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Adikavi Nannaya University, Andhra Pradesh
Electronics and Communication engineering
Programming for Problem Solving
Adikavi Nannaya University, Andhra Pradesh, Electronics and Communication engineering Semester 1, Programming for Problem Solving Syllabus
Programming for Problem Solving Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction to C
Unit 1
1.1 Basic structure of C program
1.2 Constants
1.3 Variables and data types
1.4 Operators and expressions
1.5 Arithmetic precedence and associativity
1.6 Type Conversion
1.7 Managing input and output operations
1.8 Formatted Input and Output statements
1.9 Decision making branching looping
1.10 Decision making with if statement
1.11 Simple if statement
1.12 The if . . . . else statement
1.13 Nesting of if . . . . Else statement
1.14 The else . . . . If ladder
1.15 Switch statement
1.16 The operator
1.17 The GOTO statement
1.18 the while statement
1.19 The do statement
1.20 The for statement
1.21 Jumps in Loops
1.22 Examples on Decision making branchinglooping
Unit - 2 Arrays and strings
Unit 2
Arrays and strings
2.1 One Two – dimensional Arrays
2.2 Character Arrays
2.3 Declaration and initialization of strings
2.4 Reading and writing of strings
2.5 String handling functions
2.6 Table of strings
2.7 Sparse matrices
2.8 Storage classes C – pre processors
2.9 Examples on Arrays strings
Unit - 3 Functions
Unit 3
Functions and Pointers
3.1 Definitions of functions
3.2 Return values and their types
3.3 Function calls
3.4 Function declaration
3.5 Category of functions
3.6 No argument but returns a value
3.7 Arguments but no return values
3.8 Arguments with return values
3.9 No arguments but returns a value
3.10 Functions that returns multiple values
3.11 Nesting of functions
3.12 Recursion
3.13 Passing arrays to functions
3.14 Passing strings to functions
3.15 The scope
3.16 Visibility and lifetime of variables
3.17 Pointers
3.18 Accessing the address of a variable
3.19 Declaring pointer variables
3.20 Initializing of pointer variables
3.21 Accessing variables using pointers
3.22 Chain pointers
3.23 Pointer expressions
3.24 Pointers and arrays
3.25 Pointer and character string
3.26 Array of pointers
3.27 Pointer as function arguments
3.28 Functions returning pointers
3.29 Pointers to functions
3.30 Pointers to structures
3.31 Memory allocations in C – program applications
Unit - 4 Structure and Unions
Unit 4
4.1 Defining a structure
4.2 Declaring structure variables
4.3 Accessing structure members
4.4 Structure initializing
4.5 Copying and comparing structure variables
4.6 Array of structures
4.7 Within structures
4.8 Structures within structures
4.9 Structures and functions and unions
4.10 Size of structures and bit – fields – program applications
4.11 Defining and opening a file
4.12 Closing a file
4.14 Error handling during IO operations
4.15 Random access to files and command Line Argument – program applications
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
English - 1
Mathematics i
Professional ethics & human values
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