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Bihar Engineering University, Bihar
Computer Engineering
Advanced Computer Architecture
Bihar Engineering University, Bihar, Computer Engineering Semester 7, Advanced Computer Architecture Syllabus
Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Classes Of Computers
Unit 1
Classes of computers
1.1 Classes of computers
1.2 Trends in technology
1.3 Power and costs
1.4 Dependability
1.5 Quantitative principles of computer design
1.6 Introduction to computing models
Unit - 2 Principles Of Scalable Performance
Unit 2
Principles of scalable performance
2.1 Principles of scalable performance
2.2 Performance metrics and measures
2.2 Speedup performance laws
2.3 Advanced processor technology
2.4 Super scalar and VLIW processors
2.5 Verified memory
2.6 Cache memory organizations
2.7 Shared memory organizations
2.8 Memory hierarchy
2.9 Cache performance
2.10 Protection and examples of virtual memory
2.11 Cache coherence
Unit - 3 Pipeline And Superscalar Techniques
Unit 3
Pipeline and superscalar techniques
3.1 Linear pipeline processors
3.2 Reservation and latency analysis
3.3 Collision free scheduling
3.4 Pipeline schedule optimization
3.5 Instruction pipeline design
3.6 Arithmetic pipeline design
3.7 Super scalar and super pipeline design
Unit - 4 Multiprocessors And Multi-Computers
Unit 4
Multiprocessors and multicomputers
4.1 Multiprocessors and multicomputers
4.2 Brief overview of SIMD
4.3 MIMD
4.4 Vector architectures and multicore architectures
Unit - 5 Elementary theory about dependence analysis
Unit 5
Elementary theory about dependence analysis
5.1 Elementary theory about dependence analysis
5.2 Techniques for extraction of parallelism
5.3 Branch prediction
5.4 Dynamic scheduling
5.5 Multiple issue and speculation
5.6 Limits on instruction level parallelism
5.7 Thread level parallelism
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Biology for engineers
Program elective - iii: internet of things
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