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Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (Syllabus)

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Module I: Introduction to 8 bit and 16 bit Microprocessors-H/W architecture: Introduction to microprocessor, computer and its organization, Programming system; Address bus, data bus and control bus, Tristate bus; clock generation; Connecting Microprocessor to I/O devices; Data transfer schemes; Architectural advancements of microprocessors. Introductory System design using microprocessors; 8086 – Hardware Architecture; External memory addressing; Bus cycles; some important Companion Chips; Maximum mode bus cycle; 8086 system configuration; Memory Interfacing; Minimum mode system configuration, Interrupt processing.

Module II: 16-bit microprocessor instruction set and assembly language programming: Programmer’s model of 8086; operand types, operand addressing; assembler directives, instruction Set-Data transfer group, Arithmetic group, Logical group.

Module III: Microprocessor peripheral interfacing: Introduction; Generation of I/O ports; Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) - Intel 8255; Sample- and-Hold Circuit and Multiplexer; Keyboard and Display Interface; Keyboard and Display Controller (8279).

Module IV: 8-bit microcontroller- H/W architecture instruction set and programming: Introduction to 8051 Micro-Controllers, Architecture; Memory Organization; Special Function register; Port Operation; Memory Interfacing, I/O Interfacing; Programming 8051 resources, interrupts; Programmer’s model of 8051; Operand types, Operand addressing; Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logic instructions, Control transfer instructions; Programming.

Module V: Maximum mode system configuration, Direct memory access, Interfacing of D- to-A converter, A-to-D converter, CRT Terminal Interface, Printer Interface, Programming of 8051 timers, 8051 serial interface. Introduction to 80386 and 80486 Microprocessor family.

[1] Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and application with 8085, R.S. Gaonkar, PRI Penram International publishing PVT. Ltd., 5th Edition
[2] Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware, Douglas V Hall, TMH Publication, 2006.
[3] Microprocessors and Interfacing, N. Senthil Kumar, M. Saravanan, S. Jeevananthan and S.K. Shah, Oxford University Press.
[4] The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D.M C Kinlay, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2008.
[5] Microcontrollers: Principles and Application, Ajit Pal, PHI Publication
[6] Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Architecture, programming and system design using 8085, 8086, 8051 and 8096, Krishna Kant, PHI Publication, 2007.
[7] Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, A.K. Ray, K M Bhurchandi, TMH Publication, 2007.
[8] Textbook of Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Thyagarajan, Scitech Publication.

Digital Signal Processing (Syllabus)

Digital Signal Processing

Discrete Time System: Basic Discrete Time Signals and their classifications, Discrete times systems and their classifications, Stability of discrete time system, Analysis and response (convolution sum) of discrete - time linear LTI system, Recursive and Non-recursive discrete time system, impulse response of LTI system, Correlation of discrete time Signal.

Z-Transform and Its Application to the Analysis of LTI Systems: Z-Transform, Direct Z-Transform, Properties of the Z- Transform, Inverse Z-Transform, Inversion Z-Transform by Power Series Expansion, Inversion of the Z-Transform by Partial-Fraction Expansion, Analysis of Linear Time Invariant Systems in the z-Domain.

Discrete Fourier Transform: Frequency-Domain Sampling and Reconstruction of Discrete-Time Signals, Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT as a Linear Transformation, Relationship of DFT to other Transforms, Properties of DFT: Periodicity, Linearity, and Symmetry Properties, Multiplication of Two DFTs and Circular Convolution, Use of DFT in Linear Filtering, Filtering of Long Data Sequences. Efficient Computation of DFT: FFT Algorithms, Direct Computation of the DFT, Radix-2 FFT Algorithms, Decimation-In-Time (DIT), Decimation-In-Time (DIF).

Structure and Implementation of FIR and IIR Filter: Structure for the Realization of Discrete-Time Systems, Structure of FIR Systems: Direct- Form Structure, Cascade-Form Structure, Frequency Sampling Structure, Design of FIR Filters: Symmetric and Antisymmetric FIR Filters, Design of Linear-Phase FIR Filters by using Windows, Design of Linear-Phase FIR Filters by Frequency Sampling Method. Structure for IIR Systems: Direct-Form Structure, Signal Flow Graphs and Transposed Structure, Cascade-Form Structure, Parallel-Form Structure. Design of IIR Filters.

Analog Filters: IIR Filter Design by Impulse Invariance, IIR Filter Design by the Bilinear Transformation. Basic adaptive filter: Structure of Adaptive FIR filter, System Modelling and Inverse Modeling, Matlab realization of DFT, FFT, Z-transform, IIR, FIR and adaptive filter.

