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Operating Systems - I (Syllabus)

Automata Theory (Syllabus)

Automata Theory

Regular Languages and Finite Automata

of FA

Nondeterminism and Kleene’s Theorem
Nondeterministic finite automata, NFA with null transition, Equivalence of FA’s,
Kleene’s Theorem (Part I & Part II), Minimal Finite Automata

Context free Grammars
Definition, Union, Concatenation and Kleene *’s of CFLs, Derivation trees and
ambiguity, Simplified forms and normal forms

Parsing andPushdownAutomata 
Definition of Pushdown Automata, Deterministic PDA, Equivalence of CFG’s&
PDA’s, Top down parsing, bottom up parsing.

Context free languages
CFL’s and non CFL’s, Pumping Lemma, intersections and complementsof CFLs

Turing Machines
partial function with a TM, Multi-tape TMs, and Universal TM

Software Engineering (Syllabus)

Software Engineering

The software Problem Cost, Schedule & Quality, Scale and Change, Software

Processes: Process & Project, Component Software Processes, Software
Development process Models, Project Management Process.

Software Requirements Analysis & specification Value of Good SRS,
Requirement Process, Requirements Specification, Other Approaches for Analysis

Software Planning & Scheduling Responsibilities of Software Project Manager,
Project Planning, Project Scheduling, Project Staffing, People CMM, Risk

Design Design Concepts, Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design,
Detail Design,Verification,Metrics

Coding & Testing Coding & Code Review,Testing, UnitTesting,Black
Box ,Testing,White Box Testing, Program Analysis Tools,Integration Testing, 
System Testing

Software Reliability &Quality Management 
Reliability,SoftwareQuality,Software Quality Management System, ISO 9000, SEI
capability Maturity Model, Six Sigma, Agile Software Development & Extreme
Programming, Agile Project Management

Computer Networks - II (Syllabus)

Computer Organization and Architecture (Syllabus)

Unit-1 Computer Evolution and performance
Evolution of computer – Mechanical Era: Babbage’s Difference Engine, Electronic Era:
First-generation, IAS Computers, Instruction Set and Instruction Execution, Second 
generation, Input-Output Operation, Programming Language, Third generation and VLSI
Era – IC Circuits, Performance Consideration, and Measures, Speed up Techniques,
Difference between RICS and CISC.

Unit-2 Input and OutputOrganization
Accessing I/O devices, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Buses: SynchronousBusand 
Asynchronous Bus, Interface Circuits, Standard IO Interface.

Unit-3 Arithmetic
Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Design of fast Adders, Multiplication of 
Positive numbers, Signed Operand Multiplication, Fast Multiplication, Integer Division,
Floating Point Number Operations: IEEE 754 Floating Point Format, Arithmetic Operations
The Processing Unit

Unit-4 Some fundamental Concepts Execution of complete Instruction, Multiple bus 
the organization, Hardwired Control, Micro programmed Control

Unit-5 Basic Concepts: Role of Cache Memory, Pipeline Performance. DataHazards: Operand 
Forwarding, Handling Data Hazards in Software and Side Effects and Instruction Hazards:
Unconditional Branches and Conditional Branches and Branch Prediction
Computer Memory System

Unit-6 Some Basic Concepts, Types of Memories: ROM and RAM, SemiconductorRAMmemory, 
Cache Memories: Mapping functions, Replacement Algorithms, Example of Mapping

Object Oriented Programming (Syllabus)

Unit-1 Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
The Origins of C++, Features of Object-Oriented Programming, relations
of Classes & Structures, Classes & Objects, Encapsulation, Data
Abstraction, Inheritance, Inline Function, Constructor
&Destructor, function overloading & Operator overloading, Static class
member, Static Member Function, Scope resolution Operator, Access
members Data member & member Function, Defining member
functions, Passing Object to Functions, Nested classes, local classes,
Friend functions, the Friend class

Unit-2 Pointers, Arrays, Dynamic allocation Operator
Arrays Of Object, Pointers to Object, THIS pointer, type checking C++
Pointers, Pointers to Derived types, Pointers to Class members
Dynamic Allocation Pointers:-New & Delete Operator

Unit-3 Functions & Operator Overloading
Functions Overloading, Operator Overloading, Types Of Constructors,
Destructors, Operator Overloading Using Friend Function, Unary &
Binary Operator Overloading(Arithmetic, Comparison Operator
Overloading), Assignment Operator Overloading(=,+=)

Unit-4 Inheritance & Virtual Function
Inheritance, Single Inheritance, Types of Derivations, Passing
parameters to base, Multiple Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, Hybrid
Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Virtual function, Calling a Virtual
function through a base class reference, Virtual functions are
hierarchical, Pure virtual functions, Abstract classes, Early and late

Unit-5 Templates & Exception handling
Function Template, Class Template, Generic Classes, Generic
Functions, Applying Generic Functions Type Name, export keyword
Power of Templates
Standard Template Library (STL):-STL Container, STL Algorithm, STL
Exception handling:-Exception handling fundamentals, Catching,
Throwing,& Handling Exception, Exception handling options,

Unit-6 I/O System Basics, FileI/0 
Streams ,File Pointers & Redirections Streams, C++ stream, C++
Predefined stream classes, Formatted I/O, C++ file I/O, manipulators,
stream and the File classes, File operations, namespaces, std

Environmental Studies (Syllabus)

Environmental Studies


Types of resources
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources


Concept of ecosystem 
Basic Structure of an Ecosystem 
Functions of an ecosystem. 
Producers, Consumers, Decomposers 
Energy flow in the ecosystem. 
Ecological Succession 
Food chains, food webs, and ecological pyramids 
Types of ecosystems.


Levels of Biodiversity 
Biogeographical classification of India 3
Value of biodiversity 
 Global biodiversity 
Biological diversity at the national level (Indian biodiversity) 
Regional or local biodiversity
India as a mega-diversity nation 
Hot spots of biodiversity 
Threats to biodiversity 
Loss of habitat 
Endangered species of India 
Endemic species of India 
Conservation of biodiversity


The environment 
Environmental pollution. 
Causes of Radioactive Pollution 
Effects of Radioactive Pollution 
Solid waste management 
Role of an Individual in Prevention of Pollution


Disaster management: Floods, Earthquake, Cyclones, and Landslides 
Urban problems related to energy 
Water conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management 
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns
Environmental ethics: issues and possible solutions
Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents, and the holocaust 
Wasteland reclamation 
 Consumerism and waste products


From unsustainable to sustainable development 
The Environment (Protection) Act 
The air (prevention and control of pollution) act 
The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 
The Wildlife Protection Act 
Forest conservation act 
Population and human health