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Bihar Engineering University, Bihar
Computer Engineering
Compiler Design
Bihar Engineering University, Bihar, Computer Engineering Semester 6, Compiler Design Syllabus
Compiler Design Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction
1.1 Phases of compilation and overview
1.2 Regular languages
1.3 Finite automata
1.4 Regular expressions
1.5 From regular expressions to finite automata
1.6 Scanner generator lex flex
Unit - 2 Syntax Analysis (Parser)
2.1 Contextfree languages and grammars
2.2 Pushdown automata
2.3 LL1 grammars and topdown parsing
2.4 Operator grammars
2.5 LRO
2.6 SLR1
2.7 LR1
2.8 LALR1 grammars and bottomup parsing
2.9 Ambiguity and LR parsing
2.10 LALR1 parser generator yacc bison
Unit - 3 Semantic Analysis
3.1 Attribute grammars
3.2 Syntax directed definition
3.3 Evaluation and flow of attribute in a syntax tree
3.4 Symbol Table Its structure symbol attributes and management. Runtime environment Procedure activation parameter passing value return memory allocation and scope.
Unit - 4 Intermediate Code Generation
4.1 Translation of different language features
4.2 Different types of intermediate forms
4.3 Code Improvement optimization Analysis Controlflow
4.4 Dataflow dependence
4.5 Code improvement local optimization
4.6 Global optimization
4.7 Loop optimization
4.8 Peephole optimization
4.9 Architecture dependent code improvement Instruction scheduling for pipeline
4.10 Loop optimization for cache memory
4.11 Register allocation and target code generation
Unit - 5 Advanced topics
5.1 Type systems
5.2 Data abstraction
5.3 compilation of ObjectOriented features and nonimperative programming languages
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Other Subjects of Semester-2
Machine learning
Computer networks
Advance java programming
Speech and audio processing
Cryptography and network security
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