[1] Digital Signal Processing – Principles, Algorithms and Applications by J. G. Proakis and D Manolakis, Pearson.
[2] Digital Signal Processing: Tarun Kumar Rawat, Oxford University Press.
[3] Digital Signal Processing – S. Salivahan, A. Vallavraj and C. Gnanapriya, Tata McGrawHill.
[4] Digital Signal Processing – Manson H. Hayes (Schaum’s Outlines) Adapted by Subrata Bhatt Tata McGraw Hill.
[5] Digital Signal Processing - Dr. Shalia D. Apte, Willey Publication

Control System (Syllabus)

Control System

Module I: Industrial Control examples. Mathematical models of physical systems. Control hardware and their models. Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems. Feedback Control: Open-Loop and Closed-loop systems. Benefits of Negative Feedback. Block diagram algebra. Signal Flow Graph and Mason’s Gain formula.

Module II: Standard test signals. Time response of first and second order systems for standard test inputs. Application of initial and final value theorem. Design specifications for second- order systems based on the time-response. Concept of Stability. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria. Relative Stability analysis. Root-Locus technique. Construction of Root-loci.

Module III: Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode plots. Nyquist stability criterion. Relative stability using Nyquist stability criterion – gain and phase margins. Closed-loop frequency response: Constant M Circle, Constant N Circle, Nichols Chart.

Module IV: Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness of control systems. Root-loci method of feedback controller design. Design specifications in frequency-domain. Frequency-domain methods of design. Application of Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, Tuning of PID controllers, Lead and Lag and Lag-Lead compensator design.

Module V: Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of State Matrix. Solution of state equations. Eigenvalues and Stability Analysis. Concept of controllability and observability. Pole-placement by state feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference Equations. State-space models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-time systems.

[1] I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 2009.
[2] K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991
[3] M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.
[4] B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Analog and Digital Communication (Syllabus)

Analog and Digital Communication

Module I
Review of signals and systems, Frequency domain representation of signals, Principles of Amplitude Modulation Systems- DSB, SSB and VSB modulations. Angle Modulation, Representation of FM and PM signals, Spectral characteristics of angle modulated signals.

Module II
Review of probability and random process. Gaussian and white noise characteristics, Noise in amplitude modulation systems, Noise in Frequency modulation systems. Pre-emphasis and Deemphasis, Threshold effect in angle modulation.

Module III
Pulse modulation. Sampling process. Pulse Amplitude and Pulse code modulation (PCM), Differential pulse code modulation. Delta modulation, Noise considerations in PCM, Time Division multiplexing, Digital Multiplexers.

Module IV
Elements of Detection Theory, Optimum detection of signals in noise, Coherent communication with waveforms- Probability of Error evaluations. Base band Pulse Transmission- Inter symbol Interference and Nyquist criterion. Pass band Digital Modulation schemes- Phase Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, Continuous Phase Modulation and Minimum Shift Keying.

Module V

Digital Modulation trade-offs. Optimum demodulation of digital signals over band-limited channels-Maximum likelihood sequence detection (Viterbi receiver). Equalization Techniques. Synchronization and Carrier Recovery for Digital modulation.

Advance Electronics Circuits (Syllabus)

Advance Electronics Circuits

Active Filters : Active Filters, Frequency response of Major Active filters, First order low-pass Butterworth filter: Filter Design, Frequency Scaling, Second-order low- pass Butterworth filter: First-order high-pass Butterworth filter, Second-order high- pass Butterworth filter, Band-pass filters: Wide band-pass Filter, Narrow Band-Pass Filter, Band-reject filters: Wide Band-Reject Filter, Narrow Band-Reject Filter, All- Pass filter.

Oscillators: Oscillators: Oscillator Principles, Oscillator Types, Quadrature Oscillator, Saw tooth wave generator, Voltage-controlled oscillator.
Comparators: Comparators: basic comparator, zero-crossing detector, Schmitt trigger, comparator characteristics, limitations of Op-Amp as comparators, voltage limiters.

Bistable Multivibrator: Bistable Multivibrator, fixed-bias bistable multi vibrator, Loading, self-biased transistor binary, commutating capacitors, Triggering the binary, Unsymmetrical Triggering of the bistable multivibrator, Triggering Un symmetrically through a Unilateral Device, Triggering, Triggering of a Bistable Multi Symmetrically without the Use of Auxiliary Symmetrical Diodes, Schmitt Trigger Circuit (Emitter-coupled Bistable Multivibrator.

Monostable and Astable Multivibrator: Monostable Multivibrator, Gate width of a Collector-Coupled Monostable Multivibrator, wave form of the Collector-Coupled Monostable Multivibrator, Emitter -Coupled Monostable Multivibrator, triggering of the Monostable Multivibrator, Astable Collector-Coupled Multivibrator, Emitter -Coupled Astable Multivibrator.

Wideband amplifiers: Wideband amplifiers: The Hybrid-π, High-frequency, Small- signal, Common-emitter Model, RC-Coupled Amplifier, Frequency Response of a Transistor Stage-The Short-Circuit Current Gain, Current Gain with Resistive Load, Transistor Amplifier Response taking Source Impedance into Account, Transient Response of a Transistor Stage.

