Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Computer Engineering Semester 4, Database Management Systems Syllabus

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Unit - 1 Introduction

Unit – 1


1.1 Overview

1.2 Database System vs File System

1.3 Database System Concept and Architecture

1.4 Data Model Schema and Instances

1.5 Data Independence and Database Language and Interfaces

1.6 Data Definitions Language DML

1.7 Overall Database Structure

1.8 Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model ER Model Concepts

1.9 Notation for ER Diagram

1.10 Mapping Constraints

1.11 Keys Concepts of Super Key Candidate Key Primary Key

1.12 Generalization Aggregation

1.13 Reduction of an ER Diagram to Tables

1.14 Extended ER Model

1.15 Relationship of Higher Degree

Unit – 1


1.1 Overview

1.2 Database System vs File System

1.3 Database System Concept and Architecture

1.4 Data Model Schema and Instances

1.5 Data Independence and Database Language and Interfaces

1.6 Data Definitions Language DML

1.7 Overall Database Structure

1.8 Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model ER Model Concepts

1.9 Notation for ER Diagram

1.10 Mapping Constraints

1.11 Keys Concepts of Super Key Candidate Key Primary Key

1.12 Generalization Aggregation

1.13 Reduction of an ER Diagram to Tables

1.14 Extended ER Model

1.15 Relationship of Higher Degree


Unit – 1


1.1 Overview

1.2 Database System vs File System

1.3 Database System Concept and Architecture

1.4 Data Model Schema and Instances

1.5 Data Independence and Database Language and Interfaces

1.6 Data Definitions Language DML

1.7 Overall Database Structure

1.8 Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model ER Model Concepts

1.9 Notation for ER Diagram

1.10 Mapping Constraints

Unit – 1


1.1 Overview

1.2 Database System vs File System

1.3 Database System Concept and Architecture

1.4 Data Model Schema and Instances

1.5 Data Independence and Database Language and Interfaces

1.6 Data Definitions Language DML

1.7 Overall Database Structure

1.8 Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model ER Model Concepts

1.9 Notation for ER Diagram

1.10 Mapping Constraints

1.11 Keys Concepts of Super Key Candidate Key Primary Key

1.12 Generalization Aggregation

1.13 Reduction of an ER Diagram to Tables

1.14 Extended ER Model

1.15 Relationship of Higher Degree

Unit – 1


1.1 Overview

1.2 Database System vs File System

1.3 Database System Concept and Architecture

1.4 Data Model Schema and Instances

1.5 Data Independence and Database Language and Interfaces

1.6 Data Definitions Language DML

1.7 Overall Database Structure

1.8 Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model ER Model Concepts

1.9 Notation for ER Diagram

1.10 Mapping Constraints

1.11 Keys Concepts of Super Key Candidate Key Primary Key

1.12 Generalization Aggregation

1.13 Reduction of an ER Diagram to Tables

1.14 Extended ER Model

1.15 Relationship of Higher Degree

Unit - 2 Relational data Model and Language

Unit – 2

Relational data Model and Language

2.1 Relational Data Model Concepts

2.2 Integrity Constraints Entity Integrity Referential Integrity Keys Constraints Domain Constraints

2.3 Relational Algebra

2.4 Relational Calculus Tuple and Domain Calculus

2.5 Introduction on SQL Characteristics of SQL Advantage of SQL SQL Data Type and Literals

2.6 Types of SQL Commands

2.7 SQL Operators and Their Procedure

2.8 Tables

2.9 Views and Indexes

2.10 Queries and Subqueries

2.11 Aggregate Functions

2.12 Insert Update and Delete Operations

2.13 Joins

2.14 Unions Intersection Minus Cursors

2.15 Triggers

2.16 Procedures in SQLPL SQL

Unit – 2

Relational data Model and Language

2.1 Relational Data Model Concepts

2.2 Integrity Constraints Entity Integrity Referential Integrity Keys Constraints Domain Constraints

2.3 Relational Algebra

2.4 Relational Calculus Tuple and Domain Calculus

2.5 Introduction on SQL Characteristics of SQL Advantage of SQL SQL Data Type and Literals

2.6 Types of SQL Commands

2.7 SQL Operators and Their Procedure

2.8 Tables

2.9 Views and Indexes

2.10 Queries and Subqueries

2.11 Aggregate Functions

2.12 Insert Update and Delete Operations

2.13 Joins

2.14 Unions Intersection Minus Cursors

2.15 Triggers

2.16 Procedures in SQLPL SQL

Unit – 2

Relational data Model and Language

2.1 Relational Data Model Concepts

2.2 Integrity Constraints Entity Integrity Referential Integrity Keys Constraints Domain Constraints

2.3 Relational Algebra

2.4 Relational Calculus Tuple and Domain Calculus

2.5 Introduction on SQL Characteristics of SQL Advantage of SQL SQL Data Type and Literals

2.6 Types of SQL Commands

2.7 SQL Operators and Their Procedure

2.8 Tables

2.9 Views and Indexes

2.10 Queries and Subqueries

2.11 Aggregate Functions

2.12 Insert Update and Delete Operations

2.13 Joins

2.14 Unions Intersection Minus Cursors

2.15 Triggers

2.16 Procedures in SQLPL SQL

Unit – 2

Relational data Model and Language

2.1 Relational Data Model Concepts

2.2 Integrity Constraints Entity Integrity Referential Integrity Keys Constraints Domain Constraints

2.3 Relational Algebra

2.4 Relational Calculus Tuple and Domain Calculus

2.5 Introduction on SQL Characteristics of SQL Advantage of SQL SQL Data Type and Literals

2.6 Types of SQL Commands

2.7 SQL Operators and Their Procedure

2.8 Tables

2.9 Views and Indexes

2.10 Queries and Subqueries

2.11 Aggregate Functions

2.12 Insert Update and Delete Operations

2.13 Joins

2.14 Unions Intersection Minus Cursors

2.15 Triggers

2.16 Procedures in SQLPL SQL

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