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PCC-CE304 Geotechnical Engineering -I

4 credits

Module 1: Introduction–Types of soils, their formation and deposition, Definitions: soil mechanics, soil engineering, rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering. Scope of soil engineering. Comparison and difference between soil and rock. Basic Definitions and Relationships-Soil as three-phase system in terms of weight, volume, voids ratio, and porosity.
Definitions: moisture content, unit weights, degree of saturation, voids ratio, porosity, specific gravity, mass specific gravity, etc. Relationship between volume weight, voids ratio- moisture content, unit weight- percent air voids, saturation- moisture content, moisture content- specific gravity etc. Determination of various parameters such as: Moisture content by oven dry method, pycnometer, sand bath method, torsional balance method,nuclear method, alcohol method and sensors. Specific gravity by density bottle method, pycnometer method, measuring flask method.
Unit weight by water displacement method, submerged weight method, core-cutter method, sand-replacement method.

Module 2: Plasticity Characteristics of Soil - Introduction to definitions of: plasticity of soil, consistency limits-liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, plasticity, liquidity and consistency indices, flow & toughness indices, definitions of activity and sensitivity. Determination of: liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit. Use of consistency limits. Classification of Soils- Introduction of soil classification: particle size classification, textural classification, unified soil classification system, Indian standard soil classification system.
Identification: field identification of soils, general characteristics of soil in different groups.

Module 3: Permeability of Soil - Darcy’s law, validity of Darcy’s law. Determination of coefficient of permeability: Laboratory method: constant-head method, falling-head method.
Field method: pumping- in test, pumping- out test. Permeability aspects: permeability of stratified soils, factors affecting permeability of soil. Seepage Analysis- Introduction, stream and potential functions, characteristics of flow nets, graphical method to plot flow nets.

Module 4: Effective Stress Principle - Introduction, effective stress principle, nature of effective stress, effect of water table. Fluctuations of effective stress, effective stress in soils saturated by capillary action, seepage pressure, quick sand condition.

Module 5: Compaction of Soil-Introduction, theory of compaction, laboratory determination of optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. Compaction in field, compaction specifications and field control.

Module 6: Stresses in soils – Introduction, stresses due to point load, line load, strip load, uniformly loaded circular area, rectangular loaded area. Influence factors, Isobars, Boussinesq’s equation, Newmark’s Influence Chart. Contact pressure under rigid and flexible area, computation of displacements from elastic theory.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Soil Mechanics by Craig R.F., Chapman & Hall
2. Fundamentals of Soil Engineering by Taylor, John Wiley & Sons
3. An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, by Holtz R.D. and Kovacs, W.D., Prentice Hall, NJ
4. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, by Braja M. Das, Cengage Learning
5. Principles of Foundation Engineering, by Braja M. Das, Cengage Learning
6. Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics by David F. McCarthy
7. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice by Karl Terzaghi, Ralph B. Peck, and Gholamreza Mesri.
8. Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Civil and Environmental Engineering) by V.N.S. Murthy

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