Mathematics – I
Module 1: Calculus
Rolle’s theorem, Mean Value theorems, Expansion of functions by Mc. Laurin’s and Taylor’s for one variable; Taylor’s theorem for function of two variables, Partial Differentiation, Maxima & Minima (two and three variables), Method of Lagranges Multipliers.
Module 2: Calculus
Definite Integral as a limit of a sum and Its application in summation of series; Beta and Gamma functions and their properties; Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of revolutions. Multiple Integral, Change the order of the integration, Applications of multiple integral for calculating area and volumes of the curves.
Module 3: Sequences and Series
Convergence of sequence and series, tests for convergence; Power series, Taylor's series, series for exponential, trigonometric and logarithm functions; Fourier series: Half range sine and cosine series, Parseval’s theorem.
Module 4: Vector Spaces
Vector Space, Vector Sub Space, Linear Combination of Vectors, Linearly Dependent, Linearly Independent, Basis of a Vector Space, Linear Transformations.
Module 5: Matrices
Rank of a Matrix, Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations by Elementary Transformation, Consistency of Equation, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Diagonalization of Matrices, Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its applications to find inverse.
Engineering Physics
Module 1: Wave nature of particles and the Schrodinger equation
Introduction to Quantum mechanics, Wave nature of Particles, operators, Time-dependent and time-independent Schrodinger equation for wave function, Application: Particle in a one dimensional Box, Born interpretation, Free-particle wave function and wave-packets, vg and vp relation, Uncertainty principle.
Module 2: Wave optics
Huygens’ principle, superposition of waves and interference of light by wave front splitting and amplitude splitting; Young’s double slit experiment, Newton’s rings, Michelson interferometer, Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Farunhofer diffraction from a single slit and a circular aperture, the Rayleigh criterion for limit of
resolution and its application to vision; Diffraction gratings and their resolving power.
Module 3: Introduction to solids
Free electron theory of metals, Fermi level of Intrinsic and extrinsic, density of states, Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential, Kronig-Penney model(no derivation) and origin of energy bands, V-I characteristics of PN junction, Zener diode, Solar Cell, Hall Effect .
Module 4: Lasers
Einstein’s theory of matter radiation interaction and A and B coefficients; amplification of light by population inversion, different types of lasers: gas lasers ( He-Ne, CO2), solid-state lasers(ruby, Neodymium), Properties of laser beams: mono-chromaticity, coherence, directionality and brightness, laser speckles, applications of lasers in science, engineering and medicine. Introduction to Optical fiber, acceptance angle and cone, Numerical aperture, V number, attenuation.
Module 5: Electrostatics in vacuum
Calculation of electric field and electrostatic potential for a charge distribution; Electric displacement, Basic Introduction to Dielectrics, Gradient, Divergence and curl, Stokes’ theorem, Gauss Theorem, Continuity equation for current densities; Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and non-conducting medium; Poynting vector.
Basic Computer Engineering
Unit - 1
Computer: Definition, Classification, Organization i.e. CPU, register, Bus architecture, Instruction set, Memory & Storage Systems, I/O Devices, and System & Application Software. Computer Application in e-Business, Bio-Informatics, health Care, Remote Sensing & GIS, Meteorology and Climatology, Computer Gaming, Multimedia and Animation etc.
Operating System: Definition, Function, Types, Management of File, Process & Memory. Introduction to MS word, MS power point, MS Excel.
Unit - 2
Introduction to Algorithms, Complexities and Flowchart, Introduction to Programming, Categories of Programming Languages, Program Design, Programming Paradigms, Characteristics or Concepts of OOP, Procedure Oriented Programming VS object oriented Programming. Introduction to C++: Character Set, Tokens, Precedence and Associativity, Program Structure, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions, Statements and control structures, I/O operations, Array, Functions.
Unit - 3
Object & Classes, Scope Resolution Operator, Constructors & Destructors, Friend Functions, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overloading Functions & Operators, Types of Inheritance, Virtual functions. Introduction to Data Structures.
