Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Electronics and Communication engineering Semester 2, Physics 2 Syllabus

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Module 1: Basic Quantum Mechanics 08 Lectures
Inadequacy of Classical Mechanics, Introduction to quantum physics, black body radiation;
explanation using the photon concept; photoelectric effect: Stopping Potential, Work
Function, Einstein’s photo electric equation, Compton Effect: Compton Shift.
Module 2:Wave particle duality and bound states 10 Lectures
de Broglie hypothesis, wave-particle duality, Bragg’s Law, Davision and Germer’s
experiment; Phase velocity, group velocity and relation between phase, group and particle
velocity, uncertainty principle- mathematical Illustration, Determination of minimum energy
of harmonic oscillator, Non existence of electron within a nucleus.
Wave function and Born’s interpretation of the wave function, Schrodinger wave equation:
time dependent and independent form, eigen value and eigen function, normalization of wave
function, particle in a box- one and three dimensional box, Linear harmonic oscillator.
Module 3: Theory of relativity 08 Lectures
Frame of reference, inertial and non-inertial frames, postulates of special theory of relativity,
Galilean Transformation, Michelson Morley experiment, Lorentz transformation, length
contraction, time dilation, relativistic variation of mass, addition of velocity, mass-energy
Module 4: Fibre Optics 08 Lectures
Introduction of optical fibre as a dielectric wave guide: total internal reflection, numerical
aperture and various fibre parameters, losses associated with optical fibres, step and graded
index fibres, application of optical fibres.
Module 5: Lasers 08 Lectures
Introduction to interaction of radiation with matter, Stimulated and spontaneous emission,
Einstein’s coefficient, principles and workinlag ser: opfopulation inversion, pumping,
various modes, threshold population inversion, three levels and four level laser, types of
laser: Ruby laser and He- Ne laser; application of lasers.

Text book:
● Eisberg and Resnick, Introduction to Quantum PhysicsPublisher New York: Wiley.
Reference Books:
● Introduction to Quantum mechanics, Nikhil Ranjan Roy, 2016, Vikash Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
● Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffith, 2005, Pearson Education.
● Quantum Mechanics: Theory & Applications, A.K.Ghatak&S.Lokanathan, 2004,
● Fundamentals of Optics, F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White, 1981, McGraw-Hill
● Principles of Optics, Max Born and Emil Wolf, 7th Edn., 1999, Pergamon Press.
● Optics, Ajoy Ghatak, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill
● Introduction to Special theory of Relativity, Robert Resnick, John Wiley & Sons
● Concept of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser,2002, McGraw-Hill
● Engineering Physics, Gaur and Gupta, DhanpatRai Publications
● Modern Engineering Physics, A. S. Vasudeva, S Chand & Company Ltd

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