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Bihar Engineering University, Bihar
Computer Engineering
Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Bihar Engineering University, Bihar, Computer Engineering Semester 4, Design & Analysis of Algorithms Syllabus
Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction
1.1 Characteristics of algorithm
1.2 Asymptotic analysis of complexity bounds – best average and worstcase behavior
1.3 Performance measurements of Algorithm
1.4 Time and space tradeoffs
1.5 Analysis of recursive algorithms through recurrence relations Substitution method
1.6 Recursion tree method and Masters’ theorem
Unit - 2 Introduction to Divide and Conquer paradigm
2.1 Binary Search
2.2 Quick and Merge sorting techniques
2.3 Linear time selection algorithm
2.4 Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication
2.5 Karatsuba Algorithm for fast multiplication
2.6 Introduction to Heap Min and Max Heap
2.7 Build Heap
2.8 Heap Sort
Unit - 3 Overview of Brute Force
3.1 Overview of BruteForce
3.2 Greedy Programming
3.3 Dynamic Programming
3.4 Branch and Bound and back tracking methodologies
3.5 Greedy paradigm examples of exact optimization solution
3.6 Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
3.7 Knapsack problem
3.8 Job Sequencing Problem
3.9 Huffman Coding
3.10 Single source shortest path problem
3.11 Dynamic Programming
3.12 Difference between dynamic programming and divide and conquer
3.13 Applications Fibonacci Series Matrix Chain Multiplication 01 Knapsack Problem Longest Common Subsequence Travelling Salesman Problem Rod Cutting Bin Packing
3.14 Heuristics – characteristics and their application domains
Unit - 4 Graph and Tree Algorithms
4.1 Representational issues in graphs
4.2 Traversal algorithms Depth First Search DFS and Breadth First Search BFS
4.3 Shortest path algorithms BellmanFord algorithm Dijkstra’s algorithm Analysis of Dijkstra’s algorithm using heaps Floyd Warshall’s all pairs shortest path algorithm
4.4 Transitive closure
4.5 Topological sorting
4.6 Network Flow Algorithm
4.7 Connected Component
Unit - 5 Tractable and Intractable Problems
5.1 Computability of Algorithms
5.2 Computability classes – P
5.3 NPclass
5.4 NPcomplete
5.5 NPhard
5.6 Cook’s theorem
5.7 Standard NPcomplete problems and Reduction techniques
5.8 Approximation algorithms
5.9 Randomized algorithms
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Other Subjects of Semester-2
Operating system
Digital electronics
Discrete mathematics
Computer organization & architecture
Human resource development and organizational behavior
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