Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, Computer Engineering Semester 1, Communicative English Syllabus

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RCE1E001 Communicative English

Module 1
Introduction to communication 

The importance of communication through English at the present time; the process of communication and factors that influence communication : sender, receiver, channel, code, topic, message, context, feedback, ‘noise’, filters and barriers; the importance of audience and purpose
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Listening Skills: Importance and types of Listening
Identifying and rectifying common errors: Subject-verb agreement,
Noun/ Pronoun/ Articles/ Prepositions Usage, Word choice
Vocabulary Building

Module 2
The sounds of English

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA); Vowels, diphthongs,consonants, consonant clusters; phonemic transcription;
Syllable division and word stress; sentence rhythm and weak forms, contrastive stress
Intonation: falling, rising and falling-rising tunes
Problem sounds in cultural contexts (Indian context)

Module 3
Workplace Communication 

Communication challenges in culturally diverse workforce; Ethics in Communication Bias-free communication
3.2 Effective Business Presentations: Importance in workplace communication; Planning, Preparing, Organizing, Rehearsing, and Delivering Oral presentations, Handling Questions; Power Point Presentation

Module 4
Writing at Work 

Business letters
Writing notices, circulars, emails.
Writing reports and Proposals
Writing CVs (for Technical Positions and Internships)

Module 5
5. Soft Skills/Life Skills 

Body Language
Connected Speech (Intonation in Everyday Speaking and Conversation)

Types of interviews, Planning and Preparing for a Job Interview; Stages of an Interview; Mastering the art of giving interviews.
Team Management and Leadership Skills; Group Discussion; Public Speaking (Reference: Martin Luther King: I have a Dream, Vivekananda: Chicago Address, Toni Morrison: Noble Prize Acceptance Speech)

Recommended Books:
1. Business Communication by Carol M Lehman, Debbie D Dufrene and MalaSinha. Cengage Learning. 2ndEdition.
2. English Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy. Cambridge UP. 4th Edition.
3. A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students by T. Balasubramanian [MACMILLAN]
4. Soft Skills: Key to Success in Workplace and Life by Meenakshi Raman and Shalini Upadhyay. Cengage Learning. 2018 Edition.

Reference Books:
1. Technical Communication, Principle and Practice by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford University Press
2. Business Communication Today by Courtland L Bovee and Thill, Pearson.
3. Communication skill by Sanjay Kumar & Puspa Lata, Oxford University Press.2 nd Edition.

4. Body Language. Allan Pease. Free on Googlebooks.
5. Business and Managerial Communication, Sengupta, PHI
6. Business Communication for Managers, P. Mehra, Pearson

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