Negative Resistance Switching Devices: Voltage Controllable Negative resistance devices, Tunnel Diode operation and characteristics, Monostable Astable, Bistable circuits using tunnel diode, Voltage controlled Negative Resistance Switching Circuits.

Voltage and Current Time Base Generators: Time-Base Generators, General features of a Time-base signal, Methods of generating a voltage time-base waveform, Exponential sweep circuit, Miller and bootstrap time base generators-Basic principles, Transistor miller time base generator, Transistor bootstrap time base generator, Current Time-Base Generators, A Simple Current sweep, Linearity Correction through adjustment of driving waveform, Transistor current time base generator.

Module IV
Specialized IC Applications: IC 555 Timer: IC 555 Timer as a Monostable Multivibrator and its applications, IC 555 Timer as Astable Multivibrator and its applications. Phase Locked Loop: Operating principle of PLL, Phase detectors, Exclusive-OR phase detector, Monolithic phase detector, Instrumentation Amplifier and its applications.

Module V
Cascaded CE Transistor Stages, Rise-time Response of Cascaded Stages, Shunt Compensation of a Transistor Stage in a Cascade, Rise Time of Cascaded Compensated Stages, Low frequency Compensation.

Electronics Instrumentation & Measurements (Syllabus)

Electronics Instrumentation & Measurements

Module-I: Basics of Measurements
Accuracy, Precision, resolution, reliability, repeatability, validity, Errors and their analysis, Standards of measurement. Bridge Measurement: DC bridges- wheat stone bridge, AC bridges – Kelvin, Hay, Maxwell, Schering and Wien bridges, Wagner ground Connection. Electronic Instruments for Measuring Basic Parameters: Amplified DC meter, AC Voltmeter, True- RMS responding Voltmeter, Electronic multi-meter, Digital voltmeter, Vector Voltmeter.

Module-II: Oscilloscopes
Cathode Ray Tube, Vertical and Horizontal Deflection Systems, Delay lines, Probes and Transducers, Specification of an Oscilloscope. Oscilloscope measurement Techniques, Special Oscilloscopes – Storage Oscilloscope, Sampling Oscilloscope, Signal Generators: Sine wave generator, Frequency – Synthesized Signal Generator, Sweep frequency Generator. Pulse and square wave generators. Function Generators.

Module-III: Signal Analysis
Wave Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer. Frequency Counters: Simple Frequency Counter; Measurement errors; extending frequency range of counters Transducers: Types, Strain Gages, Displacement Transducers.

Module-IV: Digital Data Acquisition System
Interfacing transducers to Electronics Control and Measuring System. Instrumentation Amplifier, Isolation Amplifier. An Introduction to Computer-Controlled Test Systems.IEEE-488 GPIB Bus.

Digital VLSI Design (Syllabus)

Digital VLSI Design

Introduction: Historical Perspective, VLSI Design Methodologies, VLSI Design Flow, Design Hierarchy, Concept of Regularity, Modularity and Locality, VLSI Design Styles,
Computer-Aided Design Technology.
Fabrication of MOSFETs: Introduction, Fabrication Processes Flow – Basic Concepts, The CMOS n-Well Process, Layout Design Rules, Stick Diagrams, Full Customs Mask Layout Design.
MOS Transistor: The Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Structure, The MOS System under External Bias, Structure and Operation of MOS Transistor (MOSFET), MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics, MOSFET Scaling and Small-Geometry Effects, MOSFET Capacitance.

MOS Inverters – Static Characteristics: Introduction, Resistive-Load Inverters, Inverters with n-Type MOSFET Load, CMOS Inverter.
MOS Inverters – Switching Characteristics and Interconnect Effects: Introduction, Delay-Time Definitions, Calculation of Delay-Times, Inverter Design with Delay
Constraints, Estimation of Interconnect Parasitics, Calculation of Interconnect Delay, Switching Power Dissipation of CMOS Inverters.
Combinational MOS Logic Circuits: Introduction, MOS Logic Circuits with Depletion NMOS Loads, CMOS Logic Circuits, Complex Logic Circuits, CMOS Transmission Gates (Pass Gates).

Sequential MOS Logic Circuits: Introduction, Behaviour of Bistable Elements, SR Latch Circuits, Clocked Latch and Flip-Flop Circuits, CMOS D-Latch and Edge Triggered Flip Flop.
Dynamic Logic Circuits: Introduction, Basic Principles of Pass Transistor Circuits, Voltage Bootstrapping, Synchronous Dynamic Circuit Techniques, Dynamic CMOS Circuit Techniques, High Performance Dynamic CMOS Circuits.

Design for Testability: Introduction, Fault Types and Models, Ad Hoc Testable Design Techniques, Scan-Based Techniques, Built-In Self-Test (BIST) Techniques, Current
Monitoring IDDQ Test.

Semiconductor Memories: Introduction, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), Non-volatile Memory, Flash Memory.