B . A .PART - II (Economics Subsidiary)
Paper- II
Planning and the Indian Economy
1. Niti Aayog- Needs & Objectives.
2. Role of Niti Aayog in Indian Economy
3. Characteristic of Indian Economy, Poverty and Unemployment & their eradications.
4. Population- Size and Growth, Population Policy.
5. Natural Resources- Forest Policy, Energy Policy.
6. Agriculture – Cause of back wordiness of Indian Agriculture.
7. Land Reform- Ceiling of holdings wordness, consolidation of land, cooperative farming.
8. Agricultural credit cooperative , commercial bands, Rural Banks ,NABARD
9. New strategy of Agricultural Societies Green Revolution and its second phase.
10. Industrial policy since 1956,1977,1980,1991
11. Large scale Industries- Steel, Cement, Sugar and Cotton
12. Small Scale Industries Importance and problems in India.
13. Foreign Trade of India- nature and composition
14. India's five year plans with special reference to 12th Five Year Plans 2012-17.
1. Indian Economy – Rudra Dutt & Sundarram
Paper – III (A)
India and Bihar: Regional Study
75 Marks
The course has been divided into five units. There shall be ten questions of whichtwo questions
shall be set from each unit. The examinees shall be required toanswer five questions, one from
each unit.The examination shall be of three hours duration and shall carry 75 marks.
UNIT -1:-
Structure; Physiography; Climate; Origin and Mechanism of IndianMonsoon; Natural Vegetation.
UNIT- 2:-
Agriculture: Majorcrops; Irrigation; Characteristics of Indian agriculture; Green revolution; Organic farming in India; Problems of Indian agriculture.
UNIT- 3:-
Industries: History of Industrial Development; Power resources; Factorsfor Localization of industries; Study of following Industries — Iron and Steel, Cotton Textile, Sugar, Cement, Engineering Industries, Fertilizers and Petrochemical industry.
UNIT-4: -
Population: Growth, Distribution, Population problems and polices; types Rural and Urban Settlements; Urban growth; and problems of Urbanization.
UNIT - 5:-
BIHAR: Structure and Relief; Climate;Soil Problems; Major river valley projects; Agricultural regions; Changing land use patterns; Industrial regions of Bihar;Population, Migration and urbanization in Bihar.
Book recommended:-
Paper – IV (A)
Economic and Resource Geography
75 Marks
The course has been divided into five units. There shall be ten questions of whichtwoquestions shall be set from each unit. The examinees shall be required toanswer five questions, selecting one from each unitunder Section A and Section B.The examination shall be of three hours duration and shall carry 75 marks.
UNIT-l :-
Agriculture: Subsistence, Commercial Grain, Plantation,Dairy and Mediterranean farming;Major agricultural region of the world; Von Thunen’s Agricultural Location Theory.
UNIT-2 :-
Industry:Locational factors of Industries, Weber’s industrial and, Iron and steel, Cotton textileSugar;Major Industrial regions of the world.
International trade inWheat, Cotton, Iron ore and petroleum; Trade routes of North Atlantic, Suez and Panama canals.
Concept of Resources, Soil, Water and forest resources, their distribution,utilization and conservation. Fisheries of the world; Ecology andecosystems Renewable non-renewable energy resources.
UNIT- 5:-
Mineral and Power resources: Coal, petroleum,iron ore, bauxite, manganese and copper; their distribution utilization and conservation; Non-conventional sources of energy.
Book recommended:-
B.A. Part – II (English)
Time – 11⁄2 Hours Full Marks – 50
1. The New Icons : An Anthology of Prose and Short
Story, Oxford University Press
a. A.G. Gardiner : All About a Dog
b. O’ Henry : The Last Leaf
c. From Jataka Tales : The Alligator and the Jackal
d. T. Hardy : Three Strangers
2. Animal Farm : G. Orwell