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Bihar Engineering University, Bihar
Civil Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
Bihar Engineering University, Bihar, Civil Engineering Semester 5, Mechanics of Materials Syllabus
Mechanics of Materials Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Deformation and Strain
1.1 Deformation
1.2 Strain
1.3 Finite deformation
1.4 Infinitesimal deformation
1.5 Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses
1.6 Stability of dams
1.7 Stability of retaining walls
1.8 Stability of Chimneys
1.9 Stress analysis of Cylinders
Unit - 2 Generalized state of stress and strain
2.1 Stress and Strain Tensors
2.2 Yield Criterion
2.3 Theories of failure
2.4 Tresca Criteria
2.5 Von Mises Criterion
2.6 HeighWestergaards stress space
Unit - 3 Momentum Balance and Stresses
3.1 Momentum Balance and Stresses covering Forces and Moments Transmitted by Slender Members
3.2 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
3.3 Momentum balance
3.4 Stress States Failure Criterion
Unit - 4 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
4.1 Deformable Body Analysis
4.2 Uniaxial Loading and Material Properties
4.3 Statically determinate situation
4.4 Trusses and Their Deformations
Unit - 5 Force-Stress-Equilibrium
5.1 ForceStressEquilibrium
5.2 Symmetry of the Shear Stress
5.3 Stress Transformation Equations
5.4 Multiaxial Stress and Strain
Unit - 6 Displacement – Strain
6.1 Strain covering Multiaxial Strain
6.2 Strain
6.3 Displacement
Unit - 7 Elasticity and Elasticity Bounds
7.1 Determination of Elastic Modulus
7.2 Thinwalled Pressure Vessels
7.3 Stress and strain Transformations and Principal Stress
7.4 Failure of Materials
Unit - 8 Bending
8.1 Bending Stress and Strain
8.2 Deflections and Torsion covering Pure Bending
8.3 Momentcurvature Relationship
8.4 Beam Deflection
8.5 Symmetry
8.6 Superposition
8.7 Statically Indeterminate Beams
8.8 Shear and Torsion
8.9 Torsion and Twisting
8.10 Energy methods
8.11 Variational Methods.
Unit - 9 Structural stability
9.1 Stability of columns
9.2 Euler’s formula
9.3 End conditions and effective length factor
9.4 Columns with eccentric and lateral load
9.5 Plasticity and Yield Design covering 1DPlasticity – An Energy Approach
9.6 Limit Analysis and Yield Design
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Hydraulic engineering
Transportation engineering
Environmental engineering-i
Geotechnical engineering -i
Analysis and design of concrete structure
Hydrology and water resources engineering
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