Conventions and Multi-quadrant Operation, Equivalent Values of Drive Parameters, Components of Load Torques, Calculation of Time and Energy Loss in Transient Operations, Steady State Stability, Load Equalization, Control of Electrical Drives, Thermal Model of Motor for Heating and Cooling, Classes of Motor Duty, Determination of Motor Rating.
Steady State Performance of DC/AC Drives: DC Motors and their Performances, Starting, Braking, Transient Analysis, Speed Control, Methods of Armature Voltage Control, Controlled Rectifier Fed DC Drives, Induction Motor Drives: Speed Control, Pole Changing, Pole Amplitude Modulation, Stator Voltage Control, Variable Frequency Control from Voltage Source, Voltage Source Inverter Control, Variable Frequency Control from Current Source, Current Source Inverter Control, Current Regulated Voltage Source Inverter Control, Rotor Resistance Control, Slip Power Recovery.
Synchronous Motor Drives: Synchronous Motor Variable Speed Drives, Variable Frequency Control of Multiple Synchronous Motors. Electric Traction: System of electric traction Mechanics of Train Movement: Speed- time, distance- time and simplified speed-time curves, Attractive effort for acceleration and propulsion, effective weight, train resistance, adhesive weight, specific energy output and consumption. Traction Motors: Review of characteristics of different types of DC and AC motors used in traction and their suitability.
Drives for specific application like Textile Mills, Steel Rolling Mills, Cranes and Hoist Drives, Cement Mills, Sugar Mills, Machine Tools, Paper Mills, Coal Mines, Centrifugal Pumps. Application Areas and Functions of Microprocessors in Drive Technology.
Renewable Power Generation Systems
Module I: Introduction
Conventional energy Sources and its Impacts, Non conventional energy–seasonal variations and availability, Renewable energy – sources and features, Distributed
energy systems and dispersed generation (DG). Solar Energy: Solar processes and spectral composition of solar radiation. Solar Thermal system-Solar collectors, Types and performance characteristics, Applications-Solar water heating systems(active & passive) , Solar space heating & cooling systems , Solar desalination systems, Solar cooker. Solar photovoltaic system-Operating principle, Photovoltaic cell concepts, Cell, module, array, Losses in Solar Cell, Effects of Shadowing-Partial and Complete Shadowing, Series and parallel connections, Cell mismatching, Maximum power point tracking, Applications-Battery charging, Pumping, Lighting, Peltier cooling. Modelling of PV cell.
Module II: Wind Energy
Wind energy, Wind energy conversion; Wind power density, efficiency limit for wind energy conversion, types of converters, aerodynamics of wind rotors, power ~ speed and torque speed characteristics of wind turbines, wind turbine control systems; conversion to electrical power: induction and synchronous generators, grid connected and self excited induction generator operation, constant voltage and constant frequency generation with power electronic control single and double output systems, reactive power compensation, Characteristics of wind powerplant, Concept of DFIG.
Module III: Biomass Power
Principles of biomass conversion, Combustion and fermentation, Anaerobic digestion, Types of biogas digester, Wood gassifier, Pyrolysis, Applications. Bio gas, Wood
stoves, Bio diesel, Combustion engine, Application.
Module IV: Hybrid Systems
Need for Hybrid Systems, Range and type of Hybrid systems, Case studies of Diesel-PV, Wind-PV, Microhydel-PV, Biomass-Diesel systems, electric and hybrid electric
Sensors and Transducers
Module-I: Elements of a general measurement system
Static Characteristics: systematic characteristics, statistical characteristics, calibration; Dynamic characteristics of measurement systems: transfer functions of typical sensing elements, step and frequency response of first and second order elements, and dynamic error in measurement systems.
Module-II: Sensing elements
Resistive sensing elements: potentiometers, Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), thermistors, strain gages. Capacitive sensing elements: variable separation, area and dielectric; Inductive sensing elements: variable reluctance and LVDT displacement sensors; Electromagnetic sensing elements: velocity sensors.
Module-III: Thermoelectric sensing elements
laws, thermocouple characteristics, installation problems, cold junction compensation. IC temperature sensor Elastic sensing elements: Bourdon tube, bellows, and diaphragms for pressure sensing, force and torque measurement.
Module-IV: Signal Conditioning Elements
Deflection bridges: design of resistive and reactive bridges, push-pull configuration for improvement of linearity and sensitivity. Amplifiers: Operational amplifiers-ideal and non-ideal performances, inverting, non-inverting and differential amplifiers, instrumentation amplifier, filters. A.C. carrier systems, phase sensitive demodulators and its applications in instrumentation.
Fundamentals of Communication Theory
Module-I: Introduction to basic elements of communication systems
Signal transmission through linear systems: condition for distortion less transmission of signals through networks. Different types of distortion and their effect on the quality of output signals, transmission of transient signals, distortion analysis.
Amplitude modulation: Modulation principle and definitions, sideband and carrier power, generation of AM signal, demodulation of AM signal. Different type of modulator circuits, square law modulator, balanced modulator. Demodulator basic principle of coherent detections, square law detectors, average envelope and peak envelope detectors. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), amplitude modulation: single sideband (SSB), generation of SSB signals, selective filtering method, phase shift method, demodulation of SSB-SC signals, envelop detection of SSB signals with a carrier (SSB+C), amplitude modulation: vestigial sideband (VSB), envelop detection of VSB+C signals, noise in AM receivers using envelope detection, concept of SNR.
Module-II: Frequency and phase modulation
Principles and definitions, relationship between frequency and phase modulations. phase and frequency deviations, spectrum of FM signal, bandwidth considerations. Effect of modulation index on bandwidth, narrow band and sideband FM and PM principles, circuit for realization of FM and PM. Demodulation: Principle of demodulation: different type of demodulator, discriminator, use of PLL etc.
Module-III: Radio transmitter
Basic block diagram of radio transmitter (AM and FM), Analysis of a practical circuit diagram used for medium power transmitter.
Radio receiver: Basic block diagram of TRF, Superheterodyne principle, its advantages, Mixer principle and circuit, AVC, Radio receiver measurement.
System noise calculation: Signal to noise ratio of SSB, DSB, AM for coherent and envelope and square law detection, threshold effect. Signal to noise calculation for FM and threshold.
Advanced Digital Electronics
Combinational Logic: Review of adders, Subtractor, Multipliers, Multiplexers, ROM,PLA, PAL and PLD.
Synchronous Sequential Logic: Flip-flops, Triggering of flip-flops, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State reduction and assignment, Flip-flop excitation tables, Design procedure, Design of counters.
Finite State Machines: Finite state model, Memory elements and their excitation functions, Synthesis of Synchronous sequential circuits, Capabilities and limitations of FSM, Design, Modeling and Simulation of Moore and Mealy machines.
Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Analysis Procedure, Circuits with latches, Design procedure, Reduction of state and flow tables, Race-free state assignment, Hazards,
Design examples.
Designing with Programmable Logic Devices and Programmable Gate Arrays: Read only memories, Programmable logic arrays, Programmable array logic, designing with FPGAs, Xilinx series FPGA.
Algorithmic State Machines: ASM chart, Timing considerations, Control implementation, Control Design with multiplexers, PLAs, etc. Read only memories, Programmable logic arrays, Programmable array logic, designing with FPGAs, Xilinx series FPGA.