Unit - 4
Computer Networking: Introduction, Goals, ISO-OSI Model, Functions of Different Layers. Internetworking Concepts, Devices, TCP/IP Model. Introduction to Internet, World Wide Web, E-commerce Computer Security Basics: Introduction to viruses, worms, malware, Trojans, Spyware and Anti-Spyware Software, Different types of attacks like Money Laundering, Information Theft, Cyber Pornography, Email spoofing, Denial of Service (DoS), Cyber Stalking, ,Logic bombs, Hacking Spamming, Cyber Defamation , pharming Security measures Firewall, Computer Ethics & Good Practices, Introduction of Cyber Laws about Internet Fraud, Good Computer Security Habits.
Unit - 5
Data base Management System: Introduction, File oriented approach and Database approach, Data Models, Architecture of Database System, Data independence, Data dictionary, DBA, Primary Key, Data definition language and Manipulation Languages.
Cloud computing: definition, cloud infrastructure, cloud segments or service delivery models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS), cloud deployment models/ types of cloud (public, private, community and hybrid clouds), Pros and Cons of cloud computing.
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Unit - 1 Materials
Classification of engineering material, Composition of Cast iron and Carbon steels, Iron Carbon diagram. Alloy steels their applications. Mechanical properties like strength, hardness, toughness , ductility, brittleness , malleability etc. of materials , Tensile test- Stress-strain diagram of ductile and brittle materials, Hooks law and modulus of elasticity, Hardness and Impact testing of materials, BHN etc.
Unit - 2 Measurement
Concept of measurements, errors in measurement, Temperature, Pressure, Velocity, Flow strain, Force and torque measurement, Vernier caliper, Micrometer, Dial gauge, Slip gauge, Sine-bar and Combination set.
Production Engineering: Elementary theoretical aspects of production processes like casting, carpentry, welding etc Introduction to Lathe and Drilling machines and their various operations.
Unit - 3 Fluids
Fluid properties pressure, density and viscosity etc. Types of fluids , Newton’s law of viscosity, Pascal’s law , Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible fluids, Only working principle of Hydraulic machines, pumps, turbines, Reciprocating pumps.
Unit - 4 Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic system, properties, state, process, Zeroth, First and second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes at constant pressure, volume, enthalpy & entropy.
Steam Engineering : Classification and working of boilers, mountings and accessories of boilers, Efficiency and performance analysis, natural and artificial draught, steam properties, use of steam tables.
Unit - 5 Reciprocating Machines
Working principle of steam Engine, Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles P-V & T-S diagrams and its efficiency, working of Two stroke & Four stroke Petrol & Diesel engines. Working principle of compressor.
Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics
Unit - 1 Building Materials & Construction
Stones, bricks, cement, lime, timber-types, properties, test & uses, laboratory tests concrete and mortar Materials: Workability, Strength properties of Concrete, Nominal proportion of Concrete preparation of concrete, compaction, curing. Elements of Building Construction, Foundations conventional spread footings, RCC footings, brick masonry walls, plastering and pointing, floors, roofs, Doors, windows, lintels, staircases – types and their suitability.
Unit - 2 Surveying & Positioning
Introduction to surveying Instruments – levels, theodolites, plane tables and related devices. Electronic surveying instruments etc. Measurement of distances – conventional and EDM methods, measurement of directions by different methods, measurement of elevations by different methods. Reciprocal leveling.
Unit - 3 Mapping & sensing
Mapping details and contouring, Profile Cross sectioning and measurement of areas, volumes, application of measurements in quantity computations, Survey stations, Introduction of remote sensing and its applications.
Unit - 4 Forces & Equilibrium
Graphical and Analytical Treatment of Concurrent and non-concurrent Co- planner forces, free Diagram, Force Diagram and Bow’s notations, Application of Equilibrium Concepts, Analysis of plane Trusses, Method of joints, Method of Sections. Frictional force in equilibrium problems.
Unit - 5 Centre of Gravity & moment of Inertia
Centroid and Centre of Gravity, Moment Inertia of Area and Mass, Radius of Gyration, Introduction to product of Inertia and Principle Axes. Support Reactions, Shear force and bending moment Diagram for Cantilever & simply supported beam with concentrated, distributed load and Couple.