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Bihar Engineering University, Bihar
Electronics and Communication engineering
Digital Communication
Bihar Engineering University, Bihar, Electronics and Communication engineering Semester 6, Digital Communication Syllabus
Digital Communication Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction
1.1 Block Diagram of Digital Communication System
1.2 Advantages of Digital communication system over Analog communication systems
1.3 Sampling theorem
1.4 Signal reconstruction in time domain
1.5 Practical and Flat Top Sampling
1.6 Sampling of Bandpass Signal
1.7 Aliasing Problem
1.8 Uniform and Nonuniform quantization
1.9 Signal to Quantization ratio of Quantized Signal.
Unit - 2 Baseband Transmission
2.1 Line Coding and its properties
2.2 Various types of PCM waveforms
2.3 Attributes of PCM waveforms
2.4 Mary Pulse Modulation waveforms
2.5 Differential Pulse Code Modulation
2.6 Multiplexing of PCM signals
2.7 Delta modulation
2.8 Idling noise and slope overload
2.9 Adaptive Delta Modulation
2.10 Adaptive DPCM
2.11 Comparison of PCM and DM
Unit - 3 Baseband Detection
3.1 Error performance degradation in communication systems
3.2 EbNO parameter
3.3 Matched filter and its derivation
3.4 InterSymbol Interference ISI
3.5 Nyquist criterion for zero ISI and raised cosine spectrum
3.6 Correlation detector Decision threshold and Error probability for Binary Unipolar onoff signalling
Unit - 4 Band-pass Modulation and Demodulation
4.1 Types of digital modulation
4.2 Waveforms for Amplitude Frequency and Phase Shift Keying
4.3 Method of generation and detection of coherent and noncoherent binary ASK FSK and PSK
4.4 Differential phase shift keying
4.5 Quadrature modulation techniques
4.6 M ary FSK
4.7 Minimum Shift Keying MSK
4.8 Probability of error and comparison of various digital modulation techniques
Unit - 5 Error
5.1 A base band signal receiver
5.2 Probability of error
5.3 The Optimum filter Matched Filter
5.4 Probability of error in Matched filter
5.6 Coherent reception of ASK PSK and FSK
5.7 NonCoherent reception of ASK FSK PSK and QPSK
5.8 Calculation of bit error probability of BPSK and BFSK
5.9 Error probability for QPSK
Unit - 6 Multiple Access Techniques
6.1 Time division multiplexing
6.2 Frequency division multiplexing
6.3 Code division multiplexing
6.4 Introduction to upcoming techniques of transmission
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