Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Electrical Engineering Semester 4, Digital Electronics And Logic Design Syllabus

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Unit - 4 Sequential Circuits Elements

Unit 4

Sequential Circuits Elements

4.1 Introduction to sequential circuit

4.2 Flipflop Timing Circuits SR latch Gated latch Tri state logic

4.3 Edge triggered flipplop D JK T Flipflop flipflop asynchronous inputs characteristic and excitation table of Flipflop

4.4 Master slave JK flip flop

4.5 Inter conversion of Flipflop

4.6 Study of timing parameters of flipflop

4.3 Shift registers

4.4 Buffer register

4.5 Controlled buffer register

4.6 Data transmission in shift resistor

4.7 SISO

4.8 SIPO

4.9 PISO

4.10 PIPO

4.11 Bidirectional shift register

4.12 Universal shift register

4.13 Counter Classification

4.14 Ripple or asynchronous counter

4.15 Effect of propagation delay in ripple counters

4.16 Updown counter

4.17 Design of Modn counter

4.18 Synchronous counter

4.19 Ring counter

4.20 Johnson counter

4.21 Introduction to FSM Design of synchronous FSM

4.22 Algorithmic State Machines charts

Unit 4

Sequential Circuits Elements

Unit 4

Sequential Circuits Elements

4.1 Introduction to sequential circuit

4.2 Flipflop Timing Circuits SR latch Gated latch Tri state logic

4.3 Edge triggered flipplop D JK T Flipflop flipflop asynchronous inputs characteristic and excitation table of Flipflop

4.4 Master slave JK flip flop

4.5 Inter conversion of Flipflop

4.6 Study of timing parameters of flipflop

4.3 Shift registers

4.4 Buffer register

4.5 Controlled buffer register

4.6 Data transmission in shift resistor

4.7 SISO

4.8 SIPO

4.9 PISO

4.10 PIPO

4.11 Bidirectional shift register

4.12 Universal shift register

4.13 Counter Classification

4.14 Ripple or asynchronous counter

4.15 Effect of propagation delay in ripple counters

4.16 Updown counter

4.17 Design of Modn counter

4.18 Synchronous counter

4.19 Ring counter

4.20 Johnson counter

4.21 Introduction to FSM Design of synchronous FSM

4.22 Algorithmic State Machines charts

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