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Engineering Chemistry (2019 pattern)
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Unit - 1 Water Technology
1.1 Water as a solvent
1.2 Dissolution of molecular solid
1.3 Dissolution of ionic solids
1.4 Dissolution of gases
1.5 Hardness
1.6 Types of hardness
1.7 EDTA method
1.8 Units of hardness
1.9 Alkalinity of water
1.11 Corrison
1.12 Priming and foaming
1.13 Caustic Embrittlement
1.14 Sludge formation
1.15 Scales
1.16 Zeolite processes
1.17 Demineralization method.
Unit - 2 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
2.2 pHmetry Introduction standardization of pH meter pH metric titration of strong acid versus strong base with titration curve.
2.3 Conductometry Introduction conductivity cell conductometric titrations of acid versus base with titration curve.
Unit - 3 Engineering Materials
3.1 Speciality polymers Introduction preparation properties and applications of the followingpolymers
3.2 Nanomaterials Introduction classification of nanomaterials based on dimensions zerodimensional onedimensional twodimensional and threedimensional structure properties and applications of graphene and carbon nanotubes quantum dots semiconductor nanoparticles.
Unit - 4 Fuels
4.1 Introduction definition classification of fuel based on chemical reactions and characteristics of an ideal fuel
4.2 Calorific value CV Higher calorific value HCV and Lower calorific value LCV Determination of Calorific value Principle construction and working of Bomb calorimeter and Boy’s gas calorimeter and numericals
4.3 Solid fuel Coal Analysis of CoalProximate and Ultimate analysis
4.4 Liquid fuel Petroleum Refining of petroleum crude oil and composition boiling range and uses of various fractions
4.5 Gaseous fuel Composition properties and applications of CNG. Hydrogen gas as a future fuel
4.6 Alternative fuels Power alcohol and biodiesel.
Unit - 5 Spectroscopic Techniques
5.1 UVVisible Spectroscopy Introduction
5.2 Infrared Spectroscopy Introduction
Unit - 6 Corrosion Science
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Types of corrosion – Dry and Wet corrosion
6.3 Mechanism of dry corrosion
6.4 Nature of oxide films and PillingBedworth’s rule
6.5 Wet corrosion – mechanism hydrogen evolution and oxygen absorption
6.6 Galvanic cell corrosion
6.7 Concentration cell corrosion
6.8 Methods of corrosion control and prevention cathodic and anodic protection
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Other Subjects of level-1
Engineering mathematics – ii
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Basic electronics engineering (2019 pattern)
Programming and problem solving (2019 pattern)
Systems in mechanical engineering (2019 pattern)
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