Course Title: Software Project Management
Unit 1
Overview of Project Management
Project Management – Definitions
Factors Influencing Project Management – Project Manager,
Project Management Activities, Stakeholders; Project
Project Development Phases;
Project Charter; Statement of Work (SoW).
Project Planning: Tasks in Project Planning;
Work Breakdown Structures (WBS);
Planning Methods;
Development Life Cycle Models; A Generic Project Model.
Unit 2
Scheduling Techniques and Conflict Management:
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Gantt
Chart and critical Path Method (CPM), Automated Tools
Project Monitoring and Controlling: Project Status Reporting;
Project Metrics
Project Communication Plan & Techniques
Steps for Process Improvement.
Team Development and Conflict Management: Basic
Concepts; Organization Types – Centralized-control team
organization, Decentralized-control team organization, Mixed-
control team organization.
Unit 3
Software Configuration Management (SCM) – Baselines, Software
Configuration Items (SCI); SCM Process; Version Control; Change
Control; Configuration Audit; Status Reporting; Goals of SCM.
Software Quality Assurance: Software Quality Assurance
Activities; Software Qualities; Software Quality Standards – ISO
Standards for Software Organization, Capability Maturity Model
(CMM), Comparison between ISO 9001 & CMM.
Unit 4
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools
CASE Concepts
Classification of CASE Tools
Steps for CASE Tool Implementation
Integrated CASE Environments
Architecture of CASE Environment.
Software Re-Engineering: Software Maintenance Problems;
Redevelopment vs. Reengineering; Business Process
Reengineering; Software Reengineering Process Model;
Technical Problems of Reengineering.
Reference Books:
1. Roger S Pressman, Bruce R Maxim, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s
Approach”, Kindle Edition, 2014.
2. Ian Sommerville,” Software engineering”, Addison Wesley Longman, 2014.
3. Software Project Management by Edwin Bennatan.
4. Software Project Management by S.A. Kelkar.
Course Code:DSE-601: Computer Science Paper- XIII
Course Title: Advanced Java
1 Java Swing
Swing container classes - JFrame, JDialog
Swing component classes-JTextField, JTextArea, JButton,
JComboBox,JLabel, JList, JMenuBar, JTabbedPane,
JOptionPane, JPanel, JTree,JTable,JMenu
Layout Manager- FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout,
Event Handling
2 Java Database Connectivity
JDBC driver and its types
JDBC connection steps
JDBC API- DriverManager class, Connection interface,
Statement interface, PreparedStatment interface and ResultSet
Connectivity with MySQL using JDBC
Simple JDBC program
3 Java Servlet
Introduction to servlet
Web terminology- static vs dynamic website, HTTP,HTTP
request, Get vs Post, Container, Content Type
Life cycle of servlet
Servlet API- javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http
javax.servlet package interfaces(Servlet,ServletConfig,
ServletContext), classes(GenericServlet)
Introduction to Session , session tracking techniques
Cookies- types of cookies
4 Java Server Pages
Introduction to JSP 12
JSP vs Servlet
Life cycle of JSP
JSP scripting elements- JSP scriptlet tag, JSP expression tag,
JSP declaration tag
JSP implicit objects
JSP directive elements
JSP action elements- jsp:forward, jsp:include
Simple JSP application
Reference books-
1. Herbert Schildt, Java2: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Essentilas and Applications , Mc Graw
3. Core and Advanced Java, Black Book- dreamtech
4. Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP