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Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat
Computer Engineering
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, Computer Engineering Semester 1, Basic Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
Basic Mechanical Engineering Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction
Unit 1
1.1 Prime movers and its types
1.2 Concept of Force
1.3 Pressure
1.4 Energy
1.5 Work
1.6 Power
1.7 System
1.8 Heat
1.9 Temperature
1.10 Specific heat capacity
1.11 Change of state Path Process Cycle Internal energy Enthalpy
1.12 Statements of Zeroth law and First law
1.1 Prime movers and its types
1.2 Concept of Force
1.3 Pressure
1.4 Energy
1.5 Work
1.6 Power
1.7 System
1.8 Heat
1.9 Temperature
1.10 Specific heat capacity
1.11 Change of state Path Process Cycle Internal energy Enthalpy
1.12 Statements of Zeroth law and First law
Unit - 10 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Unit 10
Refrigeration Air Conditioning
10.1 Refrigerant
10.2 Vapour compression refrigeration system
10.3 Vapour absorption refrigeration system
10.4 Domestic Refrigerator
10.5 Window and split air conditioners
10.1 Refrigerant
10.2 Vapour compression refrigeration system
10.3 Vapour absorption refrigeration system
10.4 Domestic Refrigerator
10.5 Window and split air conditioners
Unit - 11 Couplings, Clutches and Brakes
Unit 11
Couplings Clutches and Brakes
11.1 Construction and applications of Couplings Box Flange Pin type flexible 1 Universal and Oldham
11.2 Clutches Disc and Centrifugal
11.3 Brakes Block Shoe Band and Disc
11.1 Construction and applications of Couplings Box Flange Pin type flexible Universal and Oldham
11.2 Clutches Disc and Centrifugal
11.3 Brakes Block Shoe Band and Disc
Unit - 12 Transmission of Motion and Power
Unit 12
Transmission of Motion and Power
12.1 Shaft and axle
12.2 Different arrangement and applications of Belt drive
12.3 Chain drive
12.4 Friction drive and Gear drive
12.1 Shaft and axle
12.2 Different arrangement and applications of Belt drive
12.3 Chain drive
12.4 Friction drive and Gear drive
Unit - 13 Engineering Materials
Unit 13
Engineering Materials
13.1 Types properties and applications of Ferrous Nonferrous metals
13.2 Timber
13.3 Abrasive material
13.4 ceramics
13.5 glass
13.6 graphite
13.7 diamond
13.8 plastic and polymer
13.1 Types properties and applications of Ferrous Nonferrous metals
13.2 Timber
13.3 Abrasive material
13.4 ceramics
13.5 Glass
13.6 graphite
13.7 diamond
13.8 plastic and polymer
Unit - 2 Energy
Unit 2
2.1 Introduction and applications of Energy sources like Fossil fuels
2.2 Nuclear fuels
2.3 Hydro
2.4 Solar
2.5 Wind
2.6 Biofuels
2.7 Environmental issues like Global warming and Ozone depletion
2.1 Introduction and applications of Energy sources like Fossil fuels
2.2 Nuclear fuels
2.3 Hydro energy
2.4 Solar
2.5 Wind energy
2.6 Biofuels
2.7 Environmental issues like Global warming and Ozone depletion
Unit - 3 Properties of gases
Unit 3
Properties of gases
3.1 Gas laws
3.2 Boyles law
3.3 Charles’s law
3.4 Combined gas law
3.5 Gas constant
3.6 Relation between cp and cv
3.7 Various nonflow processes like constant volume process constant pressure process Isothermal process Adiabatic process Polytropic process
3.1 Gas laws
3.2 Boyles law
3.3 Charles law
3.4 Combined gas law
3.5 Gas constant
3.6 Relation between cp and cv
3.7 Various nonflow processes like constant volume process constant pressure process Isothermal process Adiabatic process Polytrophic process
Unit - 4 Properties of Steam
Unit 4
Properties of Steam
4.1 Steam formation
4.2 Types of steam
4.3 Enthalpy
4.4 Specific volume
4.5 Internal energy and dryness fraction of steam
4.6 use of steam tables
4.7 steam calorimeters
4.1 Steam formation
4.2 Types of steam
4.3 Enthalpy
4.4 Specific volume
4.5 Internal energy and dryness fraction of steam
4.6 Use of steam tables
Unit - 5 Heat Engines
Unit 5
Heat Engines
5.1 Heat engine cycle and Heat engine
5.2 Classification of heat engines
5.3 Description and thermal efficiency of Carnot
5.4 Rankine
5.5 Otto cycle and Diesel cycles
5.1 Heat engine cycle and Heat engine
5.2 Classification of heat engines
5.3 Description and thermal efficiency of Carnot
5.4 Rankine
5.5 Otto cycle and Diesel cycles
Unit - 6 Steam Boilers
Unit 6
Steam Boilers
6.1 Introduction Classification and working of boilers
6.2 Cochran
6.3 Lancashire and Babcock and Wilcox boiler
6.4 Functioning of different mountings and accessories
6.1 Introduction Classification and working of boilers
6.2 Cochran
6.3 Lancashire and Babcock and Wilcox boiler
6.4 Functioning of different mountings and accessories
Unit - 7 Internal Combustion Engines
Unit 7
Internal Combustion Engines
7.1 Introduction Classification and Engine details
7.2 Fourstroke twostroke cycle PetrolDiesel engines
7.3 Indicated power
7.4 Brake Power
7.5 Efficiencies
7.1 Introduction Classification and Engine details
7.2 fourstroke twostroke cycle PetrolDiesel engines
7.3 Indicated power
7.4 Brake Power
7.5 Efficiencies
Unit - 8 Pumps
Unit 8
8.1 Types and operation of Reciprocating
8.2 Rotary and Centrifugal pumps
8.3 Priming
8.1 Types and operation of Reciprocating
8.2 Rotary and Centrifugal pumps
8.3 Priming
Unit - 9 Air Compressors
Unit 9
Air Compressors
9.1 Types and operation of Reciprocating and Rotary air compressors
9.2 Significance of Multistage
9.1 Types and operation of Reciprocating and Rotary air compressors
9.2 Significance of Multistage compressor
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