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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra
Computer Engineering
Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Science
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra, Computer Engineering Semester 2, Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Science Syllabus
Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Science Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Polymer Science
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Classification
1.3 Functionality in monomer
1.4 Polymerization addition and condensation polymerization
1.5 Free radical mechanism of addition polymerization
1.6 Effect of polymer structure on properties
1.7 Plastics properties
1.8 Compounding of plastics
1.9 Types of plastics thermosetting and thermoplastics
1.10 Synthesis of plastics
1.11 Vulcanization need of vulcanization of rubber
1.12 Synthetic rubber BunaS BunaN butyl rubber polymers in medicine and surgery
Unit - 2 Abrasives and Adhesives
2.1 Definition
2.2 Natural and artificial abrasives
2.3 Cement Introduction
2.4 Classification
2.5 Manufacturing
2.6 Chemical composition of Portland cement
2.7 Adhesives Introduction
2.8 Bonding process by adhesives
2.9 Classification
2.10 Physical and chemical factors affection on adhesive action
Unit - 3 Water Technology
3.1 Sources of water
3.2 Hardness
3.3 Type and causes of hardness
3.4 Units of hardness
3.5 Disadvantages of hard water
3.6 Scale and Sludge
3.7 Priming and foaming
3.8 Caustic embrittlement
3.9 Alkalinity
3.10 Numerical on water analysis
3.11 Softening methods such as Zeolite process Ion exchange process
3.12 Purification of water by electrodialysis and reverse osmosis
3.13 Applications of pH meter and conductometer
Unit - 4 Corrosion Science and lubricants
4.1 Definition
4.2 Chemical and electrochemical corrosion and its mechanism
4.3 Factors influencing on corrosion
4.4 Corrosion control Anodizing and phosphating galvanizing and tinning cathodic and anodic protection
4.5 Lubricants Introduction classification
4.6 Mechanism of lubrication
4.7 Characteristic of lubricants such as viscosity
4.8 Viscosity index
4.9 Cloud and pour points
4.10 Flash and Fire point
4.11 Acid value and aniline point
4.11.2 Aniline Point
4.12 Selection of best lubricant
Unit - 5 Chemical and Electrochemical energy sources
5.3 Characteristics of good fuels
5.4 Calorific value and its determination by Bomb Calorimeter
5.5 Coal Classification
5.6 Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal
5.7 Petroleum Source Composition Refining Octane number and Cetane number
5.8 Gaseous fuel Natural gas CNG
5.9 Electrochemical energies Electrolysis
5.10 Electrolysis Conductivity of electrolytes Factor affecting the conductivity of electrolytes
5.11 Batteries Types of batteries Construction Working and application of Acid storage batteries
5.12 Lithiumion batteries Nickelcadmium battery Fuel cell
Unit - 6 Chemistry in Environment
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Segments of environment
6.3 Pollution such as Air water soil noise and radioactive and their preventive measures
6.4 Concept of acid rain
6.5 Global warming
6.6 Depletion of the ozone layer
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Other Subjects of Semester-2
Engineering physics
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