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Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand
Electronics and Communication engineering
Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Electronics and Communication engineering Semester 1, Physics-I Syllabus
Physics-I Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Harmonic Oscillation
Unit 1
Harmonic Oscillation
1.1 Simple harmonic motion
1.2 Damped and forced simple harmonic oscillator with examples
1.3 Damped harmonic oscillator – heavy critical and light damping
1.4 Amplitude in a damped harmonic oscillator
1.5 Energy decay in a damped harmonic oscillator
1.6 Forced oscillation and resonance condition
Unit - 2 Wave optics
Unit 2
Wave optics
2.1 Superposition of waves
2.2 Interference
2.3 Thin film interference
2.4 Newton’s ring
2.5 Diffraction of light
2.6 Diffraction due to single slit double slits
2.7 Unpolarized Polarized light
2.8 Polarization of wave
2.9 Production of polarized wave Brewster’s law
2.10 Malus’ law
2.11 Double refraction
2.12 Retardation plate
2.13 Analysis of polarization
Unit - 3 Vector Calculus
Unit 3
Vector Calculus
3.1 Scalar Vector field
3.2 Gradient of scalar field
3.3 Divergence Curl of Vector field
3.4 Gauss’ Divergence theorem
3.5 Stokes’ theorem
Unit - 4 Electrostatics
Unit 4
4.1 Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations for electrostatic potential
4.2 Uniqueness theorem
4.3 Electric polarization
4.4 Relation between D E and P
4.5 Electric displacement and boundary conditions
4.6 Dielectric sphere in uniform electric field
Unit - 5 Magnetostatics
Unit 5
5.1 BiotSavart’s law and applications
5.2 Three magnetic vector B H and M and relation between them
5.3 Boundary conditions on B and H
5.4 Magnetic susceptibility diamagnetic paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials
5.5 Hysteresis loop and its application
Unit - 6 Maxwell’s equations & EMW
Unit 6
Maxwell’s equations EMW
6.1 Continuity equation for current densities
6.2 Ampere’s law and its modification
6.3 Differential and integral forms of Maxwell’s equation
6.4 Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and nonconducting medium
6.5 The wave equation
6.6 Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum transverse character
6.7 Relation between electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave
6.8 Energy in an electromagnetic field
6.9 Poynting theorem
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Basic electrical engineering
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