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Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala
Information Technology
Environmental Studies
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, Information Technology Semester 2, Environmental Studies Syllabus
Environmental Studies Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
1.1 Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies Definition scope and importance need for public awareness.
1.2 Natural Resources Renewable and nonrenewable resources Natural resources and associated problems.
1.3 Forest resources Use and overexploitation deforestation case studies. Timber extraction mining dams and their effects on forest and tribal people.
1.4 Water resources Use and overutilization of surface and ground water floods drought conflicts over water damsbenefits and problems.
1.5 Mineral resources Use and exploitation environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources case studies.
1.6 Food resources World food problems changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing effects of modern agriculture fertilizerpesticide problems water logging salinity case studies.
1.7 Energy resources Growing energy needs renewable and nonrenewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources. Case studies.
1.8 Land resources Land as a resource land degradation man induced landslides soil erosion and desertification.
1.9 Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Unit - 2 Ecosystems
2.1 Ecosystems Concept of an ecosystem
2.2 Structure and function of an ecosystem.
2.3 Producers consumers and decomposers
2.4 Energy flow in the ecosystem
2.5 Ecological succession
2.6 Food chains food webs and ecological pyramids
2.7 Introduction types characteristic features structure and function of the following ecosystems Forest ecosystem Grassland ecosystem Desert ecosystem Aquatic ecosystems ponds streams lakes rivers oceans estuaries
2.8 Biodiversity and its conservation Introduction – Definition genetic species and ecosystem diversity
2.9 Bio geographical classification of India
2.10 Value of biodiversity consumptive use productive use social ethical aesthetic and option values
2.11 Biodiversity at global National and local levels. India as a megadiversity nation. Hotsports of biodiversity
2.12 Threats to biodiversity habitat loss poaching of wildlife manwildlife conflicts. Endangered and endemic species of India
2.13 Conservation of biodiversity Insitu and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity
Unit - 3 Environmental Pollution
Environmental Pollution
3.1 Environmental Pollution Definition. Cause effects and control measures of
3.2 Solid waste Management Causes effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes
3.3 Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Pollution case studies
3.4 Disaster management floods earthquake cyclone and landslides.
3.5 Environmental legislation Environment Protection Act. Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act. Water Prevention and control of Pollution Act. Wildlife Protection Act. Forest Conservation Act. Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
Unit - 4 Environmental ethics
Environmental ethics
4.1 Environmental ethics Issues and possible solutions
4.2 Climate change global warming acid rain ozone layer depletion nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case Studies
4.3 Wasteland reclamation. Consumerism and waste products
4.4 Social Issues and the Environment From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Urban problems related to energy
4.5 Water conservation rain water harvesting watershed management
4.6 Resettlement and rehabilitation of people its problems and concerns. Case Studies. Public awareness
4.7 Human Population and the Environment Population growth variation among nations. Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme
4.8 Environment and human health
4.9 Human Rights. Value Education. HIVAIDS. Women and Child Welfare. Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. Case Studies.
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Other Subjects of Semester-2
Basic electrical engineering
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