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Bihar Engineering University, Bihar
Electrical Engineering
Signals and Systems
Bihar Engineering University, Bihar, Electrical Engineering Semester 4, Signals and Systems Syllabus
Signals and Systems Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction to Signals and Systems
1.1 Signals and Systems as seen in Everyday Life and In various Branches of Enginnering and Science
1.2 Special Signals of importance
1.3 Special Time Limited Signals
1.4 System Properties
Unit 1
Introduction to Signals and Systems
1.1 Signals and Systems as seen in Everyday Life and In various Branches of Enginnering and Science
1.2 Signal properties periodicity absolute integrability determinism and stochastic character
1.3 Some special signals of importance the unit step the unit impulse the sinusoid the complex exponential
1.4 Some Special Time Limited Signals continuous and discrete time signals continuous and discrete amplitude signals
1.5 System properties linearity additivity and homogeneity shiftinvariance causality stability realizability. Examples
Unit - 2 Behaviour of continuous and discrete time LTI systems
2.1 Impulse Response and Step Response
2.2 Convolution
2.3 InputOutput Behaviour with periodic convergence inputs
2.4 Cascade Interconnections
2.5 Characterization of Causality and Stability of LTI systems
2.6 System Representation through differential and difference system.
2.7 State Space Representation of Systems
2.8 State Space Analysis
2.9 Multi Input Output Representation
2.10 State Transition Matrix and its Role
2.11 Periodic Inputs to LTI system
2.12 Notion of frequency response and its relation to impulse response
Unit 2
Behaviour of continuous and discrete time LTI systems
2.1 Impulse Response and Step Response
2.2 Convolution
2.3 InputOutput Behaviour with periodic convergence inputs
2.4 Cascade Interconnections
2.5 Characterization of Causality and Stability of LTI systems
2.6 System Representation through differential and difference equations
2.7 State Space Representation of Systems
2.8 State Space Analysis
2.9 Multiinput multioutput representation
2.10 State Transition Matrix and its Role
2.11 Periodic Inputs to LTI system
2.12 Notion of frequency response and its relation to impulse response
Unit - 3 Fourier, Laplace and Z transform
3.1 Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals
3.2 Fourier Transform
3.3 Discrete Time Fourier Transform and Discrete Fourier Transform
3.4 Parseval’s theorem
3.5 Review of Laplace Transform for Continuous Time Signals and Systems
3.6 Z transform for discrete time signals and systems
Unit - 4 Sampling and Reconstruction
4.1 Sampling theorem and its implications
4.2 Relation between continuous and discrete systems
4.3 Introduction to the application of Signal And System Theory
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Other Subjects of Semester-2
Digital electronics
Electrical machines – ii
Electrical and electronics measurement
Mathematics iii (probability and statistics)
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