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Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha
Computer Engineering
Basic Civil Engineering
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, Computer Engineering Semester 1, Basic Civil Engineering Syllabus
Basic Civil Engineering Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Building Material and Building Construction
1.1 Introduction and Scope of Civil Engineering. Broad disciplines of Civil Engineering Importance of Civil Engineering Early constructions and developments over time Development of various materials of construction and methods of construction.
1.2 Bricks Brick as a construction material and its importance qualities of a good brick
1.3 Stone classification composition and characteristics
1.4 Cement Classification tests for cement uses of cement types of cement
1.5 Concrete Quality of mixing water Workability Compaction of concrete concrete mix design Grade and strength of Concrete.
1.6 Fundamentals of R.C.C. and Prestressed concrete. Types of steels used in civil engineering works. Building Components and their basic requirements Mortar Stone masonry brick masonry roof floors.
Unit - 2 Surveying
2.1 Principles of survey
Unit - 3 Fundamental of soil and its classification
3.1 Foundation Types of shallow and deep foundations with neat sketches.
3.2 Fundamentals of Irrigation Engineering
3.3 Introduction of Hydraulics structure like canals siphons weirs dams etc.
Unit - 4 Transport, Traffic and Urban Engineering
4.1 Introduction to planning and design aspects of transportation engineering
4.2 Various modes of Transportation
4.3 Highway engineering rail engineering airport engineering traffic engineering urban engineering
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Communicative english
Basic electrical engineering
Basic mechanical engineering
Basic electronics engineering
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