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Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Punjab
Computer Engineering
Engineering Graphics & Design
Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Punjab, Computer Engineering Semester 1, Engineering Graphics & Design Syllabus
Engineering Graphics & Design Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction
Introduction Engineering DrawingEngineering GraphicsTechnical Drawing
1.1 Types of Engineering Drawing
1.2 Introduction to drawing equipment and use of instruments
1.3 Symbols and conventions in drawing Practice
1.4 Types of lines and their use
1.5 BIS codes for lines Technical lettering as per BIS codes
1.6 Introduction to Dimensioning
1.7 Concepts of scale in drawing and Types of scales
1.8 Basic Definition of geometrical objects Points lines planes and solids
Unit - 10 Orthographic Projection
Orthographic Projection
10.1 Review of principle of Orthographic Projection Sketchdrawing of blocks and of simple machine parts.
Unit - 2 Theory of Projections
Theory of Projections
2.1 Relevance of projection Type of projections Perspective Orthographic Axonometric and their basic principles System of orthographic projection in reference to quadrants and octants illustration through simple problems of projection.
Unit - 3 Projection of Points
Projections of Points
3.1 Projections of Points
Unit - 4 Projection of Lines
Projections of lines
4.1 Parallel to both H P and V P Parallel to one and inclined to other and inclined to both contained in profile plane. True length and angle orientation of straight line rotation method and auxiliary plane method. Distance between two non intersecting lines and trace of line
Unit - 5 Projection of Planes- Difference between plane and lamina
Projection of Planes
5.1 Difference between plane and lamina. Projection of lamina Parallel to one and perpendicular to other Perpendicular to one and inclined to other Inclined to both reference planes and Lamina oblique to three reference planes. Application of auxiliary planes and trace of planes.
Unit - 6 Projection of Solids
Projection of Solids
6.1 Definition of solids types of solids and elements of solids. Projection of solids in first or third quadrant with axis parallel to one and perpendicular to other axis parallel to one inclined to other axis inclined to both the principle plane axis perpendicular to profile plane and parallel to both H P and V P. Visible and invisible details in the projection. Use rotation and auxiliary plane method to draw the projections.
Unit - 7 Section of Solids
Section of Solids
7.1 Definition of Sectioning and its purpose. Procedure of Sectioning Types of sectional planes. Illustration through examples.
Unit - 8 Development of Surface
Development of Surface
8.1 Purpose of development Parallel line radial line and triangulation method. Development of prism cylinder cone and pyramid surface for both right angled and oblique solids and development of surface of sphere.
Unit - 9 Isometric Projection
Isometric Projection
9.1 Classification of pictorial views Basic Principle of Isometric projection Difference between isometric projection and isometric drawing. Isometric projection of solids such as cube prism pyramid and cylinder and assignments on isometric projection of simple machine parts.
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Basic electrical engineering
Physics (semiconductor physics)
Mathematics-i (calculus, linear algebra)
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