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Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University Of Science And Technology, Haryana
Computer Engineering
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University Of Science And Technology, Haryana, Computer Engineering Semester 1, PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Syllabus
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Unit - 1 D.C. Circuit Analysis
1.1 Basic concepts of electric circuits
1.2 Ohm’s Law
1.3 Independent energy sources
1.5 Passive elements
1.6 Circuit properties
1.7 Kirchoff’s laws
1.8 Applications of Kirchoff’s laws
1.9 Nodal and Loop methods of Analysis
1.10 Superposition Theorem
1.11 Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorem
1.12 Reciprocity Theorem
1.13 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
1.14 Millman’s Theorem
1.15 StarDelta or deltastar transformation
1.16 Applications of network theorems
1.17 Pspice for DC circuit analysis
Unit - 2 A.C. Circuits
2.1 Sinusoidal signal
2.2 Phasors polar rectangular exponential trigonometric representations
2.3 Resistance
2.4 Inductance Capacitance components behaviour of these components in A.C. circuits
2.5 Phasor relationship for circuit elements
2.6 Impedance Admittance
2.7 Instantaneous peak values
2.8 Average and RMS values
2.9 Active power
2.10 Reactive power
2.11 Apparent power
2.12 Power factor
2.13 Complex power
2.14 Behavior of AC series parallel circuits RL RC
2.15 A.C. circuits series and parallel
2.16 Resonanceseries and parallel RLC Circuits
2.17 Qfactor
2.18 Cutoff frequencies bandwidth
Unit - 3 Three Phase Circuits
3.1 Three Phase Circuits Phase and line voltages and currents
3.2 Balanced star and delta circuits
3.3 Power equation
3.4 Measurement of power by two wattmeter method
3.5 Measuring Instruments Principle Construction working of moving coil type voltmeter ammeter
3.6 Moving iron type voltmeter ammeter
3.8 Singlephase induction type energy meter
Unit - 4 Transformers
4.1 Transformers Ampere’s law
4.2 Mutual Inductance
4.3 Construction Working principle and phasor diagrams of Singlephase Transformer
4.4 Emf equation
4.5 Equivalent circuit
4.6 Testing efficiency and regulation of singlephase transformer.
4.7 Auto transformer
4.8 Rotating Machines Construction and working principle of dc motor and generator and its characteristics.
4.9 Construction and working principle of 3phase Induction
4.10 Torquespeed characteristics
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Communicative english
Engineering physics - i
Manufacturing processes
Engineering graphics and drawing
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