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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Electronics and Telecommunications
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Electronics and Telecommunications Semester 1, Physics-I Syllabus
Physics-I Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Physical Quantities, Motion in Two or Three dimensions
Unit 1
Physical Quantities Motion in Two or Three dimensions
1.1 Standards and Units
1.2 Unit consistency and conversions
1.3 Uncertainty and Significant figures
1.4 Estimates and orders of magnitude
1.5 Position and velocity vectors
1.6 The Acceleration vector
1.7 Projectile motion
1.8 Motion in a circle
1.9 Relative velocity
1.10 Free body diagrams
1.11 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
1.12 Central forces
1.13 Non inertial frames of reference
1.1 Standards and Units
1.2. Unit consistency and conversions
1.3.Uncertainty and Significant figures
1.4 Estimates and orders of magnitudescientists and mathematicians were working with very large numbers for certain values like the speed of light or the distance from Earth to the sun and they decided that they needed a simpler way to write and refer to these large numbers. Thats when they came up with scientific notation.
1.5. Position and velocity vectors
1.6. The Acceleration vector
1.7.Projectile motion
1.8. Motion in a circle
1.9 Relative velocity
1.10. Free body diagrams
1.11.Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
1.12.Central forces
1.13. Non inertial frames of reference
Unit - 10 Lasers & Fibre Optics
Unit 10
Lasers Fibre Optics
10.1 Einstein’s theory of matter radiation interaction and A and B coefficients
10.2 Amplification of light by population inversion in optical resonator
10.3 Gas lasers HeNe
10.4 Solidstate lasers ruby Neodymium
10.5 Semiconductor laser
10.6 Properties of laser beams
10.7 Fibre Optics Introduction
10.8 Optical fibre as a dielectric wave guide
10.9 Total internal reflection
10.10 Numerical aperture and various fibre parameters
10.11 Losses associated with optical fibres
10.12 Step and graded index fibres
10.13 Application of optical fibres
10.1. Einstein’s theory of matter radiation interaction and A and B coefficients
10.2. Amplification of light by population inversion in optical resonator
10.3. Gas lasers HeNe
10.4. Solidstate lasers ruby Neodymium
10.5. Semiconductor laser
10.6. Properties of laser beams
10.7. Fibre Optics Introduction
10.8. Optical fibre as a dielectric wave guide
10.9. Total internal reflection
10.10. Numerical aperture and various fibre parameters
10.11. Losses associated with optical fibres
10.12. Step and graded index fibres
10.13. Application of optical fibres
Unit - 2 Mechanics of Solids
Unit 2
Mechanics of Solids
2.1 Angular velocity and acceleration
2.2 Rotation with constant angular acceleration
2.3 Relating linear and angular kinematics
2.4 Energy in rotational motion
2.5 Parallel axis theorem
2.6 Moment of Inertia calculations
2.7 Conditions for equilibrium
2.8 Bending Stress
2.9 Shear stress
2.10 Concept of strain energy
2.11 Elastic Module
2.12 Concepts of elasticity and plasticity
2.1. Angular velocity and acceleration
2.2. Rotation with constant angular acceleration
2.3. Relating linear and angular kinematics
2.4. Energy in rotational motion
2.5. Parallel axis theorem
2.6. Moment of Inertia calculations
2.7. Conditions for equilibrium
2.8. Bending Stress
2.9. Shear stress
2.10. Concept of strain energy
2.11. Elastic Modulus
2.12. Concepts of elasticity and plasticity
Unit - 3 Wave Optics
Unit 3
Wave Optics
3.1 Superposition of waves and interference of light by wave front splitting and amplitude splitting
3.2 Fresnel biprism
3.3 Wedge shaped film
3.4 Newton’s rings
3.5 Fraunhofer diffraction from a single slit
3.6 The Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution and its application to vision
3.7 Diffraction gratings and their resolving power
3.1. Superposition of waves and interference of light by wave front splitting and amplitude splitting
3.2. Fresnel Biprism
3.3. Wedge shaped film
3.4. Newton’s rings
3.5. Fraunhofer diffraction from a single slit
3.6. The Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution and its application to vision
3.7. Diffraction gratings and their resolving power
Unit - 4 Electrostatics in vacuum and dielectric medium
Unit 4
Electrostatics in vacuum and dielectric medium
4.1 Calculation of electric field and electrostatic potential for a charge
4.2 Divergence and curl of electrostatic field
4.3 Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations for electrostatic potential
4.4 Laws of electrostatics
4.5 Polarisation
4.6 Permeability and dielectric constant
4.7 Polar and nonpolar dielectrics
4.8 Solving simple electrostatics problem in presence of dielectrics like Point
4.1. Calculation of electric field and electrostatic potential for a charge distribution
4.2. Divergence and curl of electrostatic field
4.3. Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations for electrostatic potential
4.4. Laws of electrostatics
4.5. Polarisation
4.6. Permeability and dielectric constant
4.7. Polar and nonpolar dielectrics
4.8. Solving simple electrostatics problem in presence of dielectrics like Point charge at the centre of a dielectric sphere
Unit - 5 Magneto static in a linear magnetic medium
Unit 5
Magneto static in a linear magnetic medium
5.1 BiotSavart law
5.2 Divergence and curl of static magnetic field
5.3 Vector potential and calculating it for a given magnetic field using Stokes’ theorem
5.4 Magnetisation
5.5 Solving for magnetic field due to simple magnets like a bar magnet
5.6 Permeability and Susceptibility
5.7 Classification of magnetic materials Ferromagnetism Paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials
5.8 Magnetic domains and hysteresis
5.1. BiotSavart law
5.2. Divergence and curl of static magnetic field
5.3. Vector potential and calculating it for a given magnetic field using Stokes’ theorem.
5.4. Magnetisation
5.5. Solving for magnetic field due to simple magnets like a bar magnet
5.6. Permeability and Susceptibility
5.7. Classification of magnetic materials Ferromagnetism Paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials.
5.8. Magnetic domains and hysteresis
Unit - 6 Faraday’s law and Electromagnetic waves
Unit 6
Faraday’s law and Electromagnetic waves
6.1 Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
6.2 Continuity equation for current densities
6.3 Displace current and magnetic field arising from time dependent electric field
6.4 Maxwell’s equation in vacuum
6.5 Energy in an electromagnetic field
6.6 Flow of energy and Pointing vector
6.7 Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum
6.8 EMW transverse nature and polarization
6.9 Relation between electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave
6.1. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
6.2. Continuity equation for current densities
6.3. Displace current and magnetic field arising from time dependent electric field.
6.4. Maxwell’s equation in vacuum
6.6. Flow of energy and Pointing vector
6.7. Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum
6.8. EMW transverse nature and polarization
6.9. Relation between electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave
Unit - 7 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
7.1 Wave nature of Particles
7.2 Timedependent and timeindependent Schrodinger equation for wave function
7.3 Born interpretation
7.4 Expectation values only basic
7.5 Freeparticle wave function and wavepackets
7.6 Uncertainty principle
7.7 Solution of stationarystate Schrodinger equation for one dimensional problem likeparticle in a box
7.1 Wave nature of Particles
7.2 Timedependent and timeindependent Schrodinger equation for wave function
7.3 Born interpretation
7.6 Uncertainty principle
7.7 Solution of stationarystate Schrodinger equation for one dimensional problem like particle in a box
Unit - 8 Solid electronic materials
Unit 8
Solid electronic materials
8.1 Electron in periodic potential
8.2 KronigPenny model only basic to introduce origin of band gap
8.3 Ek diagram
8.4 Electron conduction
8.5 Conductivity
8.6 Drift velocity
8.7 Energy bands in solids
8.8 Direct and indirect band gaps
8.9 Types of electronic materials metals semiconductors and insulators
8.10 Occupation probability
8.11 Fermi level
8.12 Effective mass
8.13 Density of states and energy band diagrams.
8.1. Electron in periodic potential
8.2. KronigPenny model only basic to introduce origin of band gap
8.3. Ek diagram
8.4. Electron conduction
8.5. Conductivity
8.6. Drift velocity
8.7. Energy bands in solids
8.8. Direct and indirect band gaps
8.9. Types of electronic materials metals semiconductors and insulators
8.10. Occupation probability
8.11. Fermi level
8.12. Effective mass
8.13. Density of states and energy band diagrams
Unit - 9 Semiconductors
Unit – 9
9.1 Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
9.2 Electron and hole concentration
9.3 Concept of Fermi Level
9.4 Dependence of Fermi level on carrierconcentration and temperature
9.5 Doping
9.6 Impurity states
9.7 N and P type semiconductors
9.8 Carrier generation and recombination
9.9 Law of mass action
9.10 Charge neutrality condition
9.11 Carrier transport diffusion and drift
9.12 PN junction
9.13 Depletion region and potential barrier
9.14 Energy band structure of PN junction in forward and reverse biasing
9.15 Metal semiconductor junction Ohmic and Schottky
9.1 Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
9.2. Electron and hole concentration
9.3. Concept of Fermi Level
9.4. Dependence of Fermi level on carrierconcentration and temperature
9.5. Doping
9.6. Impurity states
9.7. N and P type semiconductors
9.8. Carrier generation and recombination
9.9. Law of mass action
9.10. Charge neutrality condition
9.11. Carrier transport diffusion and drift
9.12. PN junction
9.13. Depletion region and potential barrier
9.14. Energy band structure of PN junction in forward and reverse biasing
9.15. Metal semiconductor junction Ohmic and Schottky
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